Dark Night

Red Eyes

Yulyeong was located in the province of Gangwon, around sixty-two miles away from Seoul and nestled in the Taebaek mountains. During the last forty years, the town, flourishing in the past, knew several economic crisis and saw a certain number of its factories close. Besides, an epidemic spread and men dropped like flies. This disease was called Hirudinea because of the lack of blood in the victims' bodies. Many of the inhabitants chose to desert the area, considered as cursed according to some popular rumors. Only the bravest or craziest remained, hoping to see their city flourish again. A few years later, the miracle happened thanks to these rumors which tempted a lot of tourists and amateurs of supernatural phenomenoms. A new business set up.

Never has a city been so appropriately named.*



The time of day that Yujin prefered was the night. When the sun had set and the inhabitants went back home, Yulyeong took a special appearance. The empty streets and the flickered lights of the street lamp made it look like a ghost town. Everything seemed unreal and frozen as if time stood still, as if Earth stopped spinning, as if the day would never dawn again. Even the mess of the street, mostly packaging of food on the ground and trash bags, seemed to be at its place. Despite the run-down neighborhood, Yujin wasn't scared. Having grown up in the Cursed Town, she quiclky got used to the atmosphere and even learned to appreciate it. When her parents' screams reached her or when she was feeling the need to clear her mind, the young girl opened her window and slipped outside in order to lose her way in the maze of narrow streets.

This night wasn't different from the others : Yujin decided to sneak out when she heard the first shouts resonating in the house.

She grabbed a grey sweatshirt and put it on over her pajama shirt before opening the window of her room. She then turned off the light, sat on the edge of the sill and looked over her shoulder, making sure that the pillows she arranged under her blanket were well-positioned and were forming the illusion of a sleeping body.

Then, she jumped.

The young girl put her hood over her head, then her hands in the pockets of her sweater and moved off. The moon, at its quarter, was hidden by thick clouds, the sky rumbled and Yujin wondered how long she could stay outside before it rains. After having walked for ten minutes in the main road, she forked right, almost automatically, and went down the slope. Her steps were leading her to the east district of the town, the Mirrors Quarter. Every of its streets was alike and it was absolutely impossible to be able to know where you were if you weren't born in the area. Mirrors have been placed in some dead-end and mislead the passers-by. Once again, only the residents of Yulyeong knew which were the real passages and which were the fake ones. Pieces of wood and yellow stripes "No access" were plastered on the doors and the windows of the buildings. Actually, this part of the town have been the first affected by the Hirudinea epidemic and was almost entirely deserted.

A hotel had been set up in a building at the entrance of the district, for the tourists who enjoyed spending their time in the atypical streets. The neon sign that was coming off the wall only said "hel" and Yujin, while passing by, thought that irony had done well. She had heard the foreigners talk about the curse of Yulyeong, devils, evil spirits, even vampires a hundred times and had to hold back her laugh every time. Yujin, although she was an inhabitant of the ghost-town, didn't believe in these things and remained sceptical. Everything had a rational explanation according to her and she hated heard people speak about supernatural creatures as if they were real. These stories were only tales for children, to make them obedient. Nothing more. 

 Yujin went further in the alley, huming her favorite song, Railroad Track by Willy Moon, and brushed her hand against the walls. After a while, she closed her eyes and let her steps guide her, knowing all the paths. When not at school, she showed the tourist the town, the most popular places despite her reluctance to reveal the secrets of Yulyeong : she didn't want to listen to their theory about ghosts nor bad spells. After a short time, the young girl stopped singing and counted the number of stairs that was leading her in narrower alleys, still decorated with mirrors, and amused herself glaring at her reflect, making funny face she could hardly see. She finally made a halt at the intersection of two streets, sat on a wooden bench placed against the wall of an old house and enjoyed the tranquility of the night. She thought of her miserable evening but reassure herself : her parents should be calm by now and perhaps, it was time to go back home. If she liked the fresh air of the outside, she prefered the heat of her bed and already saw herself wrapped up in the blankets.

Yujin suddenly turned her head to the right when she heard something, like hurrying footsteps, which destroyed the harmony. But the street was empty. There wasn't a soul. The girl wondered if it was just the product of her imagination because the Mirrors Quarter wasn't much frequented at night, except by some rats and herself. And she sincerely doubted that the rats were as noisy when they were running. It strengthened her wish to go home.

