[B] pegase2311


pegase2311 (Mar 23, 2016 05:46:51) says about chapter 9: [BETA READING FORM]
Author's name : pegase2311
Author's link : https://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/461217
Story title : koi no yokan
Story link : https://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1056205
Main characters : various pairings
Description : A collection of oneshots and drabbles featuring many crackship pairings.
Have you ever meet someone and you know that you're destined to each other?
In Japanese, that said 'koi no yokan'
This is not about love at first sight, this is more deeper.
A destiny.
Preferred Beta : SNOWCAKIE 
What you want help on (e.g plot, grammar & spelling ) : Character Dynamics, Character Development, Grammar Structure, Plot Analyst, Grammar. (Basically everything)
Which chapter you would like to be read : from page 2 - 13 (Total = 12 chapters)
Rated : No.
Anything else : No.
Password : shadow
Have you paid, subs and upvoted : already subs, upvoted,not yet paid.

xpegase2311 (Mar 27, 2016 03:05:30) says: Already paid on March 27th.

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