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Chapter 04

I wiped the beads of sweat that had broken on my forehead, no, I cannot afford to be nervous.Not now.Not when I was this far into the game.I turned around slowly to face him and all of a sudden I was transported back to those days,all those years ago when we were together.I thought I was prepared to meet him, but nothing could prepare me for the gut-wrenching heartache that shuddered through me.Half of me wanted to run towards him and hug, and the other half of me wanted to beat him to death.That face! And those eyes! How could I forget them,those eyes that pretended to love me and those very eyes that had left me hanging! I was jolted back to the present when he awkwardly coughed,probably trying to catch my attention and all at once the shutters came down and I could feel myself withdrawing into my shell.

Mask on, I said “Hello, I am Phoenix” making sure that my voice had that Japanese accent to it, the one which I had perfected over the years.

I could see Chanyeol’s eyes widening as he took me in, while I still waited for any trace of recognition to grace his features.

Only to be disappointed.

Gesturing towards the seats, he said “Why don’t we sit and talk?” acting every part like the perfect gentleman he makes everyone think he is. Only I knew better....

I was surprised when he pulled my chair for me causing an uncensored giggle to escape my mouth.

“What’s funny?” he asked pleasantly, moving to the chair opposite to mine.

This whole bizarre situation is what is funny, I thought.But of course, I couldn’t say that. “Just...I never expected the person I would be paired up with to be this chivalrous” I complimented.

“Oh.. is that so?” he looked down bashfully “in that case I wonder what will you think of these..” he said as he proceeded to pick something previously hidden under the table.

A bunch of red tulips.

He looked at me expectantly as he held the flowers, but I was too stunned to make any movement.These were my flowers, our flowers.



“Roses?” Baekhyun asked.

“Naah roses are too cliche’ besides, she hates the smell of roses” I said looking around the flower shop.Chanyeol and I, out of the goodness of heart decided to accompany our common friend Byun Baekhyun to the flower shop to help him choose the flowers for the girl he was going to confess to.

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hcanarda #1
Totally need something as angsty as this
hcanarda #2
Totally need something as angsty as this