Make Me Hear Again

to begin again

“are you done with work?”


the jangling of the keys echoed throughout the parking lot with every swing of her hand. the clacking of her heels, however, were not silenced. with her phone against her ear, wheein unlocks her car with a push of a button, the beeping sound indicating it received the signal to open.


“yeah. i’m on my way to the car. why?”


once in the car, wheein lets out a sigh. inside was deafening silence. wheein does not start the engine right away. instead, she slumps and leans on the leather seat with the back of her head pressed against the headrest. today was tiring; her boss seemed to have a knack for doing things the last minute.


“can you pick me up tonight?” the question was short yet wheein could hear the fear of rejection, of her saying no blatantly, creeping around every letter that slipped past her lips.


“sure,” pinching the bridge of her nose, wheein later starts massaging it with gentleness.


“where are you?”

“here at eric’s place,”


the name makes wheein snap her tired eyes open.



yongsun hums.

“why are you there?”

“he invited me over for dinner,”

“dinner,” wheein repeats under her breath in a scoff. without her realizing it, she rolls her eyes.


“yeah. it’s been awhile since we last saw each other,”


there is a reason why you haven't seen each other for a long time.


“i’ll be there in a few,”


without procracstinating, she twists the keys and wakes the engine with a roar. “since when did they start contacting each other again,” wheein asks particularly no one, finally making her way towards the road she despised.




“are you sure it’s just dinner?”


wheein asks once yongsun settles into the passenger seat with the help of oh so amazing eric. with one hand gripping on the wheel, wheein cranes her neck to greet the man. she had to be polite anyway. “thank you,”


“no problem,” eric smiles and raises a hand to wave.


“it was nice hanging out with you again, yongsun-ah. don’t be a stranger, all right?”


yongsun smiles, wheein knows despite the latter faced away from her. her cheeks raised. yongsun’s cheeks had always been fluffy.


“you too eric! see you soon!”


wheein waits for eric to step aside before stepping on the gas.


“it was just dinner. why?” yongsun finally answers wheein’s hanging question casually, without fear nor anxiousness.


there is bitterness in wheein’s words when she answers with, “you don't usually doll up unless something happened important,”


yongsun chuckles. snapping her head towards the cheerful girlfriend, wheein finds herself looking back at the road just as quickly. “c’mon. i have to look human when i meet other humans, right?”


wheein gives up. there is no use in arguing with yongsun. furthermore, she is driving and the last thing she needs is a distraction.


“can you pass by the drive thru?”

“i thought you already had dinner?”

“yeah. but i haven't eaten ice cream yet,”

“ice cream?”


yongsun was silent yet wheein knew what was happening. she was most probably nodding like a toddler would, her lips pressed tightly together causing her fluffy cheeks to puff. “it’s past ten. it isn't really healthy to have ice cream at this time,”


“yeah but smoking isn't healthy for you either,”


wheein hates it when yongsun is correct. with no choice, she drives towards the nearest mcdonald’s branch. every now and then, wheein would turn her head to glance at yongsun. yongsun stared out the window the whole time, hand idle by the side of the leather chair.




“you want some?”


wheein spots yongsun extending her arm to offer the ice cream in the corner of her eyes, fingers gingerly wrapped around the cone. she looks just like a toddler holding her ice cream, only with one hand. a parent wouldn't advice their toddler to hold their ice cream cone with one hand. hell no, it might spill.


adorable, wheein thinks with a smile, finally driving on their way home.


wheein had forgotten just how much she adores yongsun. sure, she is older. but there is this thing about her that makes wheein think and see otherwise.


the way she the ice cream on the corner of , the way she wipes the back of her palm to clean her lips -- this isn't something a twenty six year old would do. and yet there yongsun is, using the hem of her sleeve to wipe her lips.


