Fantastic Treasure

Fantastic Treasure


Chanyeol didn’t really know what to expect when he went up to Kris after class one day to ask if he wanted to go to the park together that Saturday. He was a bit nervous at first. He’d just been talking to Baekhyun about it a few moments ago after class got out, trying to work up the courage to actually ask him since the two’d been talking about it for a few days and Baekhyun finally decided to tell him to go for it. In fact, while they’d been talking about it, Baekhyun pointed Kris out, coming out of the building and he swore he saw him looking right at them. Chanyeol almost chickened out on the spot as the two frantically turned away, hoping that it wasn’t them he was looking at, otherwise he’d be pretty suspicious of why they’d respond like that. Luckily for them, he left right after that, but he realized he’d miss his chance if he let Kris get too far, so after a couple of words of encouragement from Baekhyun, he took off sprinting after Kris and causally blurted the question at him when he caught up. The relief that rushed over him when Kris told him he was free that weekend was quickly converted to a massive increase in heartrate palpitations.

Kris has originally asked if it was for a project of sorts before Chanyeol sheepishly laughed and told him he just wanted to hang out. Kris clarified, asking if he meant just the two of them and Chanyeol couldn’t hide his excitement as he responded with a nod and couldn’t help rambling about all of the things he and Baekhyun decided would be the best things to suggest to convince him. When he realized he’d been going on a while and might look a bit desperate, he stopped for an answer, but all Kris responded with was an “oh”. Chanyeol laughed at his Kris’ awkwardness; he always found it somewhat charming.

“It’ll be good for you. And your face.” Chanyeol grinned, reaching over to poke Kris in one of his cheeks.

“My face?” Kris asked, raising his eyebrow. Chanyeol couldn’t help grinning again, seriously wondering how Kris could seemingly make any small action so attractive.

“Why the park, though?” Kris asked.

“You’re too much of a city guy. You need to get out more.” Chanyeol explained. He couldn’t believe how smoothly this was going for him externally for how nervous he was internally. After all, Kris hadn’t said yes yet and was asking questions as if he was suspicious of Chanyeol’s intentions. Chanyeol was obviously not about to admit what his real intentions were right here, but he had to say just enough so that Kris would agree to go with him.

“Anyway, it’ll be good if we can go early, maybe around 11?” Chanyeol continued. “There won’t be a lot of people out at that time, so we can have more of the park to ourselves.”

“So, see you there?” Chanyeol asked with glee.


Chanyeol threw the door to his and Baekhyun’s shared apartment open, flung himself in, and just as quickly, slammed it shut behind him, sliding to the floor out of breath. Baekhyun, who was playing a video game on the sofa, sat up as he watched his best friend heaving on the floor.

“You’re back! That didn’t take long!” He said, reaching for a water bottle. “So everything worked out?”

Chanyeol panted as Baekhyun tossed the bottle at him, giving him a thumbs up as he gulped down the water. Baekhyun’s eyes widened and he clapped in glee.

“So he said yes?!” he squealed. Chanyeol took a moment to regulate his breathing.

“Yeah!” Chanyeol nodded, before adding, “Well, er…no…but, he didn’t say ‘no’, so…I guess?”

“What do you mean, you guess?” Baekhyun asked, crossing his arms. “What happened?”

“I did everything we planned, it’s just that, he never really straight up said ‘yes’ and I kinda got nervous at the end and sorta ran away.” Chanyeol said, quickly. Baekhyun sighed.

“You’re hopeless.” Baekhyun brought his fingers up to his forehead.

“But he didn’t say ‘no’! That’s all that matters!” Chanyeol said.

“You wouldn’t really know what he said considering you ran away!” Baekhyun argued. Chanyeol groaned. He was hoping he could get some type of support from his best friend.

“So you got him to say…‘not no’…okay, so what’s your next plan of action?” Baekhyun asked, going back over to the sofa. “Are you gonna tell him?”

“Tell him what?” Chanyeol asked.

“That you love him, of course! What else?” Baekhyun said, laying down, as if it were obvious. Chanyeol felt the blood shoot up to his cheeks.

“S-Shut up! No, I’m not telling him something like that!” Chanyeol said, uselessly trying to hide his face.

“Well what was the point in working up the courage to ask him out if you’re just going to both go home with the same you started with?” Baekhyun continued.

“Would you knock it off?! There’s no !” Chanyeol argued, trying desperately to cool his face by drinking from Baekhyun’s water bottle.

“The way you guys look at each other when you think no one is looking? All the lovey stares and cheesy grinning? Pssh, I’d be scared to see what would happen if we weren’t around.” Baekhyun grinned cheekily.

“Why do I even talk to you?” Chanyeol muttered, taking a seat on the floor by the sofa.

“Hey hey, I’m just kidding! But come on, Yeollie, don’t act like you don’t want it to be more with him.” Baekhyun said, patting his shoulders.

“I do, it’s just…what if he doesn’t? He might just…see us as hyung and dongsaeng.” Chanyeol said. Chanyeol had had a crush on Kris for a while now, but he never thought Kris would feel the same way being that he was a couple years older. He probably just considered him to be a little brother at most considering how he would admittedly dote on him; bringing the older lunch if he had to stay behind in class, or a book if he forgot it in his locker during study hall – he was still occasionally embarrassed that some of the other students with the name “Puppyeol” for how often he was seen on Kris’ heels.

“Bet if I show up I can find out.” Baekhyun gave a cheeky smirk. Chanyeol rose to his feet hastily.

“NO WAY! If you even think about going to the park, I swear to you, I’ll-!!” Chanyeol said quickly, before Baekhyun brought a finger to his lips.

“Calm down, I might have only been kidding.” Baekhyun winked. “I’m sure your date will go fine. Just don’t get too carried away since it’s just the two of you. Remember, you’re still gonna be in public!~”

Chanyeol smirked to himself contently as Baekhyun shrieked at a pillow meeting his face.


Kris suggested the two meet up at the park, rather than going together, which Chanyeol didn’t mind. He was afraid he’d be too nervous and say something stupid if they went together anyway in the event Kris asked why they were going out there again. Instead, he went with Minseok, who it just so happened was going on a picnic with Luhan at the same place and time. Chanyeol thought about this as the two were making their way to the park that morning.

“So…are you and Luhan hyung going on a date?” Chanyeol grinned. Minseok tilted his head from side to side, swinging his picnic basket gently.

“Aren’t you?” He asked. Chanyeol waved his hands in front of him.

“W-Wha-no! It’s not…we’re just…” he stuttered as Minseok patted him on the back.

“You don’t have to be so nervous about it.” Minseok grinned. “Everyone knows you like Kris, no sense in trying to hide it.”

Chanyeol sighed. He figured there was no point in trying to deny it in from of the oldest of them. “Minseok hyung…do you think...he might…”

“I’m sure it it’ll all be fine.” Minseok said and reached up to ruffle to hair. “Kris’s puppy shouldn’t have anything to worry about. Chanyeol blushed lightly, partly due to Minseok’s words otherwise due to his bad habit of thinking back to any time Kris petted his head whenever anyone touched him similarly.

