Lost Love : Minhyun Fic

Lost Love

It is an undeniable truth that when the heart yearns so strongly for someone lost, it will not rest until they are found once more. For years, Minhyun had searched; through deep jungles, across wild oceans, beyond forbidding forests and now in the icy chaos of the lands he now found himself in. He was not sure what his love was doing residing in such treacherous conditions but all he knew was that this was where his journey had led him. Minhyun was not about to give up, not when he was so close…

Snow blinded his vision as Minhyun pushed through, one arm up in front of him in an effort to protect himself from the blizzard. The bitterness of the cold was uncomparable to anything he had ever felt before, but his resolve was stronger and his heart unwavering. Although he could not deduce which direction he was heading towards, he pinned his hopes on chance and ultimately fate; there was nothing left but to blindly trust his instincts.

Gradually, the blizzard began to tame itself. Minhyun stopped, planting his feet firmly into the ground beneath him. Then, he reached up and pulled his snow goggles down, inhaling deeply and allowing the crisp, fresh air to fill his lungs. The falling snow began to cease almost instantaneously, leaving behind a thick white fog which surrounded him, swallowing him whole. Visibility was poor and there were no objects near him to determine precisely where he was. Minhyun sighed, his heart sinking for the first time since he had set off on this quest. Perhaps he had been misguided or misled. Perhaps he had been wrong all along. Perhaps…

The thoughts were quenched quickly by a beam of light which caught him unaware. Turning his head away, Minhyun lifted his arm up to block the intense glow. Where was its source? Squinting, he peered through the spaces between his fingers. He could not quite decipher it at first but as the fog began to clear, shapes began to form in the near distance. Eventually he could see clearly that the shapes he was seeing were in fact the makings of a small chalet, perched precariously at the edge of a steep hill.

Eyes widening, Minhyun plunged his hand inside the pocket of his coat and pulled out a crumpled piece of paper. So frequently had it been looked upon that when he opened it up, it seemed likely that it would fall apart at its folds. The scrawled writing and images on the paper however were the key and as Minhyun re-read the directions and scanned the drawings, he looked back up towards the chalet and smiled. He had found it.

Hastily, Minhyun refolded the paper and replaced it before running up the hill, stumbling as he did so and falling into the soft sheet of snow. When he finally reached the stairs leading to the front door, he raced up them, gripping the wooden railings as he did so to prevent himself from slipping. Two flights of stairs and he was there, standing in front of the door. Raising his fist he stared up at the wooden frame and hesitated momentarily. For years he had dreamt of this moment. He only hoped that it had not been in vain.

Heart pounding against his chest, Minhyun knocked. Then he waited, patiently, for you to let him in…

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Chapter 1: This is good fic. ^^
Chapter 1: ahh so cute! <3