Angry Pretty Boy

The Fuming New Boy



Boring was the one-word summary of Park Chanyeol's life. An ordinary sixteen-year old boy, who had spent (or wasted you could say) majority of his school hours with his head buried in between his long arms, napping on top of a rusty desk-top. This is how Chanyeol had spent his time in school for the past two years. "Boring, boring, boring" he often muttered. It was hard for the tall and quiet boy to actually find an interest in anything in the first place, nobody seemed to care or notice his own existence. It's not like he was unpopular, he just lacked the skill of being able to socialize with others properly so eventually people gave up on him, going back to their own personal things. The teachers were way worse though, not even being capable of realizing that there lay a sleeping giant at the back of their classrooms for two years. 

Chanyeol wasn't expecting his boring life to take such a sudden and dramatic turn though. Even though the quiet boy had longed for something interesting, something exciting to wake him up from his cloudy trances, to allow him to explore and experience new feelings and problems he hadn't before, he had obviously waited way too long to only end up resulting in losing hope and tossing away that 'exciting' thing that had been in mind for so long. Or was it that Chanyeol was impatient? None of it mattered anymore though because that's when his already planned-out fate decided to give him a surprise, a gift in return, because that's when one new boy that had transferred to his school, in his class, had changed everything. 

He sensed the excitement right away from the moment the boy made his first appearance, that lurking feeling of 'excite' was on fire deep in his gut, telling him to get up and explore the being, making him clench his fists, body already twitching for more. Chanyeol knew this wasn't just any ordinary boy straight away, from the moment that boy had stomped into the classroom, flung the doors open with anger and lack of care, resulting in a loud bang, then grimacing at the students who sat in front of him as he stepped further into the room, stopping next to the teacher's desk. There was only silence as everyone had waited for the teacher to arrive, but unbearable silence for every single student who sat in the view of the new boy. Chanyeol's eyes were fixated on the small figure. The boy was something different, very different. That's what everyone else in the classroom was likely thinking too, as they remained staring at the fuming boy in front of them along with Chanyeol. The way it looked as if there were flames growing and sparking in the boy's dark, black-like eyes as he intensely scanned the classroom's structure and students in it, frowning. He had the deepest shade of dark-brown hair, slightly curly and slick, and he was wearing make-up too, eyeliner to be precise, and a good damn lot of it. He could easily compete with some of the girls in the class with that neatly done, heavy black eyeliner. The boy's facial features were sharp, and his skin was milky-white pale. Chanyeol thought in a way that he was the most beautiful creature his lazy eyes had witnessed yet. Chanyeol's gaze wouldn't leave the figure, as he scanned the boy slowly up and down but when his eyes met with the other's suddenly his heart felt as if it had done three flips at once. Chanyeol blinked, and was slightly taken aback and didn't realize at first how the beautiful boy was making his way up to Chanyeol, looking as angry as ever. Everyone's eyes followed the new boy as he finally stood in front of Chanyeol and suddenly slammed his hand onto his desk. Chanyeol jumped at the sudden noise that had finally broke the long-lasting silence in the room. 

"Why the are you looking at me like that?" The boy growled, shooting daggers into him with those flaming, dark eyes. 



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3amDrunk #1
Chapter 1: I write at 3am (explains my username) If you read, feel free to give me advice, comments or any type of feedback at all <3 thank u