[A] mrsportgasdace


mrsportgasdace (Mar 22, 2016 15:31:38) says about chapter 3: [ADVERTISE FORM]
Author's name: mrsportgasdace
Author's link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/979837Story title:
Story link:http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1089406/think-of-me-kris-kumacontestfic-certifiedkuma
Main characters: kris 
Poster link: none 
Description: Vivian believes that most childhood "sweethearts" do not end up getting married to one another because they do not posses a love for each other but rather a love for freedom and exploration. Kris doesn't agree. When teenage crushes develop, the child often largely projects onto the other idealized attributes the admirer highly values. Vivian believes that crushes have more to do with fantasy than reality. Is love fate? Or is love a choice?
Genre: Romance 
Rated: PG-13 
Pack: Di'amon pack 
Status: none 
Advertiser: kukunoona 
Password: shadow 
Anything else: Thank you so much! 
Have you subs and upvoted and paid?: yes
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