Plush Cushions


Jongin apparently has a habit of sleep walking.


So I've been working on this for about a year now and I FINALLY decided it I'm finishing it. It was when I was reading it all over did I realize I made another fic with Jongin as a worry wort. Oops. Next I won't I promise haha. A big thank you to soosational for reading this over for me (ily bae). I hope you all enjoy~

Also in case you can't picture a blonde Kyungsoo-


pic not mine.


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Chapter 1: Awwwww so cute *_*
Chapter 1: This was so adorable ♡.♡
Rb2012 #3
Chapter 1: Cuuuuute
Chapter 1: Awwwww so sweet and cute
Chapter 1: This was absolutely beautiful. I loved the comedic side as well as the fluffy side. Jongin's extremely lucky Kyungsoo also has the same feelings towards him!! The living room scene was so cute~
Beautifully written and descriptive :) Thanks for sharing~!
Chapter 1: Im gonna tear up this is so precious ;A;
audbear #7
Chapter 1: THIS IS LIFE
*but I need jongdae's and chanyeol's reaction to the in store kiss*

At first the title made no sense BUT I GET IT ALL NOW
ITS SO GOODOODDSDfdsjfkaldkfnkals
You are amazing, thank you for writing
sehunzitao #9
Chapter 1: I really like this! It's the perfect blend of everything. ❤