still a long way to go


They’re the Dream Team. The Dynamic Duo. The Perfect Pair. The Terrible Two. The Indomitable Oh Sehun and Do Kyungsoo.  


Pairing: Sehun/Kyungsoo

Rating: PG-13 (for one teeny tiny curse)

Genre: Tennis!au

Length: 1467

A/N: Sehun’s birthday advent drabble two! (Check here for previous parts)

 This is for the liking/friendship type of love, according to the Triangular theory of love proposed by Sternberg. Friendship basically refers to the friendship we all know, a sense of closeness, bonding and affection towards each other in a non-romantic way.

Yep, WAY too many sports anime

A series of 8 oneshots, each with Sehun and another member in scenarios and relationships based on the 8 types of love as developed by Sternberg in his Triangular theory of Love! In short, he suggests that there are 3 components to love: intimacy, passion and commitment, and combinations of the presence or absence of these components leads to the following 8 types of love:

nonlove (absence of all three)

liking/friendship (only intimacy)

infatuated love (only passion)

empty love (only commitment)

romantic love (intimacy+passion)

companionate love (intimacy+commitment)

fatuous love (passion+commitment)

consummate love ( presence of all 3,i.e. intimacy+passion+commitment)

Read more about this theory here! (and if you don’t want to, don’t worry, every oneshot will be accompanied by a brief introduction)

A drabble a day keeps our lovely maknae’s birthday less away~^^


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Chapter 1: this reall is so so cute <3
Chapter 1: A beautifully written one shot!
Chapter 1: Yehet! Ohorat! ❤
Katelynchan #4
Chapter 1: Good i guess but i really loked it keep on going ~chu