
After I Loved You

"It's because of Mark isn't it?"

Your brain was screaming Yes! But then you remembered that Mark had just confessed his feelings for Jess for you. You bit your tongue, "Look Eric that doesn't matter right now. I-I'll think about it." You said before pushing his softly out the door.

"So is that a maybe?" Eric's face was hopeful and you couldn't help but sigh. "Maybe. Bye Eric." You mumbled and closed the door behind you. "What just happened." You sighed. Just as you were getting up there was another knock. You felt the butterflies in your belly, you had enough excitement for the night.

"(Y/N)! Guess what?!" You flinched upon hearing a high pitched voice. "Oh hey Jess" you smiled weakly. "Guess what?!" She jumped up before walking in. "What?" You asked hesitantly. "Mark asked me out! Like after you left he and I were talking and he just kissed me! And then he said he loved me!" She put her hands to her face.

As she was swooning you felt as though you were dying. "Really? Wow! I'm so happy for you!" You forced a congratulations. "Oh god. You could at least mean it! Gosh it seems like you love Mark!" You smiled weakly, and Jess stared at you. "Do you?! Well that would be stupid!" She laughed and you forced a smile and laughed with her. "No. I don't." You said. Jess slightly punched your arm. "You and your jokes. Well gotta go dear! Just wanted to tell you the events!"

After the door clicked you allowed yourself to feel. You slowly fell to the floor as the tears spilled out of your eyes. "But I do love Mark." You whispered as you sobbed. Who knew it could be so heart breaking to know the person you loved didn't love you.

The weeks after finding out that Mark and Jess were a couple you avoided them. You knew you couldn't stomach seeing them together. You were angry that Mark had played your feelings with the almost kiss and light flirting. You were mad that Jess was the one he loved. And you were mad at yourself because you actually were not mad, but sad.

"(Y/N)!" You jumped when your name was called. You turned and smiled your first smile in ages at Jackson. He practically tackled you. "I missed you! Where in the world have you been?!" He whined into your neck. After prying him off you giggled. "I've been... Busy" your lame response caused Jackson to give you a look.

"(Y/N)!" BamBam's voice caught everyone's attention. "Hey guys" you waved and smiled slightly. "Where have you been?!" BamBam cried and swallowed you into a bear hug. You sighed into his chest. "I-I'll tell you later." You whispered and BamBam stiffened. He looked down at you and moved a piece of hair from your face. "Hey, you okay?" He whispered and all you could do was smile.

"Gross you guys look like a old couple!" Jackson whined and pulled you two apart. And he hugged you and before anyone could say anything else, you felt yourself pulled into a familiar warmth. "Actually she's mine." Eric flashed everyone a smile.

"W-what?" Your heart churned at Mark's voice. "Guys uhh I got back together with Eric." You looked at the floor refusing to look at anyone, especially Mark. "What?" BamBam growled lightly. "(Y/N) is my girlfriend." Eric smirked pulling you tighter. Mark clenched his fist, he was not expecting this.

"Markipoo! Let's go!" You glanced up just enough to see Jess link arms with him. "Come on babe." Eric smiled and you nodded. Why has you decided to get back with him? Oh yeah cause You needed to forget Mark. Everyone in the group was quiet as you guys left school and walked home.

BamBam kept glancing at you, worry written all over his face. Jackson was glaring daggers into Eric's head. And Mark was staring at you, a painful look on his face. It was about time for you and Mark to go down your street when Eric suggested he walk you home. "Uhm no it's fine. I can manage." You said before hurrying back home.

"(Y/N)" you heard a Mark all you and you decided to ignore him. "(Y/N)!" He called once more and you decided to just plug in your earphones. Hoping he would get the message. You assumed he had left for home when you walked up the steps to your door. You were about to get your keys when you were turned around. "What the-" "How many times do I have to call you?!" Mark's voice was annoyed.

"Not much, if I want to see you." You spat. He furrowed his eyebrows. "What do you-" "I can't do this Mark. Okay. I can't do the jealousy thing. I can't do the flirting. And I definitely cant do the one sided love!" You took a deep breath in. There it was all out, everything was out in the open.

"O-one sided love?" Mark feared you had found out that he liked you. "Yes. I've had these feelings for you for a while. And I didn't want to impose because you liked Jess. And when you told her that you liked her I was broken. But I had made peace with it, sort of, and then out of the blue you began acting differently. And then the slight flirting and the almost kiss. My stupid hopes flew sky high only to crash when I realized you still liked Jess. And now  I know I mean nothing to you." You words died down in your throat.

"Oh (Y/N), I-i *sigh* I don't know what you mean to me but I know it's definitely not nothing." Mark's reply was soft & sincere. He was about to reach out and hug you but you stepped back. "We'll figure it out. Because I don't want to be the second option." You spat before going inside.

Mark stood out there and Ruffled his hair. "Damn! How the did it come down to this. Ugh!" He slammed his fist on the porch post before walking home. "I gotta fix this" was the only thought in his mind as he looked back at your house.


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