


Word Count: 2071 [AFF];  2061 [MS Word]]


“Come on Nam,” I sighed. “Please pick up.”

“Hello hello! You have reached Nam Woohyun! Sorry I can’t answer your call right now. You can still leave me a message though! Just do so after the beep and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.”


Hello, it’s me. I was wondering if after all these years you’d like to meet; to go over everything. Ohmygod I just sang Adele, Woohyun ah. Seriously though. I’d really like to talk. No, I really need to talk. Please call back.”

I sighed again as I ended the call. I plopped down on my bed, my phone falling out of my hand and landing beside me. It has been what, three years? Three years since I last saw Woohyun in person. Why is that? Because every time I make the effort to see him, he clearly shows that he does not want to see me. Ever since that happened back in senior year it has never been the same.

They say that time's supposed to heal ya
But I ain't done much healing

The first few months after graduation was no better. We didn’t talk anymore, and it was partly my fault. I distanced myself from him, thinking that as time passed by we would go back to the way we were before. I gave myself time to reflect, and I gave him time to really be sure of what he said. But it didn’t go the way I wanted to.

Hello, can you hear me
I'm in California dreaming about who we used to be
When we were younger and free
I've forgotten how it felt before the world fell at our feet

I stared at the ceiling, remembering the times we had before everything went downhill. We laughed a lot, teased a lot, made a lot of great memories. I stood up and walked towards the glass doors that lead to the veranda of the house I shared with two of our friends from high school. I opened said doors and the afternoon breeze went past me gently as I looked at the afternoon Californian skyline.

“Hyung,” a voice behind me called. I didn’t need to turn around to know that the voice belonged to none other than Howon. “You okay?”

“Yeah,” I answered, not taking my eyes off of the view. “Do you need something, Howon ah?”

“I was just wondering,” he said, and I can hear him approaching behind me. “It’s almost sem break, do you plan on going back to Korea?”

There's such a difference between us
And a million miles

“I don’t know. I’d love to, but…” I trailed off as I finally turned to my right to look at my housemate.

Hello from the other side


I nodded.

I must have called a thousand times

“Hyung maybe he’s just busy to not answer your calls.” Howon offered.

To tell you I'm sorry for everything that I've done
But when I call you never seem to be home

I smiled sadly. “I guess.” Not really. I still believe that Woohyun was purposely ignoring me. He’s like that; he holds grudges. And what I did to him probably for him is unforgivable.

Hello from the outside
At least I can say that I've tried
To tell you I'm sorry for breaking your heart

“Look hyung, even if Woohyun is purposely ignoring you it’s already on him, not you. You’re actually trying here; trying to talk to him, to make up to him. If he doesn’t acknowledge that then you’re not the one at fault now.”

But it don't matter it clearly doesn't tear you apart anymore

“I guess you’re right. At least now he’s moved on.” Or at least I hope he has.

“Don’t worry about it too much, hyung.” He patted me on the shoulder before turning for the door. He was almost out when he paused and said, “Dinner will be ready in a few, okay?”


And then Howon left. I sighed and went for my bed again. I grabbed my phone and when I unlocked it I saw my wallpaper and smiled sadly. It was a picture of Namu and me from a few years ago. We looked so happy, without a care in the world.

And then, I broke him.

"Sunggyu hyung!" Woohyun called. He sounded so cheery and happy that it made me cringe a bit. But that was Woohyun so I paid it no mind. I was sitting on the lawn of the park near our house (I shared a house with Woohyun) leaning against a big tree trunk and reading a book when I felt him sit next to me. "Hi hyung!" He beamed.

I looked at him and smiled internally. But my face showed no emotion. "What do you want, Nam?"

He faked an offended look. "What, can't I just spend time with my best friend?"

I shook my head and went back to my book.

"Hyung can't you spare me a little attention here?" Woohyun whined as he grabbed the book I was reading from my hands. He inspected the front and back of the book before turning to me. “What are you reading, anyway? What is this? It looks scary to me.”

“Well it’s not,” I said, taking the book back. “It’s The Talisman by Stephen King and Peter Straub.”

“Stephen King is a horror novel writer, right?” he asked. I nodded. “Then that is horror!”

“Fine, fine whatever. So why are you here again?” I asked, turning to the page I was reading before. “Did you need anything?”

Woohyun gave up on trying to get my attention and instead leaned on the tree trunk I was leaning on. “Nothing much. Just wanted some company.” Silence settled before us but we didn’t mind since it wasn’t awkward. I kept on reading my book, but from time to time I would glance at Woohyun and would catch him trying to say something. He kept on opening his mouth then closes it again, as if hesitating whether or not to say what he had to say.

“If you have something to say, Nam, just say it.”

“Well…” he paused. He took a deep breath before continuing. “You know how we’ve been best friends for a long time now, right hyung?” he asked.

I nodded. He didn’t talk for a few seconds so I turned to look at him and saw him looking down, his fingers playing with the grass. It was very seldom that Woohyun would stay silent; the only times were when he was sleeping, sad, or nervous. Judging from what I was seeing, he was nervous.

“And I really cherish our friendship hyung. I don’t want anything to break it, really.”

Why do I feel like I know where this is going?

“Why do I feel like a “but” is coming?”

