Mia's life..

Everything happens in just one day! ( My bucket list )

Hello, my name is Na Mia , 17 years old, Korean-American high school girl. I was born and raised in America, but both parents are Korean and I have a 2-years old brother. me, oppa and mom stayed in America till I was 10, while dad couldn’t stay with us a lot because he had to travel to meet clients or to work.


my family was always apart, the one time we gathered was when my mom was diagnosed with late stage of cancer nothing will work for her nor chemotherapy or surgery few months later and she passed away..

my life has changed a lot since then, I became a book nerd when I actually never held a book beside my text books, I used to go out and come home late and right now I stick at home all day all night of course beside going to school..yes I’m anti-social, I don’t have friend- No wait! I have one precious friend my oppa! my only best friend, the only person I trust,love and treasure.

Na Kyungsoo , 20 years old , goes to college as a business major. why I adore him this much you ask? let me tell you why..


I was 13 when my mom passed away, its the worst feeling ever when you pass through her room and remember her sometimes you might think it was a dream so you would get up and run to her room but she won’t be there, I sometime comeback from school and look for her because I can’t believe it, why did she go? out of all the mothers in the world why mine? why take the most precious person in my life and leave me in an eternal pain? everyday when I eat the food we used to eat together I would tear up because living without her is hard on me, I can’t go through this pain alone..

two years later I was laying on my bed drinking coffee and watching tv on a Saturday morning completely ignoring my assignment on Monday, he walked in my room with a gift in his hand 

“My beloved lazy sister I have a little task for you and if you completed this task I will buy you an expansive bag for school. I looked at him a little bit surprised by his words “I’m up for it, give it to me” he hand the gift and said “open it and read it, I will give you 3 days to finish the task my dearest sister” I sighed and nodded my head “alright alright i will do everything for that expansive bag i want” he laughed and left the room. 

I opened the gift as soon as my oppa left, it was a book called “if I stay”. I spend the rest of the day going through the book and it was amazing the story the characters but the book didn’t just end there ,there was another part of the book anyway there is one quote I loved “we are born in one day. We die in one day. We can change in one day. And we can fall in love in one day. Anything can happen in one day” then I grabbed my small black notebook and wrote that quote on the first day. In just one day my whole life changed or lets say start to change because u don’t just change you take few steps before you do. 

And ever since then my love for my brother has grow, everything about to change and happen in my life will be because of him, I don’t care about what’s going to happen as long as its different. “wait- let me make a bucket list! it will be great for change OPPA THANK YOU’ I shouted and start working on my bucket list. 


In the school my seat is on the back alone, the window on my left and on the right is dumbest guy I’ve ever seen..kai 

who’s kai? 

let me tell you about him, my classmate a gangster kind of boy if you happen to be picked by him just know that your life is over well lucky me I’ve never talked to him nor having a plan to do so. well he get to look at me from time to time well I can’t help it being pretty and attractive girl sitting beside him hahaha. Anyway lately I’ve been working on my bucket list and the first thing on my bucket list is to have at least one friend, a friend I can lean on when I’m sad, a friend I can sing with when I’m happy. its exciting and scary..what if I gave it my all and get stabbed in the back like those people in movies ? 



Well mia find a friend ? or stay afraid to approach her classmates? 

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Galaxyff100 #1
Chapter 1: I'm very excited for the next part
Bluestar_11 #2
I am extremly excited for your story