
M. Exam

Mistakes are all mine. Yeah. 

Glancing on her silver wrist watch, Irene let a long sigh after she finished her urinalysis and fecalysis examination. Never she had imagine that she’ll have her examine and it was mind blowing for a girl like her, could you imagine she travelled all the way from her apartment  to Seoul with her inside that little container of hers. She’s new to this kind of things for she grew up from the country side of Seoul, once she graduated from college she decided to help her parents run their farm but her mom kept on telling her that she should not waste her degree and shouldn’t be contented with that kind of life, after months of no ending encouragement from her parents, Joohyun, her Korean name. Finally agree to travel all the way from Seoul to take a chance and get a taste of her dream to become a successful entrepreneur and if she’ll be lucky enough she wants to become an idol, she also dreamt of having her own laundry shop.

Happy tears and Good luck messages from her love ones are things that she got and she will never complain, she hug her mom and dad and kiss her siblings goodbye not forgetting to tell them to study hard and no boyfriend and girlfriend until their life is finally stable. She stayed at her good ol’ best friend, Seulgi. The good looking bear is kind enough to offer Joohyun the vacant room on her apartment. The girl was very helpful but there are times that the girl seems to like zoning out and tends to act dumb sometimes.

She tries her luck and with that kind of face and determined personality a famous company hired her and promised her a worthy position in the company but she have to take a medical exam not only for the company but also for her own good. The fact that Joohyun slightly have an idea with the Medical exam, with the thought of sharp objects it makes her dead nervous. Once she arrived at their apartment, she sluggishly slump from the couch and let a lazy groan “Seulgi, was it terrifying when you took your Medical Exam?” she asked the busy bear.

Seulgi tilts her head cutely, her arms wrapped around the container of her favorite snack ‘Pringles’ “Terrifying? Are you kidding me? The doctor will only ask some weird questions to you and check you up , that’s all.” Seulgi said as if taking the Medical Exam was the easiest procedure in the world. With the way her best friend explained it, Joohyun can feel her nervousness wash away. “Is that so? Then I should not worry anymore!” She beamingly commented.

Seulgi’s grip from the container hardens when a sudden scene from her last medical examination flashed through her mind. It was a humiliating experience but she decided to shut and not share the experience, she’ll just prepare from the wrath of Bae Joohyun once the girl finished her Med Examination.


Joohyun felt her breath hitch when the girl in white motioned her to sit down for the blood test. It was the worst 5 minutes of her life. She hates sharp objects. She sat down at the stool motionless with cotton attached in her index finger. It stings. She can still imagine the horror look of the girl when she was about to prick the needle because of her intense glare to the girl.

Next stop.  X-ray. She was very thankful that it was a girl that helped her inside the room, she remove her shirt then followed by her bra and quickly wear the lab gown. It went pretty fast. Then she proceeds to the Dental check up station. She’s so confident with her set of teeth but all of her reliance slowly crumpled when the doctor announced that she has to extract a tooth, she feels like her world is slowly falling apart. This is too much of a torture, she thought. What made her more agitated is when the doctor said that they have to do it now.

“Are you serious?” She asked louder than what she intended it to be.

The doctor smiled at her and you don’t have any idea on how Joohyun want to slap the smile away from the doctor’s lips. “Yes. Ms. Bae, don’t worry it won’t hurt that much.”

How badly she wants to shout ‘Liar’ to the doctor.

“B-but I’m afraid of needles and—“

The doctor chuckles, she finds the stuttering girl cute. “Don’t worry Ms. Bae, if you want, I can ask someone to hold you while we extract your unhealthy tooth, that’s only if you’re okay with it.” She softly asked.

She didn’t want to face the needles again but she also don’t want unhealthy things in her so with a heavy heart, she agrees. She bit her lower lip as her heart pounds and about to jump out from her rib cage. She watch the doctor approach another doctor with a mask on.  “Hey, can you hold her a minute, she’s afraid of needles.” She can see how the new doctor smiles with her eyes. “Of course.”

