[T] MarioNe


MarioNe (Mar 25, 2016 03:28:45) says about chapter 3: [TRAILER FORM]
Author: MarioNe
Author's profile: http://www.asianfanfics.com/
Story TITLE: Rising UP10TION to Miss Scriptwriter!
Story link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1028655/rising-up10tion-to-miss-scriptwriter-fluff-hwanhee-romance-wooshin-up10tion-jinhoo-kogyeol
Description: Due to a slightly unfortunate and clumsy accident, the real scriptwriter for Rising UP10TION broke her leg and now have to spent every moment in the hospital. Enter her sister, Lee Bi An. Slightly experienced in the field of writing and variety, Bi An was begged by her sister to take her place as one of the scriptwriters for the show. As a family member, she grudgingly accepts and anyways, she loves writing afterall. What could go wrong? ღ Maybe the fact that there was rising attention to the new scriptwriter. ღ
How do you imagine your trailer: up10tion trying to get the attention of the new girl scenes. and maybe some cheesy one-liners from them. :) 
Video links: -
Genre: romance, fluff
Rated: no
Quote(if any): nope
General feels: cute, puppy love?
Characters: Up10tion and OC( not sure, but maybe some girl who always looks confused?)
Words you want in the trailer: dialogue between oc and up10tion, anything will do ( i like your IN LOVE WITH BAD BOY trailer)
Song: up10tion catch me if you can
Trailer designer: LATTAE_
Have you paid, subs and upvoted?: subbed. do I pay to the designer or?
*cant upvote because I didn't activate my acc*
Password: shadow

xMarioNe (Mar 25, 2016 03:29:46) says: oh, its to myoneday, please ignore my question ^_^

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