What happened?

What Is Love?
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Taeyeon and Baekhyun agreed on meeting at 3pm to do homework together. But an hour have passed, Taeyeon have yet to arrive. Baekhyun became worried as Taeyeon as she is not someone who will be late. Even though, Baekhyun was wondering why he even cared for taeyeon when they are not together. 

After waiting for a hour,taeyeon have yet to appear. Baekhyun decided to take his leave and he was so worried for Taeyeon that he decided to go to Taeyeon's hostel room to look for her.

Baekhyun rang the door bell for a few times but to no avail. Baekhyun called Taeyeon and he could hear taeyeon phone rang in the room. He was overly worried for Taeyeon that he knocked the door open, only to see a fainted,motionless taeyeon lying on the floor.

Baekhyun immediately called for help. At the hospital,Baekhyun was waiting outside the emergency room impatiently and angrily, he blames himself for not being able to protect Taeyeon. When the doctor is finally out, Baekhyun asked the doctor what happened to Taeyeon. The doctor sadly told BaekHyun that Taeyeon is down with stage one of cancer. She cannot overwork and she did not consumed medicine on time to time basis.

at the ward,when the nurse tried to convince Taeyeon on taking the medicine, taeyeon got pissed until Baekhyun appeared. Baekhyun asked the nurse to leave and he will feed Taeyeon.

"Taeyeon ah,eat your medicine.. I am sorry i did not cared for you... Why dont you tell me about your condition.

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prinzginger #1
Chapter 2: I feel like i really wan to read finish this story!! Hope u can update and not leave it thx!!
Jesslynx #2
I am very new to this page so give me some time to update :)