
When The Nights Get Cold, I'll Warm You Up

Sehun has blankets wrapped around his entire body. His nose is stuffy and his head is pounding. His throat itches and all he wants is a glass of warm water. 

"Hyung," he croaks, breaking out in a round of body shaking coughs afterwards. 

Baekhyun comes running in moments later, wiping his hands with a towel. "Sehunah? Are you okay?" 

"Water," Sehun whines. 

"Alright, you big baby." Baekhyun smile softly. "I'll be back." 

Sehun hums, closing his eyes and curling up on his side. A shiver shakes his body and Sehun whines, eyebrows scrunching up. He can hear the soft patter of Baekhyun's footsteps and when he cracks open his eyes again, Baekhyun is already there, waiting for him with a cup and a straw. 

"Here you go. Sit up and drink your medicine too." 

Sehun's nose wrinkles at that. "Hyung," he whines, sniffling and rubbing his nose.

"You're not a baby anymore, don't whine," Baekhyun says. "Don't spill, I have a straw." Baekhyun tucks the blankets around Sehun closer and then sits down at an empty spot on the bed. "Feeling better than yesterday?" 

Sehun nods. He plucks the pills off the napkin and swallows them with a few gulps of water. The water soothes his aching throat. Sniffling, Sehun leans forward, forehead resting on Baekhyun's shoulder. "Tired." Then, his body freezes for a second and Sehun releases three consecutive sneezes. 

Baekhyun hands Sehun a tissue and tells him, "Blow your nose, love." 

Sehun takes the tissue and does as instructed. He tosses the used tissue into the trash beside his bed and then leans his head on Baekhyun's shoulder again. "Hyung, I'm cold." 

Baekhyun rubs Sehun's nape, thumb rubbing the spot near Sehun's ear that's sensitive, making his boyfriend wiggle. 

"Don't do that," Sehun whines.

"If you still have the energy to whine like a baby, you're okay," Baekhyun laughs. He wraps his arms around Sehun's body, blanket and all, and tugs him onto his lap. "I'll warm you up, big baby." 

Sehun sighs softly in contentment, sniffling as he tucks his head under Baekhyun's chin. He's a giant pile of awkward limbs but it's so nice having Baekhyun's heart beat right in his ear. Baekhyun's arms are always so warm and comfortable. The steady heartbeat and breathing of his boyfriend, makes Sehun's pounding headache fade away and soon, he's drifting off. His eyelids are heavy, threatening to fall. 



"You warm enough yet?" 

Sehun shakes his head, pouting. "No." 

"I have to make you some dinner, baby. I would stay here with you all day if I could." Baekhyun pats Sehun's back as he leans his cheek against Sehun's head. "I would kiss you too, but then I'll get sick and then who'll take care of us?" 

"Hyung, just a few more minutes. Please?" Sehun looks up, eyes slightly glossy from sleep, but still shining bright with hope. His pink lips are curled into a small pout and his tongue darts out to wet his bottom lip before disappearing. "Just a little bit. Lay down with me." Sehun wiggles out of Baekhyun's lap and lies down on his bed. He pulls Baekhyun's arm, tugging his boyfriend down with him. 

Baekhyun sighs, letting the younger pull him down. Sehun's hand is warm and his body is even warmer when Sehun throws the blanket over him. The younger's leg is thrown over his stomach as Sehun pillows his head into the crook of Baekhyun's neck. "Nap with me," he says, voice muffled. 

"Sehun, you know I can't." 

"Short nap. Ten minutes." 

"What if I get sick?" 

"I'll take care of you."

"But you're still sick." 

Sehun whines. "Nap!" He turns his head to cough a few times. "Ten minutes, hyung. Just ten. I wanna spend some time with you." 

Baekhyun hums, pulling Sehun closer. "Fine. Just ten then." 

Sehun makes a contented noise at that, eyes closing, lips curled up in a small smile. "Thanks." 

"No problem my big baby." 

Sehun hates being sick, but being sick means getting to cuddle with his boyfriend so it isn't all that bad.

Baekhyun watches as Sehun's facial features slowly relax as he falls back into his slumber. His lips slowly part, nose sometimes wrinkling when he can't breath. He looks younger like this. His eyebrows are furrowed, his forehead is smooth. Baekhyun runs his finger along Sehun's chin and smiles. "Sleep tight my little baby." 


"Put your hat on or you'll get sick again." 

"Fine." Sehun pouts as he tugs on the fuzzy hat. "There." 

Baekhyun smiles, biting his lower lip. 

"Stop smiling!" Sehun stomps his foot once. "I know I look stupid." 

"You don't look stupid," Baekhyun insists. "Just like a baby." 

Sehun makes a face. "Whatever." One hand is stuck inside his pocket while the other grabs Baekhyun's hand. "Hurry, I want some fish cakes." 

Baekhyun nods. "Okay, okay, slow down. You'll get your fish cakes." 

"You're taking forever!" Sehun whines. 

"I'm making sure my baby is dressed up in the perfect clothes for this weather. You'll get sick again if you go out in the rain with a T-shirt on, you dummy." 

"That was one mistake! I didn't know it was going to rain!" 

"It's fall, Sehunah. Of course it's going to rain." Baekhyun shakes his head. He puts their intertwined hands into his pocket. "Okay, let's go get your fish cakes." 

Sehun's face lights up in glee as he pulls Baekhyun out of their apartment. "You're taking too long!" he says, when his hands are separated from his boyfriend's. Sehun is at the end of the hall when Baekhyun is still in front of their door. 

"You dropped your hat, Hun." 

"I don't want that hat. It looks stupid." 

"You'll get sick again." 

"I'll be fine, come on!" 


Sehun gets sick again for the second time. Baekhyun doesn't have the heart to say "I told you so" when Sehun's sneezes and coughs are the only sound that fill the apartment. 

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R_nine21 #1
Chapter 4: sequel pls~~~
Chapter 4: Aww that was choooo cute >^<
Why did it have to end? :(
The adorableness of Sehun is just AHHHHHHHH but mixed with Baekhyun is just more than AHHHHHHHH if that even makes sense XD
I'm so sad that it ended but it was chooooo cute that I can not be sad.
Chapter 4: cutest sebaek omo cant get enough
Chapter 3: This is so cute! >.< It's way too cute, it's not fair. I wish I had someone to do these kinds of things with. T.T Anyways, see you next time! ^^
Chapter 3: To be honest, this pairing is a little bit odd, but nice anyway.
Baekhyun is like mother hen here. Loving, caring about her baby and veeery tolerant.
What makes me wonder is that Baek seems to go out for work or something, but not Sehun. Am I right?
Chapter 2: Romantic but funny. I can imagine Sehun acting like a spoiled child. Priceless!
Chapter 1: Fluffy indeed. I like it.
R_nine21 #8
Chapter 3: Clingy Sehun is so cute af
Chapter 3: Awww Little Hunnie is so adorable >^<
Baekhyun I think you might be dating a 6 year old trapped in a really tall body XD