“Hey, there they are!” Minseok said. Chanyeol looked up and his heartrate increased, but he had to keep it cool.

“Hey, Kris hyung!” Chanyeol yelled

“Luhan!” Minseok yelled, as well.

Luhan and Kris were casually standing under a tree waiting for them. Chanyeol noticed Luhan was holding a picnic basket just like Minseok.

“Huh? Why does he have a basket, too?” Chanyeol asked, scratching his hair.

“I said I’d pack lunch, but he insisted on making his own snacks for us, too.” Minseok chuckled a bit.

“Aish, you two…” Chanyeol said, as they approached the Chinese boys.

“Hi Luhan.” Minseok smiled at Luhan.

“Hey.” Luhan giggled stupidly.

Chanyeol held himself back from rolling his eyes. Luhan always got so goofy and shy around Minseok and he could never figure out why. He may not have shown it as much as the younger, but pretty much all of them knew Minseok liked him as well. Thinking on it now, he hoped he never looked that obvious to Kris.

Minseok went over to greet Kris with a brief hug and Chanyeol decided to do the same to Luhan.

“Well, I guess you two want to get going, huh?” Kris spoke up suddenly, looking at Luhan. He smacked Luhan on the back and faced Minseok with a cunning grin. “With his amount of fangirling, you’d think you were an idol!”

“SHUT UP!” Luhan gritted his teeth. Chanyeol held back his laughter. He could see Luhan probably was holding himself back, too (from killing Kris, however) in front of Minseok. Chanyeol glanced to the side and suddenly felt his stomach flip at the equally creepy grin Minseok was now giving him.

“Really? Sounds like Chanyeol.” he said, elbowing him in the side. “He hasn’t stopped talking about this for-”

“YAAH!! HYUNG!” Chanyeol said flinging his arms about as his face heated up. He wanted to cover this hyung’s mouth before he blabbed anymore, but at the same time wanted to pull Kris from hearing anymore of it as fast as possible. Realizing that he probably looked ridiculous, he went over and grabbed Kris’ arm, pulling him away from the other two.

“Aww!! LOOK HOW CUTE THEY ARE!” they heard Luhan yell loudly behind them, followed by some laughter from Minseok.

Chanyeol could still feel his cheeks burning and kept his face forward as he dragged Kris along.

“Ignore Minseok hyung, he’s just trying to cover for his BOYFRIEND!!” Chanyeol yelled the last part when they got far enough away from the older boys. He was silently praying in his mind for Kris not to ask what Minseok was talking about.

“That was pretty sly, taking up for Luhan like that.” Kris said, causing Chanyeol to breathe a sigh of relief as he continued. “Are they actually dating? With Luhan, I can never get a real answer.”

“You and me both, then.” Chanyeol said, honestly. “I ask Minseok hyung and he always changes the subject. It’s at least pretty obvious they like each other, though.”

Both of them turned around briefly and saw the two giggling about…something…before Minseok took Luhan’s hand and they headed toward the open field. It made Chanyeol feel a bit happy, seeing them like that. He secretly glanced at Kris and hoped the same could happen for him.

When the two were finally away from the grassy park area and near the walking trail, Chanyeol felt slightly proud of himself, not seeing many people out at this time. He’d say he picked a pretty good day to go out to the park. He turned back to face Kris.

“So…anything you had in particular you wanted to do?” Kris asked him. “Since it was your idea and all…”

“Uh, not really. Haha!” Chanyeol laughed a bit sheepishly. He knew he should have sat down longer and thought about what do to so he had an idea when he got there, but he thought his spontaneous personality might be enough to not make Kris think it was a bit pathetic he didn’t have any ideas. “I thought it would be more fun to wait and see when we got here.”

“Well, we got all day. Let’s start looking around.” Kris said, giving a small smile. Relieved, Chanyeol grinned and nodded, as the two set off.


Chanyeol found out shortly afterwards that perhaps he should have picked something out on his own.

“Oooohh! What about the canoes?! Can we do the canoes?!” he asked, excitedly.

“No way! You’ll just steer like a crazy person and we’ll fall in like that one time Junmyeon took us all on vacation.” Chanyeol stuck his lips out in disappointment, hoping he would have forgotten about that one time. “I’m not getting my hair wet today, Park.” Kris said, reaching up for his hair as if just the conversation itself could ruin his hair.

Chanyeol rolled his eyes. “You’re such a prince.” He ran a hand through Kris’ incredibly styled blonde hair, who gave him an unamused look back. Chanyeol knew Kris didn’t like it when people touched his hair, but he inwardly (and slightly externally) grinned at the fact that he never pushed his hand away, unlike others.

“Next.” He said.

Chanyeol groaned and continued looking around the park for something to do. He couldn’t blame Kris for disagreeing so much. He should have planned ahead better, but he was hoping they’d find something to do soon, or else he’d waste the entire day never getting to hang out and do anything really fun.

He decided to look around more carefully. He had to admit, he was starting to make suggestions just for the hell of it, but he really wanted something that would just be him and Kris with no interruptions from anyone else. Suddenly, something caught his attention and it seemed to be just what he needed.

“There!!” Chanyeol unintentionally shouted. “Over there!! The bikes!!”

He saw Kris look over at the area he was talking about. The bike station had a lot of different types of bikes. Particularly, they had the kind where multiple people could ride.

“Those are the ones where like four different people can ride at once! Can we do that, please!!” Chanyeol begged. “That looks fun!!” he grabbed and pulled on Kris’ arm. Kris chuckled a bit.

“Yes, we can ride the bikes, Cànliè.” he nodded. Chanyeol’s grin spread across his face before he took off running for the bikes, not even realizing he left Kris behind. He couldn’t help the feeling of elation he always got in his stomach when Kris called him by his name in Chinese. It was like something special between the two that he hardly ever did to any of the others that made him feel that much closer to Kris being called by his name in Kris' mother tongue.

“Slow down, they aren’t going anywhere!” he heard Kris yell behind him.


Chanyeol and Kris went over to the bike station, which Chanyeol was glad didn’t have a line, and listened as a worker told them about how much each ride would be.

“How long do you want to ride for?”  The man began. “You can get it for thirty minutes, forty-five minutes, an hour, an hour and thirty minutes...”

“Kris hyuuunngg…I wanna ride all day!” Chanyeol poked Kris’ side.

“I don’t think even you have that much energy.” Kris smirked and turned back to look at the board. “So this one costs…”

“Don’t pick a short time just because they’re cheaper!” Chanyeol crossed his arms. Really, he wanted him to pick a longer time so they’d have more time to spend together. He figured since they were most likely going to split the cost, he could probably convince him to get a pretty decent amount of time to ride.

“Okay, okay, let’s see then. How about…” Kris said, looking up and down the prices and times. He suddenly turned to face Chanyeol, who stuck his lips out and gave him puppy eyes in an attempt to get him to get a longer time. There was pretty much a 50% chance of this working.

When Kris just turned back, he couldn’t tell if it had worked or not, but found it a bit strange that he started fiddling with his wallet awkwardly.

 “Just give me the hour.” Kris blurted. When he noticed Kris rushing to hand over a handful of bills, Chanyeol’s eyes widened and he stopped him by grabbing his arm.

