1st Chapter

B right next to U





Fresh rays of the sunlight peered through the slits of the windows of the building, chirping birds, cold breeze dances upon the city, and a lost girl...?

Where on earth am I?

You've been roaming around this lone empty corridor for a while now but all you can see was just an empty and dark rooms, perhaps you went to an abandoned building and didn't understand what the janitor told you about the easiest way to the guidance office, how can you understand what he was saying when he can't louder his voice?

When you're about to turn down the other hall, you accidentally twisted your ankle and you awfully fell. You're not wearing heels though. Well, you prefer wearing sneakers rather than risking your life wearing such girly shoes.

"Hey, are you alright? do you need help?"You gasped when a pair of hand gripped onto your arm and helps you to maintain an upright position, you then turned to look at the lanky boy next to you.

"Oh, Yeah, thanks."You shyly said while scratching the crook of your neck, the slim boy shots you a smile making you to widened your eyes, his smile forms a square and it's amusing. He's cute.

"What can I do for you?"Embarrassing it is, you just can't stop staring at his faultless face, he tilt his head and looked straight into your eyes and it made you jumps a little--- realizing that you're mentally drooling.

"U-Uhm... can you help me reach the guidance office as fast as possible? I've been finding it for about an hour now but I can't still make it, I guess I'm lost."If you could just fly and go there without having any problem, you would have done that before. The slim boy smiles at you and nodded his head for acknowledgement.

"You really are, you went to the wrong building, this building is closed due for some renovation. And oh, have you seen the sign board outside saying 'No Trespassing'?"You tried to remember if you saw any sign board outside and after a few seconds, you shakes your head. No, you didn't notice it. 

"I didn't saw it, I just walked in."He chuckles, he can't believe you didn't saw it when it's actually pasted right in front of the building.

"And do you know that there's have ghosts here?"He suddenly said, you stared at him, you could feel this floor gets darken every time you'd blink.

"R-Really?"You started to sweat bullets as a cold wind blew on your bare skin.

"Nah, I'm just kidding... so, shall we go now?"You just nodded your head and trails behind him, you're kind of awkward meeting new people especially when it comes to boys.

Once you entered the main building, your jaw drops and your eyes roams around the huge field and enormous gymnasium. You've never been in school like this, fresh air and students everywhere, they all look great.

"This is the school's open field, we are using this for annual events such as soccer and handball competition, track and field, and also for fire drill."Your eyes suddenly glows upon hearing the word 'handball' you love watching handball competition as much as you love fall and you can't wait no more to witness it with your own eyes. You almost hit your head on his back when he suddenly stopped on his tracks.

"Wait."You mindlessly nod then he walks toward the noisy group of boys and smack their heads with the book he was holding, the students quickly bows their head--- scared of getting hit again and immediately goes back to their respective classrooms.

"Let's go?"He said while walking back, you pointed out his face--- an unbelievably expression was written all over your face. How could he hit their heads when they seemed to be younger than him?

"Y-You... why did you d---"You didn't got the chance to finish what you wanted to say when he smiles at you.

"That? Well, they deserve it. They should be waiting for their teachers inside the classroom and not making fuss at the hallways."He casually shrugs his shoulders and gave you a velvety smile.

"How about you? Why are you still outside?"He chuckled making you to narrow your eyebrows, then he walked ahead and for the second time you trailed behind him.

"Because you asked me a favor, right?"Through your peripheral vision, you can see that he's chuckling.

"O-Oh, sorry."You felt stupid for asking him such idiotic question like that,of course he will be staying with you until you reached the guidance office.

"I'm just joking, I'm just trying to make you smile!"He chuckled when he saw you blushing, that's why you hate talking to guys, they were born to fool girls.

"O-Oh, really?"He nod, while preventing his self to burst into laughter. Then the both of you continued to walk, you're thankful that someone saw you there, or else... you might ended up encountering the ghosts in that scary building.




When you're done introducing yourself in front of the class, the students collectively gasp when the teacher assigned you to sit next to the sleeping boy. 

You carefully sat next to him, afraid that if you wake him up, he might scold you. You used to have a seat mate who likes to sleep throughout the class in Japan, so sitting next to a sleepy head doesn't bother you anymore. 

"Hey do you know Baekhyun oppa?"You jumps a little when someone taps your shoulder and when you turned around, your eyes grew bigger upon seeing the gorgeous girl behind you, she has round eyes, average nose and plump lips.

"B-Baekhyun? Who's him?"Her jaw drops upon hearing your answer, she can't believe this is actually happening, her friend is very popular, he's worth dying for, girls won't mind tripping off just to follow him everywhere he goes and boys idolized him so much.

"Omo, you don't know Baekhyun oppa?"And again, you shook your head which leads her to her head in wonder.

"No, I'm a new student here."Why is she pegging you with questions about your connection to him, anyway? Is she interested on him or something?

"I see, but I'm certain I saw you with him when I was about to enter the comfort room. He's very smart."But you're as blissfully ignorant of the popular boys as they come, you ain't gonna give them a damn. They don't deserve your attention especially when they're bunch of s.

"Oh, the boy who accompanied me to the guidance."You snapped, she only shrugs her shoulder and continued on talking to you.

"Yeah, you can say that... he's the school president and is also the president of the music club and he's very popular too."When you're about to open your mouth to say something, the teacher spun around just to caught the girl beside you, sitting on someone else's chair.

"Youngjin? Stop talking to Jeonhee, I know that you're friendly but for now, please be attentive."Your homeroom teacher seemed to be calm and soft-hearted and you can see that your classmates respects her a lot.

"Yes, Miss Ji."Youngjin said, loudly enough for Miss Ji to hear. You turned to look at her and she just smiled at you, she's a very pretty girl and the grey beanie suits her burgundy red hair.

"Let's eat lunch together."The last words she said before walking back to her chair.




So, how's the first chapter yoreobun? Hope ya like it! I'll be updating tomorrow at night ara? Have fun reading! Muwah :") anyway, here's my sns :* 

Twitter: @flavoredbaek

Instagram: eonnie (lol i'm restarting my feed so it's currently empty right now. Lmao)

Ask: supermariiiii

Lots of love! ;------)


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