They start the extraction and Bae Joohyun has her mind focused on thinking things and tries to distract herself by staring at the masked Doctor with her teary eyes. “Hey, it’s okay. It’s almost done.” The masked doctor’s voice was so soothing she almost forgot that the tooth was already pulled out. She stares at the former doctor and saw her smiling. “It’s done!” The girl cheekily said. She was so happy when the doctor congratulates her and gives her form back to her.  Her grip from the masked doctor loosens for she already thanked the doctor once she received the form. Little did she not know, the masked doctor bit her lips for her not to scream in pain from the way Joohyun grip her hands though she’s still thankful that the girl faced her fear.

After the entire test she done, she thought it’s finally over but she was wrong when the security made her proceed to another station.

“W-wait, where are we going?” Joohyun cutely asked the security.

“This is the last Medical Examination that you will be taking.”

Her eyes harden “But I thought the dental was the last one?”

Security guard pats the poor girl’s shoulder “Don’t worry Miss after this you’ll be free from this place.” Just like what the man said, Joohyun can’t help but to agree on how the man’s words was on point, she feels like she’s in hell right now after her encounter with those bad needles.

“This is the last one, you can do it.” She silently cheers herself as she enters the room and takes a seat. She glance from her left to right, no one is around and it’s a good thing for her, she can rest just for a minute, “I deserve this.” She breathes out as she slump her back from the back rest and closed her eyes.


Joohyun slowly stretch her body and arms with her eyes still closed. “That was a nice nap.” She murmurs, just when she’s about to yawn and about time to open her eyes. She became stiff when she saw the masked doctor awhile ago, she’s sure that was her cause she’s the only doctor with a red hair well the difference is that, she’s not wearing mask anymore. That’s so not professional of her for having that kind of hair color.

“Tired? Ms…” The doctor named Seungwan (Irene saw it from her name plate) “Bae Joohyun?” Then the girl flashed a blinding smile. “You’re the one from the Dental station, right?”

The only thing she can was to nod her head. “Are you okay now?”

She nods.

“Okay, let’s proceed and finish this because you seem so exhausted. You deserve a well rest.” Doctor Seungwan adjusts her uniform while Joohyun straighten her back and concentrate.

“When was your last period?” Seungwan professionally asked.

“ I think last last week?” She replied not entirely sure, she watch as the doctor writes something to her form. “When was the last time you had ?” with that question, Irene can’t help but to get taken a back. Seriously?  Irene can’t help but to stare at the Doctor with so much disbelief

“I still don’t have experience.” She bashfully answered; she can feel her ears and cheeks burning from embarrassment.

Doctor Seungwan continue to write something to her form, after the question she can’t help but to feel nervous to what will come next. “So you’re still a ?”

“OF COURSE!” Joohyun can’t help but to be embarrass than she already was, of course she’s a she haven’t had yet, what’s on this girl’s mind? Just when she realized her little burst out, she bit her lower lip. She sounded so defensive.

She can hear how the doctor stifles her laugh and all she wanted now was to get eaten by the ground. “Ms.Bae let’s proceed to the pregnancy test” Seungwan carefully motion Joohyun to enter the next vacant room. “Here.” Seungwan hands the pregnancy kit to Joohyun and points the small room inside. “Just go there.”

Joohyun oblige and went to the room, she frown when she realized that there’s no door. “hmm. Dr. Seungwan, where’s the door?”

The doctor stares at her and slowly brought her right hand at the back of her head and cutely scratch it. “Well, unfortunately. its fix and that room don’t really have a door because we’re afraid you guys will cheat.”

If it’s possible. Joohyun’s eyes were about to pop out from her socket.  “Is this for real?” she asked, her forehead already sweating. “I’m so not going to pee in front of you!” now the stubborn side of Joohyun was revealed.

Seungwan put her hands down and let a long sigh “But—“

“Turn around!” joohyun screeched, “This is so embarrassing, I swear to God!”

“How about I turn around and not watch you pee?”

“That’s the brightest Idea I ever heard in my entire life, you are so smart Doctor Seungwan!” Joohyun restrain herself from pinching the red headed girl for she’s smiling so wide and her cheeks seemingly so fluffy.

“But you have to promise me, you won’t cheat!” Seungwan said as she turns around.

Joohyun chuckles, is this girl really a doctor? She’s like a kid.” I promise.”


“I thought the pregnancy test was the last one, liar.” Joohyun grumpily mumbles as they march towards the Physical test room.