“Wait, I can pay some, too. It was my idea in the first place.” he said, feeling guilty that he hadn’t made an effort to look like he intended on helping to pay and reached for his pockets for some cash.

“Relax, it’s fine. Don’t worry about it.” Kris said, somewhat shoving the money at the man. Chanyeol was honestly more concerned with the money than Kris’ sudden random franticness he would have to ask him about later.

“Are you sure?” he asked, tugging at Kris’ shirt sleeve. He felt bad Kris was paying when it was him who not only was the one who wanted to come to the park, but he also came unprepared, as well. But Kris just nodded at him.

“Yes, it’s alright.” he said.

Chanyeol didn’t really know how to feel about Kris choosing to pay for both of them. He flushed slightly, thinking that Baekhyun would probably say it was super “boyfriend” or something like that if he was there. But maybe he was just being nice since Kris tended to pay for him frequently for things…which didn’t help matters much and just seemed pretty “boyfriend” in itself.

“Okay…” Chanyeol said, still feeling a bit unsure. There had to be something he could do. He stared at the board and noticed there were pries for bottled water, as well.

“I’ll buy some water, then!” he said.

Chanyeol was glad he got to help pay for something, but quickly became upset over how cheap the water was compared to the ride itself. Even Kris assuring him not to worry about the money didn’t make him feel much better.

Another park worker pulled out one of the bikes from where there were parked and walked it over to the two giants. It had two regular seats in the front, each with a steering wheel, a seat like a booth in the back, a basket in the front, a bell Chanyeol was going to abuse the hell out of, and a tarp above it for some shade. Chanyeol was getting excited already.

“The bike, as you can see, has two steering wheels in the front for each of you, but only the one on the right can actually control the bike.” The man explained. “So, which one of you wants to steer?”

“ME! ME!!” Chanyeol blurted out, throwing both his hands up in the air and grabbing on Kris’ arm. “Please! Hyung, let me steer!!”

Kris chuckled and reached a hand over to ruffle Chanyeol’s curly hair. “Okay, okay, go ahead.” Chanyeol clapped excitedly and went to move towards the man so he could hear his instructions on how to steer, but stopped just in front of Kris, half-realizing that if he went any further, he’d be out from Kris’ reach.

Chanyeol felt Kris’ hand moving backwards and, without even realizing it, leaned backwards with him, not wanting to lose the feel of Kris’ fingers tangled in his hair. However, he immediately blushed and pulled forward, realizing how this probably looked and felt Kris’ hand still in his hair. Kris just as quickly pulled his hand out of Chanyeol’s hair and Chanyeol moved by the worker.

“Sorry about that.” Chanyeol said, sheepishly, turning to Kris, and then the man.

“It’s fine, my fault.” Kris said quickly, shoving his hands in his pockets.

Not even five minutes in and Chanyeol already felt as if he could die of embarrassment. How could he possibly talk his way out of this? He didn’t even know what came over him. It was just as if he was drawn to the feeling of Kris his hair and didn’t want him to stop. Kris did it to him from time to time when he was amused by or pleased with him, it seemed, and he always just liked the feeling of the affectionate touch from his hyung that made him feel warm inside. But he failed to even think about the fact that they were in public and not in front of their friends, which made the situation that much more awkward. This guy probably thought they were dating.

But at the same time…how come Kris left his hand there for that long? Why didn’t he pull his hand away sooner? Maybe, he was lost in it, too? Or maybe he was just not paying attention and nothing more? Or maybe Kris was waiting for him to move away first?

Chanyeol’s mind was so clustered with all these thoughts that he barely heard anything the worker had told him. When he noticed he’d finished speaking, he nodded to let him at least think he’d heard him, who wished them a nice ride before walking back to his station. He looked back at Kris, who didn’t seem to be paying attention either, for some reason. Perhaps he’d been thinking the same thing? He hoped he wasn’t thinking he was weird. Well, there was no use dwelling on it. More than anything, he just wanted to get this show on the road, so he climbed onto the bike, excitedly.

“Get on, hyung!” He told Kris, seemingly catching his attention.

“Alright, so we just follow the trail?” Kris asked, walking to his side of the bike.

Good…guess he’s not worried about what just happened. Chanyeol thought to himself and nodded.

“Yeah, it’s really long, though! So this’ll really be fun all day!” he said, excitedly.

“Well, we better get started, then.” Kris said, climbing onto the bike. As soon as he was halfway on, Chanyeol pedaled away, hyped with excitement. Unfortunately, Kris’ long dangly legs were getting in the way.

“YAH! Hurry and start pedaling!” Chanyeol complained.

“Hurry?! Can I sit down first?!” Kris yelled back.

“Come on! Come on!” Chanyeol continued.

“Slow down!!” Kris tried to get some footing.

“I can’t move like this! Come on!”

“This kid…”


Chanyeol laughed excitedly after they’d been riding for a short while.

“This is actually really fun!” he said.

“Yeah it is,” Kris nodded. “But it’s a lot more work than I thought.” Chanyeol looked at him and grinned.

“Won’t it be worth it in the end when we’re all toned, though?” he asked. Kris smirked at him, raising an eyebrow.

“How much more toned do you need to be?” Kris asked, poking his arm. “You look fine already.”

“Awww, thanks hyung!” Chanyeol’s grin grew wider, as he cupped his hands with his face, trying to do aegyo to distract Kris from his quickly reddening cheeks. Kris just rolled his eyes.

“Since you’re the one that’s actually controlling this thing, you might want to keep your hands on the wheel there instead of trying to be cute.” He said.

“Hmmph! You’re no fun.” Chanyeol poked out his lips, as he put his hands back on the steering wheel.

“Pssh! It’s not like you even need to try that hard anyway!” Kris said.

Chanyeol froze for a minute, taking a minute to let that sink in as he stared at Kris. Did Kris…just call him cute? He felt his cheeks heat up even more than before.

“Uh…” he said, unable to remove his eyes off of Kris. Or say anything else, for that matter. Chanyeol’s eyes were glued to Kris’ so much that he not only wasn’t looking where they were going, but stopped steering altogether.

He snapped out of it when he saw Kris quickly reach over and grab the wheel with one hand, and steer them back on course and keeping them on the path.

“Yah! Pay attention!” Kris said.

“Right, sorry.” Chanyeol said, hurriedly. He turned away and looked down at the grass.

Chanyeol’s face was burning. What was up with him being so nervous around Kris lately? Well, not really nervous, but just so extra conscious of him and the things he said and did? Every time he touched him, looked at him, smiled at him, complimented him; it would always make his heart race and his stomach fill with butterflies and just make him feel really happy and he couldn’t explain why. But even though Kris would always do these sorts of things with him, these days it just felt so different for some reason. It even felt different when they were amongst their other friends and he noticed the way they would point and whisper at him and Kris from the corner of his eye, just like Baekhyun told him before. It was as if they were treating them like…

…like they were a couple.

Well, it wasn’t like it really bothered Chanyeol to be thought of that way. He’d be lying if he said he didn’t clutch his pillow close to himself in glee squealing every time he thought about being called a couple with his Kris hyung. Minseok was right, he couldn’t deny having a huge crush on the older. But it was just becoming that much harder to keep these feelings from blatantly humiliating himself in front of Kris.