"must be an animal" she mumbled as she started walking, without noticing the shadow hovering over her. 

Oh sweetheart, you don't know how much you're right.



The night was like any other night in autumn, the path hadn't change and the reasons why she sneaked out neither. Nothing was different, yet, she felt that something was wrong. A strange feeling was rising in her body as she was walking in the alleys. She went for a walk x times in the streets of the Mirrors Quarter but the sensation was no longer the same. That night, the darkness became her biggest worry and she feared that she would see a creature she didn't believe in. "What's happening to me ?" She thought as she shook her head, after checking for the nth time if the coast was clear. The noise she had heard before was playing in her mind : she was hearing it again and again, everytime more clearly than the previous one, as if the thing were getting closer. Yujin sincerely hoped she was alone, like any other night. But the lump in her stomach didn't seem to disappear, as if her body felt a presence.

It was not Yujin who didn't like sport, it was the sport that didn't like the girl. She enjoyed watching karate tournaments, viewed the gymnasts on their uneven bars with envy, she loved to swim, to play volleyball. However and despite all her efforts – and god knew she did her part – she didn't obtain great results : balloons always slipped out of her hands, rackets seemed to be holed and the team she was a member of lost every time. It was no use : Yujin at sports.

But, when she felt a warm breath on the back of her neck and a hand be placed on her shoulder, she ignored her weak physical condition and did what anyone would have done if they were in her shoes : running away. She screamed, freed herself from his grip without turning her head and started to run as fast as she could. But her attempt to flee miserably failed, which was predictable when one had two left feet and a very bad coordination, when she stepped on her own lace, causing her fall and clearing any trace of adrenaline in her body. She didn't even hold herself up, only turned her head. Her cheek crushed against the cobblestone and Yujin groaned in pain. She started to sit up when a pair of black Dr.Martens came in her field of vision and stood in front of her. The brunette slowly lifted up her head, scanning the figure that overhanged her body. Her eyes met two orbs shining with a strange and indescribable glow. She almost mechanically stood up again, entirely mesmerised by the stranger's iris. The latter passed a hand through his hair and whispered words with a crooning tone, his voice sounded like a melody Yujin couldn't catch the lyrics. She stepped fowards and extended her neck as if she was attracted by an invisible force. But the young man suddenly stopped talking and turned his head, scanning their surroundings as if he was searching for something. The spell was broken and Yujin regained her initial position, blushing because of the sudden proximity with a stranger. She averted her eyes, staring at her reflection in one of the mirror fixed on the wall and at... Nothing else. The mirror only reflected her figure. She met the intriguing look of her reflection, her eyebrows furrowed. It only took her a second to realize.

Her eyes widened because of the sudden horror. Yujin slowly turned her head towards the man – more like, towards the creature. The lips she found attractive before were now deformed by a smirk. She stared at his face. And caught hell in his blood-red eyes.

Without letting her the slighest chance of escaping, he leapt on her, throwing them to the ground and crushing her body with his. Yujin was struggling, hitting his chest, scratching his face but he managed to avoid all her attacks, trapping her wrists above her head with one hand, showing her neck with the other. Yujin's cry died in as Byun Baekhyun sticked his fangs in the soft flesh. The warm blood squirted in his mouth. Her fear gave the beverage an exquisite taste and the vampire moaned in pleasure as he took a deep draft the carmine liquid that was pouring down her neck.



The sounds of suction were unbearable. Her whole body shouted "pain" yet she was unable to move. Moreover, Baekhyun was firmly gripping her, his nails sinking in her chin or crushing her wrist bones. Blood was sticking her clothes against her body and it became increasingly hard to breath because of the weight on top of her. Black spots appeared in her field of vision. Yujin was sure she was living her last moments. The lights were slowly fading. "Mum... Dad..." She closed her eyes, the image of her family drawn behind her closed eyelids. She then imagined the reaction of the one who would perhaps discover her body: would they link her death to a new case of the epidemic Hirudinea or would the tourists establish an hypothesis about vampires?

The pressure on her hands seemed to lighten and the moves of his lips against her skin slowed down. "I don't want to die now" whispered Yujin as she thought about all the things she wouldn't be able to live : graduating from high school, going to college, having a boyfriend, joining her family for a future christmas...