“I promise you, this is the last test!” Seungwan energetically said. “What’s with the look? I promise you, you can kick me anywhere you want if it’s proven that I’m lying.” The girl clumsily suggest.

Joohyun shook her head. “I trust you.” She then exhales before flashing her infamous smile. “Let’s do this.”   After that, they stepped inside a private cubicle.

“Remove your clothes.”

The smile on her lips slowly disappear as she feel her whole body falter. “Come again?”

Being professional like she always thought, Seungwan stated, “Remove your clothes.”  Joohyun can feel her blood travels all the way up from her brain.

“Is this for real?” She said as she stammers.

“Yes. This is what we do in physical test.” She innocently commented.

Joohyun can feel her knee goes weak, “For the love of my life, I’ll do this.” She chanted like a mantra. She clenches her fist when the Doctor takes a sit in front of her well, at least not so near from her spot.
“This is ing embarrassing.” She promised to herself that she’ll kill the bear once she gets home.

As she slowly removes her sweater, she can feel Seungwan’s eyes all over her body. She feels like she’s a e and the girl sitting is one of her costumer but the difference is that the costumers from the club (based on what she read and watch) has a very hungry look in their eyes while this doctor in front of her has a composed face and looking anything but innocent.

She never let anyone see her well except when she was young of course she’s just a kid but now it’s different. So different.

Once she removed her pants and sweater. She stiffly stands there and shyly stares at the doctor.

“Why are you so embarrassed? You don’t have anything to be ashamed of.” Joohyun can’t help but to throw the sweater to the quirky doctor.

“Yah!” the doctor cutely barked, “I’m telling the truth.”

Joohyun have the urge to throw her pants to Seungwan but decided not to. “Okay, remove your bra and now.”

Joohyun want to bawl her heart out. “How could you say that looking oh so innocently?!”

“Because I ‘ve done this million times already.”

“I bet you’re enjoying this. ert.”

“Yah, I heard that, this is what we do for a living you can’t blame us.” Seungwan explained with a straight face.

Joohyun is a conservative girl and it’s obvious the way she moves, Seungwan feeling kind of guilty even though she shouldn’t feel that way, she stand up from her seat startling the half Bae. “Hey, what are you going to do?!” She panic when Seungwan stopped close to her.

“I don’t know what’s happening to me and why am I doing this but,” Seungwan slowly remove her coat.


Seungwan badly wants to knock the girl’s head. “What are you talking about? Why would I you? And if I will, I can’t get you pregnant because I don’t have the ‘D’.”

“T-then what are you doing?”

Seungwan snorted. “Such a stubborn girl.” She continues to remove her coat and use it to shield Joohyun from her eyes. “You don’t want me to watch you strip? Then I won’t look and you can wrap this after but I will still examine your body later okay?”

Joohyun swallowed hard on how gentle the doctor’s voice was. “T-thank you.” she said as she proceed to unclasped her bra and remove her though she’s kind of distracted because of the doctor’s masculine figure, like look at those biceps. What more when you check out that abs—oops.


“You have a nice figure you know that.”

“Stop or I’ll throw my shoes to you.”

Seungwan snort from the way Joohyun threatens her. She can’t help but to teasingly whistle to Joohyun(the way she wraps the coat from her body), it’s cute and y at the same time. “Sorry to burst your bubble Ms. Bae but I’ll be professional right now, you have to come close to me, I have to examine your body.” She said as she takes a seat at the stool a while ago.

Her courage falters but she deiced to take a step forward for this to finally end. After all, her dignity was already stained.

She nervously stand in front of a serious Seungwan, she wraps the coat closer to her body feeling slightly cold because of the air condition and her bare body.

“You have to unwrap the coat.” Seungwan said as she stares at Joohyun, feeling sorry.

Hesitantly but still, she remove the cloth from her body and felt herself having goosebumps as she closed her eyes feeling anything but embarrass being bare and open to the professional doctor.  She know that Seungwan has no malice on her but still,

She bites her tongue almost immediately when she felt Seungwan’s hands travel around her area. She can’t help but to bit back the moan. She’s hella sure that a part of her body is erecting because of the touching and she badly want to kill herself right there and right now. She pinched closed her eyes for she finds herself being , you can’t blame her, this quirky of an appealing doctor hands do wonders. The touching went for almost 5 minutes. She can feel herself sigh in relief.  At least the Doctor wouldn’t find out that she’s starting to feel something liquid between her legs.