Chanyeol gleefully looked around at the beautiful scenery and thought about how he loved that he was spending such a day with Kris. Even doing something like this with Jongin or Baekhyun, while fun, just didn’t have the same feeling it had with Kris for some reason. But why did it have that much meaning to him that it was Kris who’d agreed to do this with him over his other friends that he hung out with much more often, which he probably wouldn’t have even thought that much about?

But that was more or less it. This did mean that much more to him because it was with Kris.

That fact that Kris agreed to do this with him, which Chanyeol wouldn’t believe would never cross his mind as something date-like, made his heart fill with butterflies again. And the fact that he paid for it and wouldn’t even let Chanyeol help just added on to it. The idea that Kris could like him back filled him with such a nervous excitement he couldn’t explain it. Was it perhaps the notion that the most attractive guy in the school, who just so happened so somehow become Chanyeol’s best friend, actually liking him that was so hard to believe? Was it the idea of them becoming a couple around the rest of their friends? How would they even go about it? He didn’t really know.

He suddenly noticed a flower field a little ways away he enjoyed seeing every time he went to the park around this season. He glanced back a Kris. He sort of wanted to experience it with him for some reason. Laying in a flower field with his hyung on a date at the park seemed like something he’d daydream about in class. Even if this was only a date to him, he was definitely going to make it happen.

“Hey Kris.” Chanyeol spoke up.

“Huh?” He said. He seemed like he’d spaced out.

Chanyeol pointed towards the flower field. “See over there? Those flowers are really pretty around this time of year.”

“Hey, you’re right, they do look nice.” Kris nodded. “Maybe we’ll come back by them later.”

Chanyeol clapped in joy, giddily. He was planning on trying to convince Kris to go over there; he hadn’t expected Kris to suggest going by them, which made him that much more happy. He laughed as he knew Kris noticed he purposely didn’t put his hands back on the wheel. Instead, he brought his hands up to his cheeks to do more aegyo, to which Kris laughed as well.

“What’s with you being so silly today?” Kris asked with a laugh.

“Do aegyo, too!” Chanyeol laughed.

“No way!” Kris said, looking around.

Chanyeol knew the older man didn’t like aegyo that much, obviously not suiting his cooler exterior, but Chanyeol had other plans. He knew Kris could be just as silly as him if he wanted and Chanyeol wanted him to loosen up and relax more.

“Do it or I won’t steer!” he said, crossing his arms while still pedaling.

“You can’t be serious.” Kris groaned, though Chanyeol could tell by his expression that he wasn’t actually mad.

“You better hurry before we run into some pole or something.” Chanyeol threatened.

Kris rolled his eyes. He did an awkward smile, pressed his fingers in his cheeks, and proceeded to say in the best attempt (he guessed) at a cute voice:

“Please don’t kill us, Chanyeollie.”

His gummy-ish smile had somehow become a look of pouting and was overall so un-Kris, Chanyeol couldn’t keep from bursting into laughter.

“What was that, hyung?!” Chanyeol managed, between laughs. “Your face! You should have seen it! It was all…” he tried to replicate the sad looking expression by sticking his lips out and whining a bit before falling back into laughter. He felt a bit bad for laughing so hard when Kris turned away.

“The least you could do is pedal so everyone around us doesn’t have to know I can’t be cute.” he said, his eyes forward. But Chanyeol grabbed his arm quickly.

“No! It was actually really cute in its own way!” Chanyeol said, nodding. “Like, I didn’t know that pouting face of yours could be so cute.” He wasn’t lying. He admitted he’d always found seemingly any expression on Kris highly charming, but he’d always found his lips (particularly when stuck out and in conjuncture with an attempt at a puppy dog face) somehow really cute for his giant hyung who tried so hard to look cool. Said hyung currently looking back at him skeptically.

“It was good, so I’ll steer.” Chanyeol gave him a thumbs up to further prove his sincerity before resuming his pedaling.

Chanyeol hoped Kris didn’t find it odd that he had been a bit extra just now. The two joked with each other often and neither would ever actually be offended by any intentional teasing, so there was never any real need to let the other know how they actually felt. Chanyeol hoped Kris wouldn’t think too much about it.

Amidst thinking of this, Chanyeol couldn’t help but giggle again at his hyung’s attempt at cuteness and covered his mouth with his hand. Unfortunately for him, he was never known for being quiet.

 “STOP LAUGHING!” Kris yelled.


They’d been biking for a while when Kris suddenly spoke up.

“Hey, Chanyeol, isn’t that Baekhyun?” Kris asked, pointing off to the side.

Chanyeol could swear his heart stopped. “BAEKHYUN?!” He quickly looked over to where Kris was pointing.

Surely enough, seated on a bench by the edge of the grass, was Baekhyun, waving cheerily (or rather, evilly) and holding an ice cream cone. He also saw Tao sitting right next to him, laughing into his hand and trying to wave while holding his own cone.

“He’s here?!” Chanyeol exclaimed. This couldn’t be happening. He seriously showed up?! Baekhyun would humiliate him to the next dimension if they went over there. He had to think of something quickly-

“You alright?” Kris asked. He sounded suspicious. Chanyeol tried to keep cool.

“Yeah, it’s just…er…” Chanyeol stuttered trying to be as natural as possible. Kris was obviously going to pick up on something being up if he didn’t want to go over there. But if he did, he might as well kiss any chances of Kris not thinking he’s an idiot goodbye.


“Yeah! I didn’t know you were coming to the park today, too!” Chanyeol yelled back, a bit nervously. He could feel Kris giving him a weird look.

“We can stop for a minute, you know? You guys don’t have to yell.” Kris said, starting to slow down his pedaling.

NO!! NO!! NO!! Chanyeol thought. If we stop, I’m screwed! But if I say no he’ll…

“Err…uh…yeah, okay, yeah.” Chanyeol said, cursing internally. There was no way out of going over there, but he could at least try his best to make this interaction as short and pain-free as possible. The two slowed down to a stop as they reached the bench Baekhyun was on with Tao.

“Baekhyun-ah, Tao, hey! What are you two doing out here?” Chanyeol asked, trying to sound casual. Though he knew Baekhyun and the current look in his eyes showed he knew Chanyeol was anything but.

“Yeah, neither of you said anything about coming to the park at lunch yesterday.” Kris added.

“But Ge, you and Chanyeol hyung didn’t say anything about coming to the park either.” Tao said.

“I…said I’d be busy.” Kris said.

“But not what…” Tao started before Chanyeol noticed him quickly glancing at him with his cat eyes before continuing, “…or whooooo…you were busy with.” He added, now grinning. Baekhyun had obiously put him up to this.

“Yeah, it looks like the two of you came out here pretty secretly, as well.” Baekhyun said, crossing his legs and folding his hands on his knees. Chanyeol could kill him.

“Just the two of you.” Tao said, raising two fingers.

“And spending a nice day like this at a park on a bike meant for two?” Baekhyun teasingly wriggled his eyebrows. “Anything you two want to share?” he rested his chin in his palm.