“you will dirty your shirt if you keep doing that,”

she hears yongsun hum. she is most probably glaring at the driver. “i told you to keep tissues in the car,”


wheein shrugs, stepping on the break when she reaches the corner of their street. “i never needed them,”


yongsun then turns silent. probably too focused on her cold treat.


five minutes away from their apartment, yongsun croaks again, with a munch. she is almost done with her ice cream. “hey, i wanna visit somewhere,”


wheein doesn't stop the car, instead she slowed down. “yongsun, it’s almost midnight. i’m tired,”




yongsun’s eyes were begging. wheein knew that this has something to do with the two months thing again. with a defeated sigh, wheein maneuvers the car back to the road where they came from.


“wipe your mouth. you still have ice cream on your lips,”




“are we even allowed to be here at this time?”


before wheein could even pull over, yongsun had already ran out of the car.


well there goes the toddler.


wheein heaves out a sigh as she steps out of the car. instantly, the warm ocean breeze hits her, some of her locks brushing and hitting her face with gentleness. she could hear the waves hitting the shore.


“should i leave the headlights on?”


wheein asks particularly no one. before her is an ocean, she forgot its name but she knew this is yongsun’s favorite beach. the sand isn't that fine but acceptable. inside the car were yongsun’s shoes. she left her shoes.


wise. soon, she is stripping her shoes as well, rolling the hem of her jeans up to avoid getting it wet.


she leaves the doors of the car open, the lights illuminating straight towards the ocean. yongsun strayed out of the light however, just by the side.


sighing, wheein stayed comfortable in her seat, arms crossed before her chest.


then wheein stares.


yongsun sat on the sand, just by the shore. or was it on the shore- wheein couldn't tell. knowing yongsun, the thought of wetting her clothes didn't faze her. black locks were dancing along the wind and despite being a few meters away, she could see yongsun was hanging her head low.


yongsun loved the sea. “there is something about it that calms me down, you know?” she remembers yongsun saying when they first visited the beach together.


“unnie! come on! you will wet your clothes!” wheein tries calling the older woman but yongsun showed no signs of care. nor did she show signs that she heard the younger.


“i can't leave the car!”


yongsun turns around with a goofy grin gracing her lips. her smile was vibrant, just like how the sun would do to the sunflowers that begged for its light.


how could she not when happiness is right there with her. although in the car.


“come here! no one is around anyway!”

“monsters might come out!”


yongsun laughs at the absurd thought. dusting her clothes, she makes her way closer to wheein, a hand open for her to take. “i'll protect you from the monsters,”


wheein snorts. protect from the monsters, she mocks. “what are you, some kind of superhuman?”


“well you can't be super and human you know. it’s either you’re human or super,” yongsun wriggles her fingers with evident impatience.


“come on,” wheein stares at yongsun in her eyes. despite the darkness surrounding them, shadows hugging all possible places except the light striking towards the ocean, wheein could see the radiance in yongsun’s eyes.


they were bright -- blinding even, but surely only wheein could see it. it shines blindingly strong only when they’re directed at wheein. and maybe wheein is already blind from staring too long.


she loves it when yongsun looks at her like that.


“do i have a choice?” not even waiting for wheein to step out, yongsun tugs on the hand.


“hey! calm down! oh my god, you’re going to break my arm!”


but wheein is laughing. the wind is strong and it makes their hair tangle with each other but they didn't mind. all they could focus on was how their fingers rubbed against each other, palms providing warmth in fight of the cold breeze.


wheein glances back at the car, the thought of leaving it alone making her uncomfortable. then she sees the trails of footsteps behind. two pairs of feet headed towards one direction.


“what’s so special about this place?” wheein asks when yongsun finally decides to stand just by the shore.


yongsun doesn't answer but wheein waits. yongsun was staring right across the horizon, the reflection of the moon against the glass like liquid making the line evident. wheein spots some of the city lights from there, like fireflies only stuck in the black canvas.


“there is something about it that calms me down, you know?” yongsun speaks without giving wheein a glance.