“This is the last one; you have to bend down with your head low and buttocks up”

That did it. Joohyun cries her heart out not only because she’s feeling embarrass but because of the possibility that the Doctor will find out what effect she had on her.


“How’s the Medical Exam, Joohyun unnie?” Joy, their satan of a best friend asked as she ate some chips from the bowl.

“There’s nothing left on me.” She weakly murmur as she slump from the couch. Trying to hide her red face from her buddies “I don’t have any dignity left in me.”

Joy let an evil laugh before comforting the older girl, “I’m sure it wasn’t so bad.”

“Tell me that when you’re done taking that ing embarrassing Medical examination thingy.” Irene said as her eyes shifted from Joy to her freaking dumb of a best friend. “Prepare yourself Kang, once I regain my energy I’ll kill you.” she said, venom obvious in her voice.

Not wanting to get killed yet, Seulgi happily changed the topic. “Anyway, let’s forget the things that happen in the past and focus more in the future, my friend Wendy will visit today.”

Joy snickers “The other dumb? You guys are the dumb and dumber when you were in high school right?”

Seulgi cheekily smile at Joy “You’re just jealous!”

Joy stares at her in amusement “Why would I be jealous of becoming a dumb when I can be more than that?!”

“Wendy isn’t dumb, She’s smart, don’t you ever heard of her brother?” Seulgi confidently smirked.

“She has a brother?”

“You don’t know? Oh my god. I’m so disappointed to you right now. Her brother is a genius that’s why it makes Wendy a genius!”

“I don’t get your logic sometimes.” Joohyun commented for she’s sure it’s one of Seulgi’s nonsense talks again.

“Just spill it!”

“It’s Edi Son” Seulgi said before bursting out from laughter with her own joke. “See what I did there? Wendy Son and Edi Son? Edison the scientist.” She explains between her laugh.

“I give up.” Joohyun said as she covers her face with the cushion.

Joy her lips in dismay “I swear to God, I’m going to post your crying videos in my social media accounts if you won’t stop with that lame jokes of yours. Oh, why am I your friend again?”

Just when Seulgi was about to rant on how funny her joke was, a ring from the door bell made her stop, “I think that’s my buddy!” she excitedly announced.

“I bet if Wendy unnie heard her joke she’ll deny that she’s friends with that bear.” Joy continues to eat the chips as she stare at her poor grandma unnie slump on the couch.

“Hey, are you alright? What’s with the big bruise on your neck?” Joy heard Seulgi asked her best friend.

“Oh, this is nothing, just something happen at the Medical Exam a while ago, but I’m completely fine.” Seungwan said.

Joohyun’s ears perks up hearing the familiar soft voice, she slowly push herself up and regret doing it when her eyes locks with the doctors eyes. She can feel the burning red in her cheeks.

“Joohyun unnie, your cheeks shines brighter than Wendy unnie’s hair, are you alright?” Joy asked sensing that something happen between the two.

Joohyun can’t seem to find the right words to blurt out so was the doctor standing awkwardly beside the zoning out bear, the color of her face starts mirroring the color of Joohyun’s.

“I’m no weather forecaster but I’m hundred percent sure something hot happened a while ago.” 

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Chapter 1: rereading this is so nostalgic
Chapter 1: I finally found this again, I'm so happy ಥ‿ಥ
mklarisse_ #3
Chapter 1: Can someone explain me why seungwan has big bruise on her neck? I can't find the reason of it. . Please tell my why?
Favebolous 14 streak #5
Chapter 1: Hahahahah
mochick #6
Chapter 1: This one deserve part 2 hahahaha nice chapter Author-nim :)
Chapter 1: pls continue~~~ :D
-WenRene15- #8
Chapter 1: Sequel?
Chodinglainee #9
Chapter 1: Omgauthornin! If you ever have a comeback, pls consider a sequel. This is such a cute piece!! The jokes werent forceful and are so natural love itt
Favebolous 14 streak #10
Chapter 1: Sequel please