~3am Love at a Glance

3am Love at a Glance

Sirens shattered the silence of the usually dead city block, the suddenly lively garden stretch was lit by intermittent flashes of red, highlighting the huddling families and lone figures all staring up at the apartment block they called home. The late autumn wind grabbed at bare flesh, making children cling to the legs and arms of their parents, and had adults clutching themselves to stay warm.


Minnie stood off to the side, shivering slightly, glancing at the others around her, smiling at a mother holding her children, who smiled awkwardly back. The small movement reminded her of her own state of dress. The autumn day had been the warmest in a while and Minnie made the unfortunate mistake of thinking she could get away with wearing her summer pyjamas.


Split into short shorts and a top, it was the most adorable thing and the fabric was so soft. Her uncomfortableness came from the fact the top had medium sized straps and an elastic bottom paired with clasp buttons to make the top a snug fit. Not to mention the top also stopped about an inch above her belly button. The shorts sat just below her hips and hid none of her legs, resting just below her underwear. It was peach pink with small white dots, almost like strawberry seeds, and small strips of white lace, the piece appropriately called Fleur de Beauté. Her feet were perhaps the warmest part of her, sheltered in woollen knit ugg boots with authentic sheep wool lining and a bow placed over the ankle in a calm shade of cream.


Minnie wasn’t the only one in this situation, men who had come down in dressing gowns had given them away to their significant others and were now standing around in their boxers. she watched the kids running around, wondering if should could join them to keep warm without seeming strange.


“Minnie.” The voice of the little girl across the stretch woke her from her thoughts, breaking away to watch the 8 year old girl approach her with a blanket.

“Hey kiddo.” Minnie knelt down to the girl’s level, “are you okay?” looking the girl over, noticing the girl’s own blanket wrapped around her shoulders. The girl nodded sweetly, smiling to show off the gap in her gums.

“Mummy brought down a couple of blankets in case we got cold, but I bought my own.” She said proudly, Minnie gave her a smile as praise, “so Mummy said you might want this one.” The little girl handed over the blankets, obviously a spare from the girl’s linen closet as it was just large enough to cover Minnie’s torso and was covered with bunnies on full white moons.

“Aw thanks baby.” Minnie grinned bringing the girl into her arms and spinning her around. The girl giggled as she was put down but spared no time running back to her mum. Still smiling, Minnie mouthed ‘thank you’ to the mother in question as she wrapped the blanket around her shoulders, wondering when the firemen would give the building the all clear.


Turning around she came face to face, or more face to collarbone, with a shirtless man. “umm” Minnie mumbled, flustered, taking a step back.

“Oh, sorry,” the guy apologised, a little awkward as he lifted his arm to rub the back of neck, allowing Minnie to see the flex of muscle in his tone arm and it’s pull on his chest.

“No, it’s okay, you just, um, surprised me.” Minnie consoled him weakly, hoping she wasn’t blushing.


Properly looking him in the face she instantly dropped her eyes to the ground and pretend the blanket needed adjusting. Now she was certain she was blushing, it was the cute guy from next door. The cute guy who had moved in next door about 2 months ago, who she had habitually met in the elevator every morning as she rushed to work, and who she’d been checking out since the first day. This would be the first time they’d talked other than the odd “Morning” “Hold the elevator” or “Thanks”.


Minnie peeked up shyly in time to see him shudder, a giant shiver racking his body, and noticed he was cutely biting his lip, probably to keep his teeth from chattering. “Cold?” she asked, actually really concerned, surprising him as it dripped from her words.

“Cold? not really.” he lied through his teeth, but the flash of the fire engine lights lit the area enough that even from the brief flash she could see the goosebumps decorating his lightly tanned skin. She took a step closer and looked at him seriously before smiling.


“Here.” she said gently, removing the kid’s blanket and, rising onto her tippy toes, wrapped it around his shoulders. As the red lights flashed she thought she saw a blush rise to his cheeks but by the time the lights flashed again it was gone. His shocked look stayed though and Minnie smiled at him cheekily, “it was the manly thing to do.” he grinned back at her.

“My prince.” he joked, adding a small and very clumsy curtsy. Minnie laughed happily and he chuckled along, making Minnie feel warm, his smile making Minnie feel a little giddy.  What an idiot she thought to herself you’ve talked for thirty seconds and you’re already crushing. Thankfully, he didn’t seem to notice her still smiling like a fool.