“really? i don't know. i just hear the waves hitting the shore. and maybe that it’s dark. i mean, i still see our shadows but that’s because of the headlight of my car,”


wheein hears yongsun chuckle. after feeling a tug, wheein spots the girl settle on the sand, the salty water stopping just by their toes. “unnie, if we sit here, we will get wet,”


“it’s okay. some sea water is healthy,”


wheein obliges, shoulder hitting yongsun's on the process. “you're only looking at it subjectively,”


“how else am i supposed to look at it,”

“just listen,”


and wheein listens.


she hears nothing. just the wind whistling, the waves moving (and dangerously close to their feet) and the distant honks of city cars.


besides that, nothing.


in doubt, wheein turns her head to protest at yongsun again. however she sees her with eyes closed. “what do you hear?” wheein whispers, fearing her voice would interrupt whatever heaven she must be listening to.


“my heart,” wheein listens, eyes memorizing the way those pair of tiers moved. “i’m listening to the waves- how it hits the sand. i think i can hear the fish swimming too,” wheein giggles. “amazing, you have better hearing than superman,”


yongsun doesn't smile. “i hear the way the wind is moving, left to right. i hear my heart again,” wheein finally moves her head, eyes staring right at the end of the world, just at the barrier of water and sky.


“i hear how it's beating calmly. i hear how it feels safe. i can hear how it skips a beat whenever our eyes meet only to return to normal after a second. i hear strums of guitar, i hear a piano,” wheein laughs again, although this time she kept silent.


she is starting to hear her own heart as well.


“i hear how the cars speed down the highway. i hear police sirens. i hear everything, wheein. i hear how my heart beats only for you. i hear how my body yearns only for your touch, i hear my flesh growing older with you,”


wheein doesn't dare to look at yongsun. not now, not when she is starting to hear everything as well.


“i hear your thoughts; i hear you panicking because you can hear it too,” wheein swallows when she turns to face yongsun.


“i hear you saying you love me even though you don't mouth it. i hear you wanting to hug me- you’re the only one i hear,”


yongsun leans closer, resting her chin on wheein’s shoulder. she speaks again, this time in a whisper into wheein’s ear, lips brushing against the skin.


“i hear you wheein,”


wheein rests her head on yongsun’s forehead, a toothy smile on her face. “you're weird. i’m not even saying anything,”


they don’t say it but yongsun says 'i love you too’ in a whisper, arms snaking around wheein’s waist.


the wind isn't calm tonight and neither are the waves. the moon, however, is nowhere to be found. the ocean is pitch black and if it weren't for the headlights, wheein would miss yongsun’s sitting figure on the sand.


sitting beside yongsun, this time shoulder not bumping against each other, wheein settles down. “people still don't know about this place, huh. it’s like a hidden paradise,”


“i like it that way,” yongsun’s voice is weak but audible. “it makes this place our paradise,”


wheein finds the words childish. nonetheless, she agrees inside. but she won't voice it out. “the monsters probably have grown already,”


“how many years has it been?” wheein stays silent. “can you believe it’s been three years,”




“it’s been three years since we last visited this place,”

“we got busy,”

“life ,”

“it really does,”

“three years happened so fast,”


wheein’s voice is weak and it is as if the realization had just hit her; it’s been three years already.


three years since they have been together.


“do you still hear it?” wheein turns her head to face yongsun.


yongsun stares at the black glass despite speaking.


“do you still hear the cars? do you hear the waves? maybe the sand seeping into your clothes?”


wheein doesn't answer.


“i still hear my heart. i still hear the waves -- i hear my flesh growing older and older everyday with you. maybe this is just me aging,” yongsun chuckles but wheein keeps her vision straight at the black abyss.


“but even though i’m growing weaker, because of age of course, i still hear my heart beating strongly for you,” yongsun pauses. wheein doesn't know if she is just hearing things or she hears yongsun struggle in breathing.


“i still hear my fingers brushing against yours. you know, sometimes i think i have keen sense of hearing. but i’ve come to realize it’s just me repeating that same sound over and over that i’ve memorized it already,”


gradually, wheein notices yongsun’s voice weakening.


“i like how it sounds. i like how you sound beside me, i like how my heart pounds whenever i see you. you know, it beats harder this time,” wheein catches yongsun’s faint 'especially now’.


wheein doesn't turn her head but she glances at yongsun at the corner of her eyes.


she is smiling.


“i hear you, wheein.”


wheein’s heart starts to beat faster and within that moment, wheein hears herself as well.


