Chapter 2


Jiyong's P.O.V.

So, here we are, in the car and I think it's a bit different from the last time I drove this car. Well, the last time I drive this car is with my ex. But with my present girlfriend, she's a bit clingy so, I'm really praying we won't end up dying from car accident.

"Babe, where are we going?" She asked but I still focus on the road.

"You wanna go to the rides right? I found a perfect place so we can play rides."

"So, like a date?"

I was paused by her statement. "Yeah, like a date."

I haven't go playing rides since my ex-girlfriend and I broke up. If you're wondering who's my ex, she's Haize. She's mean to my family and I found out she only wants my money. I can't live a life like that.

"Are we nearly there? I'm kinda getting bored." She said and turn on the radio.

"You can sleep if you want but we're a bit near." I said.


"Are you mad?" I suddenly asked out of blue.

"No. Why did you ask?" She said her forehead meet.

"Well, you just said, 'okay' so I wondered if you're mad at me."

"Why would I be? It's not like you did something wrong." She said. "I'm just bored really."

"If you say."


Chaerin's P.O.V.

"Babe, let's try this one! It's called Pirate (Viking)" he said as we walk together holding each other's hands.

"But what if we fall?" I asked nervously.

Seriously I haven't ride that kind of thingy in my life. But first time will be cherish right? Why not try it?

"You won't baby. I'm right beside you. Besides, it's really safe. Capital T capital R capital U capital S capital T me." He said and winked at me.

I couldn't help but blush. "If you insist."


"Oh my god!!!! I never thought this thing was so high! Ahhhhh!!!!!!" I screamed as the boat sway.

"You like it baby?" He asked me.


"Hahaha. You're so funny babe." 

"I LOVE YOU BABE! I CONFESS ALL MY SINS! FORGIVE ME AND SAVE ME!" I screamed in fear not minding everybody around me.

"Babe, you're making me blush." He said and kissed me.

How can he kiss me if this things is so high?!?

The boat started to away slower. Breath in, breath out. Again Chaerin. Breath in, breath out.

We walk around to lessen my fear. I can still feel my knees are getting weak and my body is still shivering. 

"Whoo! I'm alive!" I said and that made him laugh.

"I told you babe, you're safe with me. Let's try the carrousel so it will lessen up at spinning head of yours."

I gave him a poker face. "A carousel?


Jiyong's P.O.V.

"Finally! We are here!" Kiko said as we place the mag on the ground.

I immediately lay my body cause I'm so tired of driving. It's like forever!

"Babe, you can't rest now. We have to try all the rides!" She said and pulled my arm to make me stand.

"Okay baby." I said and we walked together.

"What do you wanna try first?" I asked.



I do not know what this lady is up to but I'm starting to feel weird. It's like somebody is here who would make my life so happy and beautiful. 

Maybe it's my girlfriend, Kiko. Yeah, it's her. But why do I feel weird?

"Hey! Isn't that Soohyuk?" Kiko said and that caught my attention.

"Soohyuk? Where?" I asked and she pulled me towards his direction.

He notice me with Kiko and he smiled.

"What's up bro?" He said and gave me a bro hug. "So you two are together now?"

"Yes we are! It will be our anniversary 2 months from now." Kiko answered him. "Who are you with?"

He cleared his throat. "I'm with my girlfriend." He proudly said and that make me cough.

"A girlfriend? I thought you're a gay and you have a crush on out prof. back when we were college." I said and laughed. 

"Hey dude, I'm not a gay!" He said and lightly punched my shoulder.

"So, who is this girlfriend of yours?" Kiko asked and I looked at him.

"Babe!" He called out.

A girl with a blonde hair came out. 

"Hi." She simply says.

"This is Chaerin. My girlfriend."


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Chapter 2: Arrrrrggggghhhhhhh... authornim why did you stop there?! Juseyo update a long chapter please ; (
Chapter 1: Hahahaha, I know it they weren't together... I wonder how come both of them will meet again? Update soon~ ;)
Chapter 1: Haha I didn't see it coming that way. Well, you got me authorni... I thought it was SKYDRAGON having a dinner date but the two of them have their own partner hehe. Please 3x update soon. I want to read more of it. Juseyo authornim and can you please make it long? Hehe authornim Hwaiting!!!!