“Do you think I suit pink bunnies?” he asked very seriously, wiping the smile from his face, but Minnie noticed the corner of his mouth twitching. Minnie put on a serious gaze as she looked him up and down, taking the opportunity to notice his impossibly long, firm but skinny legs, boxer briefs, she thought almost breaking her stern face, and finally came to the blanket that covered barely any of his torso, even though it had covered most, if not all, of hers.

“It’s a hard look to pull off,” she started, watching him from the corner of her eye, pretending to be appraising the impromptu jacket, “but you do it well.” she finally looked up at him and watched as he softly chuckled to himself.

“Not as well as you did, I’m sure.” He offered, but she shot him a modest smile.

“I’d beg to differ.” she surprised him further by poking her tongue out at him.

“I suppose you’re right.” He agreed and laughed as her eyes grew wide, pretending not to notice he continued, “I like what you’re wearing much more without it.”


She blushed under his gaze as he looked her over unabashed, feeling very awkward until she realised he was laughing. Angrily, she looked up at him to find him staring at her shoes. “I would steal your shoes especially but I think they might be the wrong size for me.” He announced cheekily, calming her down, making her feel warm once again.

“Maybe,” she joked with him, “let me check.” She moved to stand next to him, arms brushing lightly as she placed her shoe next to his rather large slipper. “yeah, I don’t think so.” she told him sadly.

“Pity,” he remarked, lightly tapping her foot with his, “we could’ve shared shoes.”


Minnie pat him on arm kindly, “You never know,” she told him, “I could still grow.” with one hand she measured where the flat of her head fell against him, and, holding the first hand in place against him, rose to measure the distance to his head. “Only this far.” she said, showing him the difference.

“194 cm.” he announced, almost proud, looking down at her.

“Okay, so only another 28 cm or so.” He chuckled.

“I would be very impressed if you grew another 28 cm.” He told her, leaning down to whisper in her ear, “shorty”

“I’m not short!” Miwnnie half yelled, turning to face him, he looked at her incredulous. “Well... not that short. “

“It’s okay, shorty” He winked, making her blush lightly.

“Oh, shut it.” she hit him lightly, glaring at him, before winking back to insinuate it was a joke.

“Wow you’re really warm.” He remarked suddenly, grabbing her hand with his.

“Omg you’re so cold.” Minnie gasped, stealing her hand back only to cover his with both of hers.


Habitually she brought the mixture of hands to and breathed on them lightly, rubbing her hands against his to create some friction. Working diligently she almost didn’t notice him staring down at her, smiling lightly. Feeling his gaze, Minnie’s eyes met with his as she brought them once more to , and she froze. “Oh, sorry.” the girl’s cheeks turned a bright shade of tomato red that could’ve put the fire engine to shame, “I do it for my friends all the time, I didn’t really think.” Laughing awkwardly she released his hands but he just smiled at her kindly.

“I wasn’t complaining.” He told her, pressing his hands against her face, “see, warm.” his tone was one of praise and comfort.  She looked at him oddly for a second before pulling his hands away.

“Your hands are almost bigger than my face!” she laughed, uncurling his fingers and pressing her palm against his. “oh wow.”

“194 cm” he reminded her

“Yeah yeah yeah…” she waved away the comment, grinning up at him. He opened his mouth to reply but a firewoman at the steps of the apartment block caught his attention and he turned Minnie and himself to face her.


“We’ve checked each floor, other than a small fire sparked from a cigarette in a bathroom waste basket in apartment 1506, everything is fine.” At the woman’s announcement, they looked at each other in relief, the fire was a long way from their apartments on level 9. “You can all go up now. We suggest going up by bottom floors first so there isn’t a rush. The last thing we need tonight is a stuck elevator.” All present nodded, but Minnie couldn’t help thinking a broken elevator didn’t seem so bad if it included her neighbour.


“Should we go stand with the others on our floor?” he surprised her, she had began to daydream. following his gaze, she found the other families had formed little groups according to floor level, and she smiled at their sleepy obedience. She nodded, letting him lead the way. The kids who had been so boisterous at the idea of being up late were currently asleep in the arms of their parents, nestled against chests and collarbones. Minnie smiled at this as they quietly approached the group. “Did you want the blanket back?” her neighbour whispered to the mother cradling the little girl from before, Minnie was surprised he could tell it was her.

