Chapter 13

A Day [Hiatus]

Hoya POV

We were on our way to take Soojung home. She was seating beside me at the back. Everyone fell asleep and we were just the ones’ awake.

“You can sleep for a while since there’s traffic we might get home after about an hour.” I said as I looked at her. She was just looking out the window.

“I can’t sleep.” she said as she turned her head around so she was now facing me. “By the way oppa the song is really nice. I never got to ask the title.”

“It’s entitled Crying and thanks for saying it’s good.” I said as I smiled at her. I hope our fans would also like the song and they would get the message I want to convey.

“Who wrote the song?” she asked curiously. I didn’t say anything instead I pointed to myself. I saw her eyes widen.

“Jinja? Daebak.” she said as she gave me two thumbs up.

“Your voice really fits the song. We actually tried to have someone sing for us but we can’t seem to find anyone suitable so we decided that I’ll just sing. But then we heard you so now you’ll be the one singing it.”

“Then I guess I’m lucky to be able to sing the song. Don’t worry oppa I’ll sing it with my heart.” she said as she smiled at me and held her pinky. I intertwined my pinky with hers and she promised me that she’ll practice the song so that when we’ll record it, it would turn out to be good.

“If you want I can coach you.” I said. “I think I’ll do that.” Woohyun butted in and we looked at him. He was also seated at the back and he was on my left side.

“Then you can all teach me.” she said with a smile.

“Do you know whom the song is dedicated to?” Woohyun asked, I eyed him telling him to not even say a single word or else he’ll be dead.

“Who?” she asked as she looked at him and then back to me. I told her that she didn’t have to know but she was persistent to know.

“C’mon oppa is it for someone you love?” she asked. I glared at Woohyun to do something. “I was just joking with you. It’s not dedicated to anyone.” he said and Soojung stopped asking questions.

It then became quiet, well it was fine with me at least she wasn’t asking anymore. I just don’t want to remember what happened in the past and Woohyun had to just bring the topic out.



Soojung POV

I bid goodbye to them then me and Sungyeol oppa went inside. He’ll be staying over for the night since he will explain to umma and appa about me taking part in their album and hopefully they would allow it.

“What a surprise for you to be here.” said dad as he sat on the sofa. Oppa and I followed him.

“Appa I have something to tell you.” he said. Dad stopped flipping through the channels and looked at him.

Sungyeol oppa took a deep breath before he answered. “Our CEO wants Soojung to take part in our album.” he said in one breath. I can feel his nervousness and I feel the same.

“What?” dad asked in a higher tone than his usual voice.

“She came with me to our recording and she was singing along when our CEO dropped by and he heard her. He was amazed by her voice that he wanted her take part.”

We were expecting that he would be angry but when I looked at him he was smiling. Dad was smiling and he was happy to hear such a news.

“That’s good. You can finally sing, isn’t that your dream?” he said as he looked at me. I didn’t know how to react usually when a topic like this comes he would be angry and tell me to just forget it.

“This calls for a celebration.” dad said as he called umma who was in the kitchen.

Mom peeked through the kitchen and dad told her everything she let go of the plate she was drying and went over to me to hug me.

“When will you start?” she asked excitedly.

“I’m given a week to practice before we record.”

“We’ll support you. Can we come when you do the recording?” mom asked as she let go of me.

“Are you sure you’re our parents?” Sungyeol oppa asked in a joking way.

“Of course. You better get used to this.” dad said as he opened his arms telling us to have a family hug.

We went to him and we all embraced each other. This is a nice feeling, no words can explain my happiness right now.


After that day Infinite oppa’s would drop by our house after their practice to teach me. Well actually it was only Sunggyu oppa and Woohyun oppa who was giving me voice lessons and the other oppa’s were just tagging along.

If they weren’t there I won’t last a day with my two vocal trainers. They were so serious when it comes to singing and the other oppa’s were there to lighten up the mood.

Somehow my heart was beating fast again but it was a different feeling. Nervousness when I’m around them maybe because they’re good singers that I’m afraid to make a mistake?


The week passed by quickly and it was now the day.

I‘m so nervous, I clutched my heart and Sungyeol oppa took my hand and told me to just relax.  I looked around before entering the booth and I saw my parents smiling at me and my Infinte oppa’s encouraging me.

I can do this! Hwaiting!

As I entered I took a deep breath and the music started playing.










~sorry for updating just now... I've been busy with school that I hardly had time to update anyway hope you like this... I just had my midterms this week and I hope I pass... I still have 3 exams left though... anyway please do leave comments ^^ and thank you for not unsibscribing even if I took long enough to update ^^

~I know it's a short update but I'll try to update another chapter if I still have time... I still have other fics to update... curse me for writing too much fics at the same

~and have you seen and heard Baby Soul and Yoo Jia's MV and song... I really like it and I got a little addicted to the song hehe ^^  Baby Soul is my bias keke :p

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I might put this one on hiatus for a while


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Update soon! :)
ShinHyunAe18 #2
White confession!!! <3 <3 <3<br />
i was just listening to that a while ago. haha :P<br />
Sesame Player days! kyaaa!!! i miss that time.<br />
Soojung is really a lucky girl. *^_^*
ShinHyunAe18 #3
having christmas in the hospital may not be that sad if you have your family around&w/ the surprise that the infinite will do for you, right? <3<br />
i'm excited for her, can't wait for it! update soon! :P
ShinHyunAe18 #4
Woohyun's so cuuutee~ <3
ShinHyunAe18 #5
awww~ it's so cute!! i can imagine how all the members want to be with her. :"><br />
poor Woohyun, he's a bit slow, you know. haha :P<br />
now i wonder who's her partner here? :)<br />
update soon!
ShinHyunAe18 #6
looking forward to the next chapter! :)
ShinHyunAe18 #7
He should allow her, i know Soojung will be happy by that. :P
ShinHyunAe18 #8
it's okay! fighting!!!! :)
@ShinHyunAe18 yeah but I want this fic to contain drama so I'm working hard.... :p
ShinHyunAe18 #10
nice! i agree! her story is really inspiring! :)<br />