White Lies
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OC- Park Chanseul



In the pit of darkness, there I lie. Alone on my bed, accompanied by silence. The only noise that could be heard were the crickets, my sobs, and occasional sniffs. Exactly a month had passed since that horrifying night. That very night which I badly want to rip off my memory. It was the night which I never thought would come. Ha... I'm too stupid to believe that I meant everything to him. I should've known better that he's just another man, no one special. Ugh. Who am I even trying to fool? No matter how I force myself to hate him for what he had done to me, I still...love him, nothing changed except for the fact that...he's no longer mine and I'm no longer his. If I could only turn back time, I'll be better, I'll do better. If only I was a better girlfriend to him, he couldn't have left me, right? Was it really my fault? Until now, I'm still clueless why he suddenly ended things up with me. I want to know why, I deserve to know why the man who made me feel everything but pain... threw me away like our love never existed.


'Today is the day!!!' Chanseul thought. It was their 2nd anniversary, just like what a sweet girlfriend does, she decided to come over her boyfriend's place later that night to give him her present and celebrate their special day together. Her hazelnut brown eyes shout excitement, happiness, and a little bit of nervousness. The girl couldn't wait to meet the only man she gave her whole heart to.

"Yah! Channie??? Are you even listening to me?"

"Uh? Oh! My bad" Chanseul giggled "Where were we?" She blushed slightly as her thoughts of Kyungsoo flooded her mind once again.

"Tch. Nevermind, you won't be listening to me anyway, oh gosh... Do Kyungsoo, what spell did you cast on my bestfriend" Kris, Chanseul's friend rolled her eyes playfully at her dazed friend. "I have to go, you should get changed now as well. You don't want to keep him waiting, do you?"

"Ah, yeah you don't have to remind me though, I was just waiting for you to go home."

"Oh, so it's my fault now? Yaaahhh... Don't you think you're being mean right now? I even helped you bake for Kyungsoo and this is how you repay me?!"

"Yaah... Fine, fine. Let's just argue about this some other time okay? Just like what you told me earlier I don't want to keep him waiting" She finished her retort with a wink.

Kris could just put her hands up as a sign of giving up.

"You know that I love you Kris but I really have to kick you out fast."

Their 'little' arguement ended up in squishing each other in a tight hug. Chanseul is as excited as a child wanting to go to an amusement park. She fixed herself up one last time before opening the door to Kyungsoo's apartment, making her footsteps as light as possible.

All the nervousness and uneasiness that she felt just now vanished as she saw him cooking in the kitchen with his back facing her. His presence blankets her body and soul with comfort. This feeling never faded even once, no one has ever made her feel safe and comfortable like how Kyungsoo does. She approached the male and gently gave him a backhug. Chanseul can never be happier than being with him, being in each other's arms. She couldn't help but to close her eyes with a geniune and calm smile on her lips. Everything we're going fine until Kyungsoo spoke.

"Seul, let go" he emotionlessly said

"Hm?" Confusion and worry laced her short response.

Kyungsoo deeply sighed, raking his hand through his hair in the process. He faced his loving girlfriend and after a while of debating with himself, he finally gathered the courage to voice out his thoughts.

"Look Seul, I know you've been looking forward for this day to come and I also know how much this day means to you...but... Seul I'm sorry" he said looking at the whole place to keep himself from directly looking in her eyes.

"I-I'm setting you free" he finished with the last bit of courage he had.

It took her a while before everything sunk in her. 'So, i-is he--No, it can't be, Uh--i-is he... breaking up with me...?' The realization messed up her mind, she couldn't even move her lips, she can't bring herself look at him afraid that she might breakdown the moment she does so. She knows she has to do something before she regrets not doing anything, but she's feeling to weak at moment. 

"W-why?" She said in an almost inaudible manner "W-w-why is... huuuh?" Her thoughts got mixed up and these are the only things she managed to say at the moment.

Kyungsoo saw her pitiful state, if he only had other options than to split with her, he will take b

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Chapter 1: Waah! Poor Kyungsoo and Seul...T^T this is too good to be just a one shot