Reminiscences......First meeting

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Chapter 02

I was staring at the clouds from my window seat on the plane heading towards Korea. Though I had everything planned out,I still cannot help but feel nervous.More than anything else, I was nervous the most about seeing him after ten years.These were ten very long years.And it bothered me that he still had the ability to affect me in this way.Thinking about those stupid teenage days ten years back still made my heart beat speed up and throat constrict.

I hated it.

I stared at the clouds,remembering the first time I met him....




It was one of those warm summer evenings when time seems to stand still and people moved with a lazy grace.One of those days where everything seemed mellow in the pastel orange glow created by the setting sun,the time when fireflies come out to play. And the golden aura on everything only encouraged me to hum louder as I skipped on the pavement oblivious to the weird stares the passerby’s directed towards me. First day of summer holidays was officially here and no one was more excited than me.As the building came into view,I could not but help squeal in excitement.Getting selected in the Han dance academy was no joke and I was lucky enough to make the cut.We would be trained all summer in various dance forms so that by August we will be ready to perform in front of the Entertainment Agencies,which usually held there auditions in August.

I forgot how to breathe wh

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hcanarda #1
Totally need something as angsty as this
hcanarda #2
Totally need something as angsty as this