“Urgh, no…you know…ugh…” Chanyeol stuttered. This was arguably going worse than he’s thought. Not only did he have to deal with Baekhyun, he’d clearly convinced Tao to help him. Worse, he was acting like he knew nothing about this at all when it was his idea!

“Anything you two want to share, sitting on a bench together in a park eating ice cream?” Kris said suddenly. Tao looked over at Baekhyun, clearly following his lead on this. Why did Baekhyun even bring him along, anyway?

“Like I said, it’s a nice, hot day. Eating ice cream like this is perfectly natural.” Baekhyun said, before leaning back against the bench.” Tao laughed to himself, crossing his legs and leaning back just like Baekhyun.

“First Minseok hyung and Luhan. Now you two.” Baekhyun said, putting on a show of pretending to wipe away tears. “They all grow up so fast!”

“And what do you mean by that?” Kris asked. “You saw them out here, too?”

Baekhyun nodded. “And what I mean is that it’s just adorable how all you guys are just up and becoming couples…going out on secret dates…”

Chanyeol flinched. Why? Why was this happening to him? Why couldn’t he say anything? He tried, but no words came out. But would it even make a difference? Surely if he tried to deny it in front of Kris, Baekhyun would surely expose him, which seemed to be what his intentions were in the first place.

“Us on secret dates?!” Kris said suddenly. “Tao, didn’t you tell me you were going shopping today?! What are you doing here?” Chanyeol raised an eyebrow at this. Hadn’t Baekhyun said he was going shopping, too? Were they actually intending to do so, or was it just an excuse for both of them?

“Hey! I was planning on going shopping. In fact, Baekhyun was supposed to come with me, but he said it would be better to come to the park. Blame him!” Tao said, before trying to casually turn his attention to his ice cream.

“And that was because?” Kris continued, looking at Baekhyun, who grinned up at him with a mischievous look in his eyes. Chanyeol thought his heart stopped.

“To come hear you guys not deny coming on secret dates?” Baekhyun said.

Chanyeol and Kris both looked at him. It took them about three seconds before it snapped.

“…I didn’t…” Kris started slowly. Chanyeol’s cheeks were burning.

“Deny it?” Baekhyun said, his ice cream. “Don’t feel embarrassed, Yeollie didn’t either.”

Chanyeol’s cheeks burned even more and he had to resist the urge to try to cover his face. He didn’t know what Kris was doing but he couldn’t dare to turn and face him. He could only avert the eyes of everyone around as he prayed for anything to just end this.

“Beef, you embarrassed them!” Tao jumped in. “I told you we shouldn’t bother them!” Baekhyun looked annoyed.

“Alright, alright. Run along, you two.” Baekhyun said, waving his hand. “Enjoy the rest of your secret date!!!”

“I could say the same to you!” Kris said and the two began to pedal off. Chanyeol heard the two yelling their "bye"s as they went off and he tried to focus on regulating his breathing.

“Those two were just as troublesome as usual.” He heard Kris mumble.

“Just like Minseok hyung earlier, too.” Chanyeol added, quietly as well, feeling just a bit less nervous at the fact that Kris didn’t mention him not saying anything. “They keep denying or ignoring it when we bring up the same thing to them.”

Kris nodded and Chanyeol sighed. He was gonna surely kill Baekhyun later. What did he think this was doing? Was this supposed to help him? By pointing out that he didn’t deny the date in front of Kris; was he trying to give Kris the hint that he liked him? If anything, it probably made things even more awkward! After all, it wasn’t like it was on purpose. He was too focused on too many things at once to even try to.

But he also had to think. Did Baekhyun actually help him? He’d been too flustered to notice it at the time, but Kris really hadn’t denied it either. So…did he consider this to be a date, as well? And if so, what did that mean? Was he…okay with being on a date together? Did he, have feelings for him, too? He glanced at Kris beside him.

Why didn’t he say anything?


Things were pretty okay after getting away from the Listen And Repeat Brigade. Chanyeol couldn’t put a finger on whether or not Baekhyun had actually ended up giving him a sign that Kris may share his feelings and just decided not to focus on it too much and needlessly get his own hopes up.

“It’s been about an hour, wanna take a break?” Kris spoke up suddenly. Chanyeol’s stomach bubbled in giddiness. Finally, some relaxing alone time with Kris.

The again, on second thought, he didn’t want to seem too desperate to be alone with his hyung. After all, their friends were in the park, too. He’d probably want to at least break with all of them like a decent friend would, despite the fact that it would almost certainly just be asking for more humiliation. Chanyeol didn’t really want to, but he figured he might as well try not to exclude them for the sake of his “date”.

“Uh, sure. You wanna go back by Minseok hyung and Luhan hyung?” Chanyeol suggested, taking a sip of water.

“Why would I?” Kris’ answer surprised him, as he scrunched up his face. Chanyeol laughed, glad they were on the same page. “Why don’t we go by the flowers you liked so much?”

“Really?!” Chanyeol couldn’t contain his excitement and bounced on his seat in joy. “Yay! Let’s go!”

After moving their bike under a tree, Kris quickly threw himself on the ground amongst the field of flowers.

“Finally….my legs are killing me…” He said. Chanyeol scrunched his face at Kris so carelessly flinging his large body down on the bed of flowers.

“Yah! Don’t mess them all up!” Chanyeol protested, before seating himself next to Kris.

“I didn’t know you were such an environmentalist.” Kris teased, but slid over to a spot that was as free of flowers as he could anyway.

Chanyeol stuck his lips out. Admittedly, he usually wouldn’t be so concerned about the flowers, but this time he needed them. He’d been thinking about it during their ride after bringing the field up and decided to make flower crown for Kris. There was just something about the thought of his intense hyung with such a delicate accessory that made him giggly inside, much like his aegyo. So as soon as he sat down, he turned to his side and, as discretely as possible, started to work.

The downtime from the break was pretty peaceful, with Kris chatting away about sports, music, and some antics with their friends, currently laughing about how he and Tao were forced to try to get Sehun’s gym shorts back from Jongin. Or was it Jongdae?

The truth was, Chanyeol hadn’t really been listening that much, putting his full attention on the flower crown at his side. As ironic as it seemed, seeing as he’d been waiting for some downtime to just spend talking to Kris all day and was now somewhat wasting it, the gift had to be just right for Kris. He wanted it to be something special, not something he just threw together on the spur of the moment. He wanted Kris to treasure it. He did feel a bit bad for not really listening to Kris, though.

“I swear, you’d think he’d see it coming by now.” He heard Kris say. “He does it like every month.”

“Uh-huh, yeah.” Chanyeol nodded. He knew it must have been obvious he was distracted, but he was so close to being done. He hoped Kris wasn’t mad. He didn’t seem to notice.

“What are you doing?” Kris finally asked, just as Chanyeol put on the finishing touches to his gift. Couldn’t have been any more perfect timing, he thought. Chanyeol giggled, his cheeks tinged a bit as he peeked at Kris and slowly held the flower crown in front of him.

“Ta-da! Haha, pretty cool right?” he said, beaming at his hard work. He watched Kris stare at it and nod, allowing him to breathe a sigh of relief. Anyone else might not have understood, but Chanyeol could tell Kris’ facial expressions from just the slightest change; he knew he was intrigued in a good way.

