Journal Of An Idol- Life With SHINee



  I am writing in this journal for the first time tonight. It all started when I entered the room. Onew said that he won a diary in this lucky draw and "he was a busy man" so he and the rest arrowed it at me. I am still feeling annoyed. Which guy writes in a diary? So I took a red marker and crossed out the word,DIARY and wrote JOURNAL. Much better.

  Anyways, as I was saying, this is my first time writing in this. So there nothing much to write actually other than the ice war we had just now. It was all Taemin's fault. He went and emptied a cup of ice blocks into Minho's shirt. Minho literally shook the house with that shriek. They started throwing ice blocks at each other and just then, Key walked in and a iceblock landed on his head. Onew hyung went in to see what the commotion was about and also got hit in the face. The four of them started shouting war cries and throwing every ice block they see.

  I finally went in after the commotion died out to as I thought it was safe enough. Wrong. Onew hyung and Minho emptied a pail of ice water from melted ice blocks on me. I jumped on the two of them and we wrestled on the wet ground while Taemin and Key shouted cheers.

  We finally cleaned up the place half an hour later and all of us drank the hot chocolate that my wife, joking, that Key made and we all retreated to our beds. As I am writing this, the rest had already fallen asleep. My eyelids are also getting heavy so I think I'll do the same.

  This entry is all for today. Maybe tomorrow would have more events to write about...


  Today morning Key made us a SALAD BURGER!!! Yummy!

  S- Super A- Atrociously L- Large A- And D-Delicious

After eating, we went out to the beach as it had been a long time since we last went out. Of course, the beach was beautiful. We went to a deserted spot and set our mat and picnic basket. We then sat down and started to apply some suntan lotion on Taemin.

  "Small boys shouldn't get too tanned."I , knowing how he hated people to call him that. Taemin and Minho then started a game of frisbee while Onew hyung started on a box of fried chicken which he bought from a chicken shop nearby. When he left to get some drinks, Me and Key immediately took the box and placed it in the food basket. We then walked off to the shore acting innocent.

  We looked at him and smirked as he had a frantic look on his face. He searched his bag, my bag, Key's bag and under the mat(I know, WTH?Under the mat?). Anyway that was how anxious he was. We finally felt sorry for him and returned it to him. But he didn't thank us instead he chased us across the beach.

  Talk about gratitude.

  We had alot of fun today and when we reached the dormitory, we were all exhausted. Key excused himself to his bed while I went to have a shower. The rest chatted for awhile in the kitchen. After bathing, I remembered my diary, uhm, I mean journal and so here I am writing it now. This is my entry for today. Sleepy...zzz...

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Chapter 5: It's so funny! I love it! Are you Singaporean? I saw the "CHEY! " I wondered if Koreans say that! Haha!
jjongiebbyluv #2
shineeshawol99 #3
LOL when Jonghyun and Taemin were talking about Eminem XDDD<br />
And they're so cruel to their manager XDDD<br />
Update soon~~~
Legendwriter #5
@onewmintjongkey: Yup :)
onewmintjongkey #6
haha this is cute :) update ! and i saw "CHEHY!".... singaporean ?
Update soon~~ HAHAHHAAH !! It's so funny XDDD You gained another subscriber :)
Awww Taemin is so cute! And Minho tied to a fridge! Combination of two of my favorite things! Hot Asians and food! Update soon! :3
Update soon!
Hahahahahahahaha I love this! It's so funny. XD