Fate's Cruelty [HIATUS]


A/N; First fanfic, please be kind. Also, this has no idols from any pop bands. No flames please. T^T I'm pretty new at this stuff so... Any advice would be extremely helpful.. *laughs nervously*

Orginally, this was suppose to just be a random thing that I had written while I was bored but somehow, my friend had found out and encouraged me to continue it. Ah, my cousin (Lisaalove - her stories are pretty good! I recommended you to check out her story and profile) was the one who persuaded me to put it up here... Hence the reason why my story is on here.

Well, thank-you for your time and reading this sh- *cough* I mean, this fiction of mine.


Lexie Le was once a loveable, energetic and kind child, but that all changed when her parents were murdered on the night of her seventh birthday. She was celebrating it with her mother and father when they heard car tyres screeching up in front of the house. Her father went to the window to check who it was. His eyes widened with horror when he found out who it was. “Who is it daddy?” asked a warm and melodious voice which belonged to none other than Lexie. Her mother walked over to the window and gasped. She mumbled about this day coming, but since Lexie was only seven, she didn’t know what was happening and got up to see what was the commotion was on about. Her mother saw Lexie get up, with a quick sweep, Lexie was in her arms and in a closet.
“Lexie, sweetie, whatever you do, do not come out, mama and papa have some business to take care of.” Her mother, Anne, gently whispered. Lexie nodded, knowing that when her parents were doing business, she shouldn’t interrupt. Smiling softly, Anne kissed her daughter one last time ternderly on the forehead. "Remember, both mama and papa will always love you." Unsure what would happen next, Lexie just nodded with a smile. She stayed there with her knees huddled close to her chest while her mother closed the door.

It was silent for the past few minutes when suddenly, Lexie heard screams of her father’s name - Andrew - and a few gunshots afterwards. Soon later, she also heard two bodies falling with a small thud. Part of her wanted to go out and check what was happening while the other wanted to stay back since she was scared. Remembering what her mother had told her, she decided to stay inside the closet while trying to keep silent. While she was breathing she noticed it was starting to smell like something was on fire and soon realised that the house was on fire. What she didn’t know was that the people who her father had saw, was the one who set the house on fire to make the evidence of anyone being killed, vanish.

Sirens could be heard through-out the streets as the fire brigade was rushing to Lexie’s house as fast they could. The neighbours came out of their houses to see what the commotion was about. While the fire brigade was putting out the fire, they were searching for any survivors. They found two burnt bodies which belonged to no other than Andrew and Anne. Just when they were about to leave, they heard quiet sobbing from a closet that had managed not to survive the fire with only a few burnt marks here and there. When the opened the door, they saw a small female girl dressed in a yellow floral dress crying her heart out. She was frantically rubbing her eyes so that she could get out of the ashes that were blurring her vision and to stop herself from crying. One of the firemen gently picked up the fragile who they thought were the daughter of the two victims and carried her to one of the ambulance that had arrived shortly after the fire brigade.

Lexie was taken to the nearby hospital so that her wounds could be treated but when she got there all she said was “Where’s mummy and daddy?” No one had dared to tell her that her parents were murdered since she was too young to understand. Each night when Lexie was asleep she would toss and turn about the incident and wake up screaming out for her parents. The sssigned nurse would come rushing in trying to calm the crying Lexie. With getting Lexie’s wound disinfected, falling asleep, crying out for her parents and nurses rushing in; soon became a routine in the hospital.

A week later, Lexie overheard a conversation between a doctor and a nurse about her parents being killed. Lexie was shocked to find out her parents being murdered and ran to her ward in tears. The doctor who was talking about the death saw her running and ran after her. When he finally caught up to her she was locked inside her ward. “No, it can’t be!” she cried. “Mummy and daddy can’t be dead!” The doctors and nurses look at each other with concern, knowing that this day was going to come.
“Lexie, can you please open the door?” asked Lexie’s nurse. Her question was answered with a plastic chair being thrown at the door. Even though Lexie was only seven, she was quite strong for her age.
“No! I don’t believe you!” Lexie screamed. “Lies, they’re lies! You’re all liars!” Lexie curled up  into a ball in the darkest corner of her ward crying her hear out. She heard the lock unlock with a ‘Click’ and the door knob slowly turning. Lexie felt a hand on her shoulder, looking up to see it was the nurses who were talking about her parent’s murder. Lexie couldn't help but feeling hatred towards the people who kept her parent’s murder a secret from her. “Get away from me!” Lexie spat, slapping the nurses hand away in the process. The nurse was shock to see Lexie do such a thing and stumbled backwards falling onto the bed, holding onto the hand that was slapped away. The doctor was also shocked but managed to tell her that they were going to tell her about her parent’s death soon. Lexie just sat there silently full of hatred while all sorts of questions raced through her mind. Who would kill my parents? Why did they keep it a secret? Am I all alone in this evil world? What happened while I was in the closet? The doctor and nurse left Lexie by herself so that she could have some privacy while she cried.

A week after finding out her parents were murdered, the hospital held a funeral in honour of her parent’s death. Lexie wore a plain black t-shirt, black jeans and navy blue converses. When she got there she noticed how it was crowded full of people she didn’t know. “Why the hell is this place crowded?” she wondered out loud. Her question was answered by her uncle.
“They are your parent’s friend and co-workers.” he replied softly. “And mind your language young one; you shouldn’t be using that language at this age.” Lexie nodded her head in response not bothering to apologise. When the funeral had finished, Lexie hadn’t shed a single tear since she had cried for the whole week, without stopping. Lexie had even cried herself to sleep. She was told that she would be living with her uncle because he had signed documents to be her legal guardian. With that, she left with her uncle to his house and her new home. She silently walked towards her uncle’s car, not noticing a sly grin on his face and a devious glint in his eyes.


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