The young girl snapped her eyes open while clenching her jaw. Everything then went faster : gathering all her strengh, she abruptly freed her hands from the boy's grip, who lifted his head, surprised by her sudden resistance. Yujin did something even more surprising. She opened and closed it on the first thing she found. She gripped what was in fact his shoulder as thight as she could, almost tearing a piece of his skin as she pushed him away. The girl rolled onto her stomach and started to move, unable to stand up for now. Without realising it, tears were rolling down her cheeks as she was crawling on the floor, leaving a clear streak of blood on the ground.

"You know what? I like to play games." His loud voice resonated behind her. Yujin kept moving, even if it was hard.

"So I'll give you 'til the count of hundred. And when I'm done, I'll come and get you."


"Be careful, sweetheart, 'cause as soon as I catch you..."


"...You'll beg me to kill you."

It was just a whisper, yet it made her shiver. Her whole body was shaking in fear. She forced herself to move faster and further. Her sobs increased and she had to cover to drown out the noise. She leant against the wall and got up, not without some difficulty. Her steps were reluctant and she wasn't sure what way was the shortest. She thought she would never find her way back home.

She felt weak. Numb.

Mirrors started to whisper as she walked past them. Shadows started to sing you'll beg me to kill you. Cold sweat ran down her spine. She felt dizzy but she kept walking.

"Death is the only salvation you'll feel" A sweet voice echoed in the dark alleys. Yujin gasped, scanning her surroundings. She quickened her pace, stumbling onwards. "Please, someone... Help me" she thought, fearing the beast who was chasing her. She knew he was near, she felt it. Her mind was in alert, her body sent her signals like "run now !".

She heard the footsteps behind her. She heard him shooting in some cans, calling for her name "Sweetheart" the voice said. "This is the end." she mentally cried as she kept walking.

The deeper she went, the darker it became and Yujin sincerely hoped the darkness could hide her. She turned right then flattened herself against the wall of an old building, holding her breath and keeping her ears opened.

Minutes had passed since the noise stopped but the silence that settled on was worse. Her heart beated loudly and the constant drips of blood seemed intensified. The young girl slightly titled her head, trying to figure if the way was cleared. Fortunately, it was but she didn't feel relieved for all that. "Where did he go ?" she asked herself before closing her eyes because of the sharp stabbing pain in her neck.


Yujin gasped and stumbled, falling backwards, her eyes widened in pure horror.

Byun Baekhyun emerged from the darkness, a smirk playing on his bloody lips. He took a step forwards, enjoying the fear that arose in her body. He could feel it hope was progressively leaving her eyes and he was delighted.

"Please..." she begged, trying to move back.

He took another step towards her, inhaling the metallic smell of blood that filled the air.

The game lasted for a long time but was now over.

The prey was trapped, at the mercy of the hunter.

Byun Baekhyun his lips, watching Yujin like a hawk, like he was going to tear her limb from limb. He showed his pointed canines before pouncing on the young girl, ready to devour her.

That was until he saw a black blood drop flow out of .

His body froze, his mouth slightly ajar. The vampire stared at Yujin, whose tears were coming out of her closed eyes and running down her face.

How ?

He touched his shoudler where she bit him, slowly realising what was happening. He stood up and retreat in the darkness, leaving the poor girl alone. One thought was crossing his mind as he watched her from far.


Her changing had begun.


*Yulyeong means "ghost"



Sorry for any mistakes.

I hope you enjoyed ! Please tell me what you think in comments :)

Happy B-day Baekhyun ♥

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Chapter 5: You make a good story. Please continue to translate it
Chapter 5: I think ive found my new favorite story! Please update soon ^-^
Chapter 5: Please continue the good work.
vaish1880 #4
Chapter 5: Oh my gosh... You're back!!
Chapter 4: Thank you! T^T
saratroetsch #6
Please continue! I love it so much
vaish1880 #7
omg..... this is so goooood................
manoorah #8
Chapter 3: I admit that I LOVED this fic since I read the forward itself and after reading the first chapters I LOVE it even more ! This is a well-written vampire fic and the vampire is no one but Baekhyun which is making it better (get slapped for being biased) . I am talking seriously , I even knew a lot about vampires just by reading and that was when I realised that whatever I had in mind about them was nothing compared to what you wrote ! you made it seem more interesting and fascinating and I LOVE it ! (just how many times did I say it already)
BBHexoL #9
Chapter 2: I LOVE THIS PLEASE CONTINUE!!!!!! ❤️❤️
lunalemonhope #10
Chapter 2: this is so interesting omfg