It was a bit embarrassing. Kris probably didn’t even know Chanyeol new how to make flower crowns. In fact, the reasoning for such was that he’d only learned not too long ago from the evil beef duo themselves for the purpose of one day hoping to make one for Kris.

“It’s nice. Seems like something pretty fitting for y-” Kris started, before Chanyeol hurriedly, and a bit too excitedly, cut Kris off by placing the flower arrangement atop his hyung’s blonde head.

“I thought it would look good on you.” He blurted out. Chanyeol tried to conceal his slightly reddening cheeks as he added, “But then again, what doesn’t?” What was with him saying things so suddenly like this today? His heart pounded, hoping he wasn’t being too obvious. It wasn’t like he wouldn’t say something like that if they were joking, it just…felt weird genuinely letting his hyung know about his admirations for him.

The crown itself, he thought, looked adorable on Kris, for lack of a better description. Just as he thought, there was something about the contrast between his typically masculine hyung and the effeminate flower adornment that seemed to make Kris’s whole being brighten up. Especially with the way Kris was smiling at him right now; Chanyeol’s whole body felt warm.

Kris rolled his eyes upward, trying to get a glimpse of the crown before looking back at Chanyeol with a somewhat shy grin.

“Thanks.” He said. Chanyeol shot him a grin back.

“Just be careful or you’ll mess it up.” He said, poking Kris’s forehead. “Since it’s from me, you should treasure it.”

Kris nodded and lay back down slowly to avoid damaging the crown. Chanyeol gave him a thumbs up, seeing it was undamaged and finally lay backwards himself to join Kris. He was proud of himself; he knew Kris probably took it as one of his usual jokes he tended to say whenever he gave Kris anything, but the small nod he got after telling Kris to treasure his gift meant everything to him at that moment. Kris had turned away from him, he noticed, but Chanyeol didn’t think much of it. He was probably going to take a short nap or something. Chanyeol thought about doing the same, stretching his arms out and pulling them behind his head. It was just briefly as his eyelids were falling closed that he just barely thought he heard a voice coming from Kris.

“I will.”


Chanyeol didn’t say much for a while. His mind has been slightly frantic to the point that napping was certainly out of the question. He swore upon everything he owned that he heard Kris say he’d treasure his gift. Could it just have been him daydreaming? Maybe he just misheard him. Did Kris even say anything at all? Chanyeol didn’t know and it was driving him crazy.

Chanyeol forced himself to keep his mind on other things, like the rest of their day so far. It had gone pretty well. Aside from his scheming roommate and his partner in crime, he could say things were pretty okay as far as this “date” was going. He got to go on a bike ride with Kris (wherein he basically called him cute), discovered that Kris might be okay at the thought of this being a date, and also might have had his flower crown gift thought of as an actual treasure!

All these thoughts made Chanyeol briefly forget that the day wasn’t even over yet. He wondered what he and Kris’d do after this. Hopefully something involving much less sun considering it was now the middle of the day and far too hot to keep biking. He rolled over slightly, feeling something hit his knee.

 “Even after that rest, it’s still so hot!” Chanyeol whined.

“Yeah, you’re right. Though, it’s not like we can expect the park to get cooler just because we’re taking a break.” Kris said. “Nature doesn’t work that way.”

Chanyeol stuck his lips out. “Well it should.” He sat up and pulled his shirt over his head to wipe his forehead. He had a wife beater on under and instantly felt the cool breeze on his arms. As he dragged the shirt over his face, he noticed a look of disgust on Kris’ face.

“You’re not actually going to put that back on, are you?” Kris asked.

Chanyeol shrugged. “It already had sweat on it, what’s the difference? You’re telling me someone on the basketball team doesn’t use his jerseys to wipe his sweat?”

Kris sighed, smiling a bit as he sat up. “Yeah, my jerseys, not my nice clothes.” Chanyeol just wiped the rest of his face, earning a laugh from Kris.

“What am I gonna do with you?” he asked. Now Chanyeol was the one grinning as he reached over to dab Kris’ face free of sweat with his own shirt. Words like that, though simple, only made Chanyeol feel that much more special; as if Kris was the one to care for him and look out for him. He wanted to do the same for Kris.

“You know, over there they have a place we can go take a shower.” Chanyeol mentioned. It was fairly new, so he figured Kris might not have known about it.

“Really?” Kris asked, confirming Chanyeol’s thoughts. He nodded.

“It may not be very cooling, but it’s better than laying around being sweaty." He said. “And the breeze will probably feel a lot better afterwards.” Chanyeol explained.

“Okay then. Let’s go.” Kris agreed. Chanyeol grinned.


Chanyeol led Kris to the shower room, which wasn’t unlike those in a high school locker room. He had to commend whoever had the idea to build a place like this. It even had a shampoo machine, sort of like a drink machine, for people who wanted to wash their hair as they showered. He was unsurprised when it caught Kris’ attention.

“Oh, they have shampoo!” Kris sounded surprised as he stopped at the machine behind him. “It’s like they thought of everything. I love this place already!” Chanyeol watched as Kris, a bit too quickly, pulled out his wallet and started looking at the listed brands. Chanyeol didn’t know how he was able to contain his amusement this time around, but he supposed his silence was what made Kris turn to face him.

“…Really hyung?” Chanyeol said, raised an eyebrow with an amused smile.

“What?! It’s there! Why not take advantage?!” Kris said, defensively, as he got his shampoo bottles out.

Chanyeol rolled his eyes. “Only you, Prince.” He said as he walked over to the showers. There were a good number of individual ones. “It’s really small in here.” Kris nodded as he followed behind him.

“It isn’t too bad.” Chanyeol sat on a bench to take off his clothes. Realistically, it was a pretty good size for a public shower. It was just…for what Chanyeol had in mind…

“We could…shower together.” He glanced at Kris out the corner of his eye, who seemed to freeze for a second.

He didn’t know why, but he just had to ask. He knew they didn’t really have to shower together, but…they didn’t really have to shower separately, did they? It wasn’t weird to ask, was it?

“That’s okay right?” Chanyeol asked, a bit nervously at Kris’ silence.

“Yeah…it’s fine.” Kris answered after a few seconds, taking off his shirt. “Probably better. I can get your back and we can be done faster.”

Chanyeol sighed in relief internally before remembering to not be awkward and added, “Alright, cool. I’ll get yours, too.” with a thumbs up.

Standing with his back to Kris, washing his arms as the water rained over their heads, things suddenly felt even more awkward than before for some reason. He and Kris had seen each other before, but he couldn’t remember a time when they were this close for a long period of time with just the two of them.

Suddenly his thoughts were interrupted, however, by the feeling of a warm towel on his back, slightly startling him.

 “Aiissh! Say something first, hyung! You scared me!” Chanyeol whined. He hadn’t expected Kris to just practically start bathing him without saying anything.

“You said you wanted to get out of here faster, didn’t you?” Kris teased. Was he actually trying to get out quicker? Chanyeol smirked.

“In a hurry to get back to that ‘date’, huh?” he asked as he turned slightly to the side.

