Raindrops and Sunrays

Raindrops and Sunrays

Yoongi isn't the happiest person you'd ever meet but if there's something that makes him happy, there are quite a few things.

Sleeping, slacking off, his neck pillow, making music, Kumamon, drinking Americano especially inside a local cafe when it's raining, and the cute, epitome of sunshine barista called Hoseok.

Yoongi is the most excited, especially when it's raining. First of all, it's not hot so he won't sweat. Oh how much he hates sweating. Another is his skin won't be burned by the sun (not that he'd get tan but the heat prickles his flawless skin and that doesn't feel nice at all). Well, mostly the reason he likes the rain is because he doesn't like too much of the sun (except Hoseok). Though another reason is he gets a reason to stay a bit longer inside the cafe, and he gets to stay longer to steal sly glances at Hoseok.

Today is one of those days he likes. It's five in the afternoon, he's inside his favorite cafe, not much customers inside the said shop, outside it's raining hard, he doesn't have to hurry leave to work on his music because he was given a day off, his favorite barista on shift and is currently walking towards his table by the glass planes... Wait what?

"A warm cup of Americano for you today?" The cute guy asked, trying his best to smile. It's written all over his face that he isn't quite well today. Not in his usual bright personality.

This made Yoongi curious why, but did not forgot to nod to the question. He can't take his eyes off of the other male while he walks away to make his cup of coffee but immediately averting his gaze when Hoseok's walking back with a tray of what he assumes is his coffee and a plate of a sliced cake--something he obviously did not order.

Hoseok transferred the stuff on the tray onto Yoongi's occupied table with Yoongi giving him strange looks. Hoseok laughed shortly, "Oh it's okay. It's a treat. There aren’t much customers today.", he looked around the shop, Yoongi followed. "It's better to give them out for free rather than let it rot. Enjoy!" He flashed a smile and Yoongi just nodded with his lips upturned—to suppress the smile forming on his lips.

Yoongi looked at his coffee and the free cake, and a bright idea lit up his mind.

"What's your favorite drink?" Yoongi suddenly asks.

"Me?" Hoseok clarifies, pointing to his self.

Yoongi stifled his laugh and thought about teasing the younger a little. He cocked his eyebrow, making the most offended facial expression he could make.

"Sorry but you're blocking the way of the one I am talking to." Yoongi teases, slightly tilting his head to the side and looking pass Hoseok so Hoseok would think someone is behind him.

Horrified look painted Hoseok's face when he turned back to Yoongi after he saw that no one is actually behind him, or worse no one is inside the cafe now except for him, Yoongi, and other staffs by the counter who are busy talking with each other.


That was all it took for Yoongi to lose his composure and burst out laughing, Hoseok just stood there not understanding the situation.

"I'm just kidding, cutie." Hoseok blushed at the sudden endearment. "I'm asking you, cutie, what your favorite drink in this shop is. So you go make one for yourself and go take some sweets for you too and then come back here. Eat with me. I'll pay." Yoongi said coolly.

"And why?"

"Just because. And there aren't much customers for you to attend to. Surely, the others staffs could handle their work well."


Yoongi and Hoseok sat across each other on the table (coz won't it be a bit awkward if they sit next to each when they barely know each other?). Their drinks are already half. For Yoongi, it's half empty. For Hoseok, it's half full. See the difference of the two? Yoongi is kind of a pessimist while Hoseok is an optimist.

But that doesn't mean the sad look on his face right now isn't gone.

Hoseok was looking outside the window while he chips on his cookies while Yoongi forcefully eats the chocolate cake. He doesn't like sweet foods and prefers savory, umami foods. He likes the homemade foods taste. But he cannot not eat this cake. It's given by Hoseok and he can't just say no to this.

So here he is now, shivering at every bite he eats.

"Do you not like sweets?" Hoseok asks when he noticed Yoongi almost gag out the cake he has been trying to finish for fifteen minutes.

Yoongi lowered his head and nodded, not meeting his eyes with Hoseok's. Hoseok lets out a soft chuckle at the sight. "You don't have to force yourself if you really hate sweets." He says, pulling the plates away along with the fork from Yoongi and then pushing his own plate of cookies towards the older. "Eat this. They're oatmeal cookies. They're healthy and aren't sweet at all."

Yoongi did not hesitate one second to take a bite into the cookies—and finally a taste that is not sweet, he thought. He choked on his cookies when he saw Hoseok eating his leftover Choco cake... using his used fork.

'Should I bring that fork home and ravish it with my tongue? Wth gosh what am I thinking. I'd rather ravish Hoseok's mouth—NO STOP THINKING BULL'

It shocked Hoseok when Yoongi slapped his own forehead, not even noticing that Hoseok's smiling at his silliness.

"You should have told me sooner that you don't like sweets, you know? There's no harm in telling me that."

Yoongi just shrugged his shoulders and looked out the window as he sips on his cup of coffee. Feeling the bitter taste of coffee as he listens to every sound of the raindrops. Ah this is just relaxing, he thought.

"Why do you not like sweets anyway when you look like sugar itself?" Hoseok asks, Yoongi looked at him confused. "Your skin, I mean. You look so delicate and pale."

"Oh." Yoongi laughs faintly. "How about you? Do you not like the rain because you're the sun?"

Hoseok laughed at Yoongi's chosen word to describe him. "Not really. I just feel gloomy when it's raining. Doesn't rain looks like tears? It's as if the sky is crying. I feel sad about it." He pauses and looks outside for a while. "And my clothes and shoes get soaked in rain when I'm out that's why I don't like it." He ended with a laugh.

"Mmm, I see. Well that's a con when it's raining unless you actually like playing under the rain." Yoongi says nodding slightly, thinking about what Hoseok just said.

"So I'm guessing you don't like the sun as it burns your skin." Hoseok guesses but Yoongi did not answer immediately. Instead, Yoongi stood up and placed enough money for his bill on the table and a paper with his phone number scribbled on it—as tip for the cute barista.

Before Yoongi could even leave the coffee shop completely, he stopped right in front of the door and looked straight into Hoseok who's looking at him as well and his mouth agape.

"I don't like the sun, but I do like you, Sunshine." Yoongi confesses and left the shop as soon as he said those words. He can't believe he just said those when Hoseok's co-workers could have heard his half-yelling confession.

What he needs now is to relax. Yoongi walked as slow as possible, not caring if his shoes are drenched in water puddles created by the rain nor does he mind if his purplish-pink hair turned a tone darker because of the rain. He needs to calm his burning face--not caused by the sun but because of a certain sunshine and a confession done.


Visit me on http://archiveofourown.org/users/yoongayhoesuckjin !!!


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Chapter 1: Awwww *-* It was super cute! I liked it a lot :)