“But,” he continued. “I really have to say this. I can’t just keep it to myself forever. What I’m about to say might ruin our friendship but I’m willing to risk it.”

I gulped. I do know where this is going. And I don’t like it.

“Hyung, I like you. A lot.”

I blinked, snapping back to reality. I would never forget that day he confessed to me. When he said that he looked like a huge weight was lifted off of his shoulders.

Which made me even more guilty

But I wasn't giving up. Well, I haven't given up. Ever since two years ago I've been trying to talk to Woohyun about our relationship but he didn't want to. But I didn't stop. I won't stop.

I tapped the phone icon of my phone and called the younger's number. Rings were heard and then his prerecorded voice was heard. I waited for the beep.

Hello, how are you? It's so typical of me to talk about myself I'm sorry. I hope that you're well. Did you ever make it out of that town where nothing ever happened? Gosh Woohyun don’t ignore me I’m singing Adele right now. I know my English still sounds funny but hey I’m improving. This is so stupid of me, trying to call you when it’s convenient for me, not considering that maybe you really are busy since it’s what, around 9:30 in the morning there? You might be in class or something, I wouldn’t know. You wouldn’t tell me. But that’s alright. Please call me when you feel like it.”

I ended the call and sighed, rubbing my face with my hands. It still amazed me how Woohyun managed to ignore me these past few years. I wouldn't have been able to do that. Did I really hurt him that much?

Yes, stupid. You broke him.

Well thanks a lot, brain. No need to rub it on my face.

It's no secret that the both of us
Are running out of time

I knew it. I knew it. I saw it coming, I just didn't know it would come this soon.

I didn't say anything; well, what was I supposed to say? I have known about his feelings even before he told me and I never told him. That was bad on my part since it would look like I was leading him on. But what can I do? I didn't see him like that. He was like a best friend slash brother for me.

Woohyun finally looked up from where he was looking at the grass. “Hyung, say something.”

“Woohyun ah,”I whispered. I didn’t know what to say. How was I going to reject my best friend? Damn it. “I’m sorry.”

“I knew it,” he laughed bitterly. My heart broke at his action. “Who was I to believe that I had a chance? I’m sorry hyung, just forget about it.” He was trying furiously to wipe his tears away, but was failing miserably.

“Woohyun ah-“ He got up and ran. I didn’t know where he was going, but I’m sure that it wasn’t on our shared apartment. I just broke his heart.

The cost?

Our carefully built friendship.

So hello from the other side
I must have called a thousand times
To tell you I'm sorry for everything that I've done
But when I call you never seem to be home

I sighed. We started distancing ourselves from each other since that incident. Woohyun started staying at Myungsoo and Sungyeol’s shared dorm, or at times Sungjong would tell me that Woohyun was sleeping over at his house. I would call him, but he wouldn’t answer. Like today. I’ve been leaving notes in case he came home and I wasn’t there, but those notes were untouched.

Hello from the outside
At least I can say that I've tried
To tell you I'm sorry for breaking your heart
But it don't matter it clearly doesn't tear you apart anymore

I didn’t blame him though. It was my fault. I realized my feelings too late. By the time I did, he’s moved on. Our friends back in Seoul told me that he was getting better, he wasn’t punishing himself anymore, and was almost back to the way he was. They just had to not mention my name, and everything was okay.

Hello from the other side
I must have called a thousand times
To tell you I'm sorry for everything that I've done
But when I call you never seem to be home

I plopped down my bed again. I guess he really hated me. Again, I didn’t blame him. Took me ing long to return his feelings that were now gone. How I wish I never broke him. Then maybe we would still be best friends. I wouldn’t have lost him. I wouldn’t have to be away from him. I wouldn’t have to miss him so badly.

Hello from the outside
At least I can say that I've tried
To tell you I'm sorry for breaking your heart
But it don't matter it clearly doesn't tear you apart anymore

I decided that this would be the last call for today. I would continue tomorrow when it would be convenient for the both of us. Maybe that way there would be a chance that Woohyun would finally get sick of me and answer my calls. I called him and waited with bated breath.

After a few seconds the ringing stopped.

And apparently everything else did, too.


There you go! I hope you liked it! And if it's not much trouble maybe you could tell me what you think? I'm sorry about the non existent identions. I so badly want to indent it but I still haven't figured out how to do that here without having to manually press the spacebar a few times. Anyways, I shall go back to my homeworks now hahaha :))) Again I hope you like it!

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Chapter 1: I need a sequel. Oh no
neko_gyu_kyeopta #2
This... need a sequel!! I wanna know how they will end up
that cliffhanger is just... aaarrgh
Chapter 1: This is so fun ^^ <3 I love it <33
Chapter 1: So when do you plan writing chap 2? Haha i know you still hv class but please ang cliffhanger nito. T_T hahaha.
cookie99 #5
Chapter 1: Please continue.. Make the sequel please
Chapter 1: i think the upvote speaks for itself!
crepusculo #7
Please continueeeee
Aigooju #8
OH WAIT WHY IT SAYS COMPLETE NO OMG NOOOO continue thiisssssss pleaseeeeeeeeeee *puppy eyes*
Aigooju #9
Chapter 1: Ohmy.... update soon please ♡
heyzization #10
Chapter 1: oh my god.. woohyun answered the phone... please update soon.....