“Maybe.” Kris answered after a moment. Chanyeol’s heart fluttered. Was this really happening? Kris suddenly bathing him so naturally (in quite a relaxing way, honestly) and once again going along with the “date” while also insinuating he wanted to get back to it right away? This was almost too much for him!

“I can do your hair, too, y’know? It’s good to wash it if you’ve been sweating and stuff.” Kris said, a bit quietly.

This was too much for him! Was Kris really going to wash his hair now, too? If Chanyeol was finally living his fantasies of having Kris taking care of him, he didn’t want to wake up anytime soon. He turned his head a bit towards him and nodded.

“Thanks hyung.” He tried not to sound nervous, but knew he failed. All he could do was try to calm down his breathing and try to keep his cool.

Chanyeol felt Kris’ fingers slowly begin to massage his scalp. It felt…really good. He loved it when Kris played with his hair.

“Is this okay?” Kris asked after an amount of time Chanyeol couldn’t discern.

Chanyeol just hummed hoping Kris got the idea, as Kris, seemingly understanding, continued at Chanyeol’s hair. Chanyeol felt so relaxed, as if he could just take a nap right there. In fact, Chanyeol didn’t really know what came over him next, because the next thing he knew, his head was resting right by Kris’ neck. He couldn’t tell if his face was flushed because of the warm water, or this close proximity.

He didn’t really know if Kris was uncomfortable with this. He hadn’t stopped washing his hair, nor did he say anything so he assumed he must have been okay. Chanyeol just wanted to enjoy this closeness as much as possible.

“C-Chanyeol…” Kris finally said, he voice deeper than usual, causing Chanyeol to shiver a bit.

“Just…a few more seconds, hyung…like this…” Chanyeol said, his eyes now half-open. I want to be close to you…for just a bit longer…

He figured Kris was probably as confused as he was about his actions. What was he doing, anyway? Chanyeol didn’t truly know. But still, Kris didn’t push him away and he still felt the gentle tugs through his curls. His eyes weren’t all the way open, but he could just slightly see Kris’ face right by his own. The only sounds that could be heard were pattering of the water hitting the tile floor.

Chanyeol eventually accepted that he couldn’t do this forever and stood back up straight. He couldn’t believe it actually happened and was suddenly embarrassed at the fact that he allowed himself to get so caught up in the moment.

“S-Sorry…” Chanyeol apologized, quietly.

“It’s fine, don’t apologize.” Kris said quickly. “Let me just…finish your hair.”

I guess he’s not upset or anything. Chanyeol thought, as he felt Kris add his other hand to wash more thoroughly. He flushed, realizing he was the reason why he hadn’t been able to use his other hand in the first place. It wasn’t long before Kris told him he was done and he thanked him quickly, but he couldn’t find it in him to look at Kris right away. It was a bit awkward and he couldn’t even say anything, not really knowing what to say. He heard Kris start to wash his own hair and felt a bit guilty, seeing as he was probably waiting on him.

When he figured he was done, he worked up the courage to face Kris…or rather, he worked up the courage to turn around, but kept his eyes down, staring at the towel he was currently gripping in his fingers.

“I guess I’ll do your back now.” He said, quietly.

“Yeah, ok.” Kris said.

Chanyeol still couldn’t move, for the very fact that he knew Kris was staring at him. If it wasn’t obvious enough that he had nowhere else to really look, he felt the eyes of the older on him, making his face burn. But he knew he had to move since Kris was waiting on him and he finally met his gaze. Kris’ eyes were glazed - he looked so alluring, so incredibly handsome; he wondered, was he looking at Kris the same way? As much as Chanyeol wanted to savor this moment, he forced himself to speak.


Kris seemed to remember what was going on and turned his back to him. How was he so cool and chill about these things?

Chanyeol placed the towel on Kris’ back and his hand on Kris’ shoulder to maintain balance. But it seemed his mind was still acting on its own, as the next thing he knew, he was staring at Kris’ neck and shoulders. He tended to rest his head on Kris’ shoulder when they were next to each other, but he seemed to forget momentarily that they were alone and as he rested his chin over the older’s shoulder.

“…Is this okay?” Chanyeol’s asked, slowly dragging the towel in circles.

“It’s okay.” Kris answered, coolly.

Chanyeol smiled to himself. He loved that he was able to have such moments with his hyung. He was glad whenever he could make Kris feel as special and pampered as he did for him.

“This is nice.” Kris said suddenly.

“Yeah…” Chanyeol blushed and smiled shyly, leaning his head sideways against Kris’. His heartbeat had picked up. Chanyeol was being filled with so many emotions at once. Kris was enjoying this, too. Did this mean he really did feel the same? Chanyeol thought…should be confess now? In the showers? This wasn’t really the place he had in mind, but…would he have the courage to do it later?

“Hyung…” Chanyeol began. He could hear his heart pounding in his ears. With how close they were, he wondered if Kris could hear it, too.

“Yeah…?” Kris said. I…can do this…

“…I…” Just say it, you idiot! Tell him!

“I’m done.” Chanyeol said, as he pulled back. Why couldn’t I do it?

“Thanks.” Kris said, turning around. Chanyeol couldn’t help but stare, he looked like a Greek god with the water running down his features. How could he confess to him? How could he feel the same?

He saw Kris raise his hand up before gently placing it on top his head. Can’t we just stay like this?

“We should get dressed then.” Kris said. Don’t…let it end…please…

“Yeah.” Chanyeol nodded.


After leaving the shower, Chanyeol and Kris moved on without a word about what just happened in the showers. Chanyeol didn’t know whether to feel relieved that Kris didn’t ask about it or disappointed that he didn’t see it as something needing addressing considering how uncharacteristically intimate he knew he had to have found it. He didn’t know if this meant he just saw it as him being a good dongsaeng, or he just felt platonic about the whole thing.

Regardless, he decided not to think too much on it and get back to the outing. It was still hot out, so Chanyeol asked Kris if they could stop for some snowballs, to which he happily agreed. On the way, they passed a basketball shoot stand which a bunch of stuffed animals, bringing out the inner kid in Chanyeol.

“Wow, look at all of them!” he said, excitedly.

“Shoot ten baskets under a minute and you can choose one of the big prizes.” The vendor said. “Less baskets gets you a smaller prize.”

“Just ten?” Kris asked. Chanyeol could feel the competitive tension rising from Kris.

“You seem like you’re up for it.” The vendor grinned. Kris reached into his pocket, approaching the stand as Chanyeol squealed to himself. He loved watching Kris do anything sporty. More importantly, he hoped he won a cool toy!

“How much?” Kris asked.

Chanyeol watched in amusement as it took Kris seven games to finally get ten baskets, not that he minded or was counting. He could watch Kris’ physique shooting baskets all day. Though, knowing Kris, he could tell he was a bit miffed that it took him so many times to even get that far. He laughed to himself at Kris’ pouty expression, which didn’t match the giant stuffed lion he was carrying. It was as if he read his mind or something, choosing that prize; he couldn’t take his eyes off of it out of all the stuffed animals available.

“That was pretty cool, hyung.” Chanyeol said as they took their leave. “You got the coolest one.” He added with a grin. Kris rolled his eyes.