“Oh no please.” the father replied, “it’s still cold out here.” His face split into a cheeky grin. “anyway, I don’t know if the girls could take two shirtless handsome men.” He joked and his wife shook her head and rolled her eyes at Minnie.


They followed the group in front, the two men talking whilst Minnie chatted with the mothers, blushing at their compliments on the pyjamas and laughing at their relief that the day being Saturday would mean not having to wake at an indecent hour for work or school. He came back to stand by her as finally floor 6 reached the elevators. The first two families went in together, but when the last two families were standing with them waiting, they both gestured.

“Please, you should go first.” The spoke in union to the  families, both smiling greatly and saying their goodbyes as the elevator doors opened.

“Uh, your blanket.” the cute neighbour awkwardly slipped the blanket from his shoulders and gave it back the father. In the light Minnie couldn’t help but noticed that the blanket had distracted her from his firm stomach with a faint outline of what she thought were 4 pack abs. face she thought to herself stick to the face. Her eyes flickered back up in time to see his light pink blush from his state of undress fade.


They stood together waiting for the elevator, he laughed quietly when she yawned and she smiled when he pat her on the head. The elevator ride was not so peaceful they found, with Minnie pressed against the side, only keeping from being pushed to back of the elevator by locking onto her neighbour’s arm as a large, loud family from level 10 followed them in. Nudging and pushing their way out, they found themselves alone in the quiet hallway, walking together until they found their neighbouring doors. Taking a deep breath, Minnie turned to face him once more.

“Um, I just realised, I don’t even know your name.” She told him, the internation at the end indicating the question within.

“Oh but I know yours. Minnie, apartment 0921, phone number” He proceeded to list her phone number and email address, with only a fault in the later, leaving her bewildered.

“Wait, What?!” she demanded, her hand hovering over her doorknob for a quick escape.

“That’s why I came to talk to you.” He smiled, nodding at the door. “I found your key.”


That made her start.

“My key?” She asked confused. He nodded.

“It was by the elevator, I think you dropped in on your way out?” He speculated, reaching down to the leg of his boxer briefs. She watched, confused and worried, as he fondled with the edge of the briefs before pulling out her keys.

“Wait a minute.” Minnie started to question him, but he anticipated her question.

“It has a little pocket for.. well.. it was a 21st birthday gag gift.”

“ah” she muttered awkwardly as it clicked, seeing the little pocket on the side of his briefs, the miniscule ‘c’ hidden in dark grey against the black, the blush rising up her neck. He handed it back to her and she couldn’t hold his gaze, a small fluttering began in her stomach when their eyes locked. “Thanks.” He just grinned and nodded.


He got his door open before Minnie moved again, quickly grabbing his arm. He looked at her as suddenly as she had grabbed him, and she wondered if he had been anticipating it, or hoping. “I still don’t know your name.” she told him, suddenly shy. He smiled down at her, so gently that she couldn’t help but smile back him, the fluttering feeling growing.

“It’s Junhong, apartment 0920,” he rattled of his details as he had hers, smiling jokingly down at her. She nodded, releasing his arm and moving to her own door.

“Goodnight Junhong.” she smiled, opening her door slower than usual.

“Night Minnie.” He smiled back, waiting till she stepped through the door until he did the same.


Minnie waltzed around her apartment, too hyped to go to bed, cleaning a little until the clock ticked over to 4:30 and her eyelids began to droop. Climbing into bed, she was only disturbed by the small vibration of her phone, grumbling she picked it up to be greeted by an unknown number, but reading the message she had a feeling she knew who it was.

Dinner at mine tonight, 7? I promise I’ll be fully dressed.

before she could reply another message came through

Just realised you might not know who that was, it was Junhong.

a few more seconds and another one

If you’re asleep, sorry.

she laughed lightly, the giddy feeling returning, she typed her response before curling up.

‘Sure, now shut up and get some sleep.


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Kakepop #1
Chapter 1: This is soooo sweet! I love your style of writing :) keep up the great work!
Chapter 1: This was very cute. I liked it very much, it was original.