“it isn't as clear as before, though. i remember hearing it vividly, almost like you whispering right next to me. i heard you whispering i love you to me; now it i think i’ve jumbled the words. i used to hear your heart beating so loud for me -- i would even laugh and tease you for it. you must’ve fallen really hard for me, huh.”


wheein recalls it but it felt ancient. it was as if it happened decades ago. and maybe yongsun hears wheein's current thoughts.


“you know,” yongsun finally turns her head, and wheein does the same, however she couldn't see the girl’s face clearly. only the contours of her face.


“i used to love telling you what i hear…” wheein always took her time in hearing things but before she could even do so, she hears a faint sob.


wheein hears yongsun crying.


“, i don't think i have the heart to voice them out,”


it’s the first time wheein heard something, and this is definitely the last. at least, she wants it to be the last.


she hears yongsun’s heart breaking, cracks gradually getting bigger with the pieces crumbling off the side. she hears the tears rolling down her cheeks, how her palm immediately wipes them away as if she hated it was even happening.


she hears yongsun crumbling.


and maybe yongsun hears wheein is collapsing.




“you should take a shower. i’m sure sand is still all over your clothes,”


wheein watches yongsun waddle along the hall and towards their room. “tell me when you’re done!”


with an okay from yongsun, wheein moves to settle on the couch, her blazer soon flying to the other sofa. she felt sticky from the ocean breeze, her hair even getting oily from that little trip.


one thing she didn't like when visiting the ocean.


then she hears vibration.


it was coming from her right and the only thing on her right was yongsun’s phone. wonder who is texting her at this time of night? ignoring it the first time, wheein turns onto the other side, back facing the gadget.


then she hears it again. and again. and again.


groaning, she sits on her bum and reaches for the phone, swiping it unlock. she sees multiple messages from numbers of people but there is one contact who had sent most messages.


'eric nam’ the name makes her eyes twitch and it took her ounces of self control not to open it.


sure, they're girlfriends- wait, they’re ex girlfriends. she shouldn't even be checking who were sending the messages.


sighing of defeat, she turns the phone silent. she is too nice for her own good.


it’s when wheein hears damp feet making their way closer that she turns her head, a tight lipped smile appearing on her face.


“your turn,”


the figure before wheein makes her gulp.


body clad with nothing but the towel, hair damp and droplets of water trickling down her neck, wheein finds herself staring at places like it is the first time.


“uhm… yeah -- by the way, your phone kept vibrating. you seem to be talking to a lot of people recently,”


yongsun grins like the kid she is despite wheein feeling completely the opposite. “yeah,”


“i think i saw most are from eric,” the evident dislike in wheein's voice made her heave out a sigh. wheein, keep your together.


“yeah. he must've really missed me,”


“go shower,”


wheein obliges however keeps her eyes on yongsun. she stared and noted how yongsun’s thumbs were quick in replying, a smile curving her lips.


i still don't like that guy.


a/n: i apologize for the (super long) delay. it has been hectic but rest assured, i am finally having time to update, yeah? comments and feedbacks are highly appreicaed. even though i don't have the time to answer to em all, you all can talk to me elsewhere, yeah? i really like your comments ;; also i apologize for the small characters that were supposed to be big, i wrote this on mobile ;;

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Chapter 4: author- nim this is so good just to be dropped pls update
zellybeans #2
Chapter 4: Please update soon 🥺
Mamamoo619 #3
It's 2021, and I'm still waiting for this story :< I hope you're doing fine, this story is so good and painful. I hope you're having a great day author-nim! U did well, and we'll wait for you! 💖
Chapter 4: I hope you will continue this story :(
Chapter 2: This is my fav angst wheesun ))):
sakumo #6
Chapter 4: It’s been so long after the last updated but your new chapter is the best as always!
Jelty6 #7
Chapter 4: Please update soon ....
Chapter 4: Is there something wrong with Solar? I feel like there’s something foreboding.
Chapter 4: I don't really get it what is the problem between them.. but i really hope this story end with happy ending at least...
tawangwagas #10
Chapter 4: I really cant wait for the next update authornim~ you are writing this so well!! ♡