“Yeah, if you call the captain of the basketball team failing a hundred times ‘cool’”. He said, grumpily. Chanyeol chuckled to himself.

“It wasn’t that bad.” He tried to reassure. “And I admire your determination.” He smirked. He saw Kris raise his arm as if he was going to smack him and put his hands up to shield himself, but stopped when he noticed Kris was actually pushing to stuffed toy towards him. He looked up at Kris in slight surprise who kept his eyes away from his own.

“Take it.” Kris said. He sounded a bit nervous. “I just…saw you looking at it…I didn’t really want it myself…it’s just not really my style…so you can have it.”

Chanyeol slowly reached out and took the toy from Kris and immediately hugged it close to his chest. “Thanks a lot, hyung!” He grinned, not even caring that he was blushing. He actually won it for him?! He’d even been watching him look at it? Kris just nodded.

“It’s nothing.” He said, shoving his hands into his pockets. As they kept walking, Chanyeol couldn’t stop looking back and forth between his new gift and Kris. He knew Kris didn’t only give him this because it wasn’t his style; he’d had every intention of playing that game to win him a prize. Thoughts of hope quickly rose up again within Chanyeol.

“I’ll treasure it…since it’s from you.” He said in a whisper.


When they finally reached the snowball stand, neither of them had actually decided yet what flavor they wanted. They spent about five minutes going back and forth between all the options before finally deciding to ask the vendor himself. He seemed annoyed as he suggested strawberry for Kris and bubblegum for himself; his reasoning being that Kris had a burning, intimidating look to him and that he’d had a voice that was cool and relaxing. At that point, Chanyeol didn’t really are as much, as he was more intent on making sure that he paid as he wasn’t going to just let Kris pay for everything that day. He was happy when Kris agreed with a gummy smile.

They sat in the grass to eat their treats, enjoying the cooling breeze.

Chanyeol nodded his head back and forth, staring at his snowball before it. “I feel like you suit this flavor more than I do.” he said, before adding, “What with your try-hard cool attitude.” Kris glared at him.

“I don’t need to try hard.” He argued. “And anyway, he was wrong because you’re the one with the fiery personality. I don’t even look scary.”

“Oh? Maybe you should have pouted at him, then.” Chanyeol said with a laugh. Kris rolled his eyes

“By the way, Chanyeol, what did you mean before?” Kris started. “That coming out to the park like this would be good for my face?”

Chanyeol’s heart skipped a beat. He didn’t think he’d even remembered him telling him that. The fact that he did suddenly made Chanyeol feel really happy.

“Huh? Oh that!” Chanyeol grinned, poking Kris’ cheek. “I thought coming out to that park like this would be relaxing and make you smile.

“Smile?” Kris asked. Chanyeol nodded.

“Even if you deny it, you’re always trying so hard to look cool all the time. I wanted to see you smile and laugh, take it easy a bit and have fun.” he explained. It was true; as much as Chanyeol tried to make this into something of a date, he really just enjoyed hanging out with his hyung and seeing his smile. As long as he could see that, it didn’t matter if Kris saw this as a date or not.

He silently stared at Kris, who seemed to be in deep thought at his answer. He always had a cute quality about him when he was thinking, his lips parted slightly. He’d always liked Kris’ lips. They were so red, even redder now because of the snowball and looked so soft. They looked so kissable right now. Chanyeol his snowball through his straw to cool his cheeks. He didn’t even care that he’s just blatantly thought about kissing Kris. He’d gone through too many emotions in just one day regarding his hyung and he thought, if he was brave enough to think it, it was time to tell Kris how he felt. Though, he felt like teasing him a bit first.

“Hyung.” He said. “Your lips.” Kris seemed to have actually been thinking deeply as his head shot up.

“W-What?” Kris said. He seemed nervous for some reason. Chanyeol chuckled.

“Your lips. They’re all red from the snowball.” He saw Kris trying to look for himself before pointing back at him.

My lips? Like yours aren’t totally blue right now!” Kris he said.

Chanyeol laughed a bit before drinking his own snowball again. He stared down at it, thinking. We’d look silly if…if we got to kiss now…our lips colored like this…Would his lips become red, or would he make Kris’ lips blue? He smiled to himself, suddenly wanting to know how colors mixed this way.

“Would it be really cheesy if I asked if you wanted to make purple right now?” Chanyeol said shyly, playing with his fingers. People had told him it wouldn’t be long before Kris’ dorkiness rubbed off on him.

Kris dropped his spoon and quickly turned to face Chanyeol.

“Wh-what?! Did you…huh...I...uh…” Kris stuttered, nonsensically. “You want…”

For some reason, this gibberish somewhat signaled to Chanyeol that Kris wasn’t opposed to his suggestion at all. He nodded shyly mostly just to shut him up.

This following “Er…well…” from Kris was all Chanyeol really needed to confirm his thoughts from all day about Kris liking him as he slowly inched closer towards him. His breath hitched as Kris brought up his large hand to cup his cheek as he leaned in as their lips met.

His thoughts were confirmed.

His lips were really soft.

Chanyeol felt like he was flying as they stayed that way for a while. He pushed himself closer to Kris and put a hand on his shoulder. It was super sweet for their first kiss. Chanyeol still couldn’t believe this was all happening. Kris pulled back finally and the two stared at each other for a few seconds before Chanyeol put his hand on Kris’ chest and slowly pushed him backwards onto the grass and snuggled his head into his hyung’s neck.

“So…this…” he heard Kris say.

“I...really like you, Kris hyung.” Chanyeol looked up at him, feeling all of his emotions rush out at once. Kris turned his head down to meet his eyes.

“I like you too, Cànliè.” Kris said. "A lot." Chanyeol blushed and grinned even harder, not only at Kris’ confession, but from his pet name, as well.

“So…was this…a date?” Kris said. So he had thought this way, too.

“Kinda…I…wanted it to be one, but not everything really turned out the way I thought.” Chanyeol explained. “But not in bad way, really.”

“Haha, even if it wasn’t when we started, I think it ended up being one.” Kris laughed. “I don’t think it couldn’t be considered one after…well…some things.”

Chanyeol giggled shyly and pulled his stuffed lion between the two and hugged it close to his chest. He looked back up at Kris.

“I still love your gift, hyung, but I think this day at the park is what I’ll treasure the most.” He said, sincerely.

Kris chuckled and took Chanyeol’s hand and pulled their bodies close before putting his other hand on Chanyeol’s head making Chanyeol flush.

“I think this Park is what I’ll treasure the most.” Chanyeol giggled at his cheesiness, he loved that about him.

This day was truly FANtastic.


I hope you all enjoyed :3 Please let me know what you thought, especially if you've seen Kris' POV already. Thanks for reading!

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xxxKxxx #1
Chapter 1: Awww! So Cute!
charlot #2
Chapter 1:'ve just given me a toothache for this very sweet Krisyeol
Chapter 1: Omg. Thank you for writing this on Chanyeol's pov. I like both pov but I don't know why I like Kris's pov more. Maybe because we already know the plot from Kris's pov. So it was not that mysterious but I still love this. Both pov are good <3