Chapter Four

Lucky Shot


Chanyeol swallowed dryly at the sight of her, the woman he'd met earlier that day on the elevator. She strut in behind Monica in a curve-huggin outfit, and smiled so brightly that the room filled with unprecedented warmth. She looked so pretty; Chanyeol suddenly felt the urge to speak to her, but the fear of saying something unintelligible made him keep his mouth shut.

Instead, he watched from afar as she glanced around at everyone, her gaze soon lingering in his direction. His heart jumped to his throat and her averted his sight from her eyes to hide himself, but only for a moment. It was only a matter of time before Baekhyun bombarded her, the two of them wrapping each other in a longing embrace.

"Mya," Baekhyun shouted, "it's been so long!"

From the looks of Mya's expression, one could assume that he was holding her a bit too tightly. But, after coping, she relaxed and giggled, the sound going unmissed by their company.

"Two whole years," she said to him in agreement, squeezing him back. "Ah, I've missed you so much!"

They continued to smile even after they'd released each other. "We have so much catching up to do! Seariously, Baekhyun--like, I can't believe that you're still singing!" Mya stared at her old friend in amazement, and in turn he smiled bashfully.

"Yeah," he nodded. "You know how much I love it. It's not really something I can stop doing for good, you know?"

Mya nodded in agreement before giving him a round of applause. "Well, you were great out there! All of you!"

Mya turned her attention to the group standing behind Baekhyun, and he introduced her to them one by one. "Mya, these are my friends Suho, Kai, Chen, Xiumin, Lay, D.O, Sehun--" each member waved politely after being addressed, but when they'd gotten towards the last of them, Mya blurted out his name before Baekhyun had the chance.

"Oh, Chanyeol!"

All eyes turned to the reddening giant, their looks questioning and amused. Baekhyun furrowed his brows and asked Mya hesitantly, "You two...know each other?"

"Yeah. Well, sort of. We met in the elevator of my apartment complex this morning." Mya told him. "You were playing the drums, right? I thought you looked familiar. It's so nice to see you again!"

Chanyeol looked at her, staring deep into her dark brown eyes. His face and body suddenly felt hot--unbearably so--and the teasing stares of his onlookers were definitely no help. They weren't to blame though; they'd never seen their loudest most talktative member so flustered before.

"Yeah, uh, good to see you, too... And happy birthday."

"Thank you," Mya gave him a smile that made his heart ache.

Chanyeol smiled awkwardly amidst his blushing and he suddenly felt as if he were going to be sick from embarrassment. As an attempt to lighten up the awkward mood, Suho stepped forward towards Mya and smiled. "It's really good to meet you, Mya. It's not often we get to meet any of Baekhyun's old friends."

Mya smiled at him graciously. "Thank you, Suho."

Suho then gestured for her to take a seat, and once she did the guys crowded around her, their gazes locked intently in her direction. "So Mya, what kind of work do you do?" Xiumin asked, sparking up conversation.

"I'm a full-time student at the community college."


"Yeah. I was actually going to apply to the same university as Baekhyun, but I wanted to be able to focus on what I wanted to study," Mya explained.

"Ah, so you decided to get your general studies out of the way first," Kai said with realization. Mya nodded at his answer and he snapped his fingers. "That is so smart. I should've done that."

The room filled with chuckles before another question had been asked. "So what was Baekhyun like in high school?" asked Chen.

Mya chuckled at his eagerness and looked at Baekhyun for confirmation (his look was one of embarrassment). "Well," Mya chose her words carefully. "He used to keep to himself a lot before we met. He was usually pretty quiet, and he spent most of his time in the school's music room."

The guys each shared looks of shock. 'Maybe this isn't the Baekhyun they know,' Mya thought. 'Just how much had he changed while we were apart?'

"Really? Then how did you two meet?" Lay chimed, her story piquing his and the other's interest.

"Oh, well... Um..." This time, it was Mya's turn to become embarrassed. She covered her face with her hands, hiding her expression from the rest of the room, and Baekhyun cleared his throat, a smirk slithering onto his face.

"She nearly gave me a concussion, that's how." Baekhyun answered for her, much to Mya's dismay. "I was just an innocent bystander trying to leave school, when out of nowhere--BAM! She spikes a volleyball at my head!"

"I didn't mean to and you know that!" Mya shoved his shoulder. The guys were surprised to see the two in such a playful nature.

"She told me she was sorry about a billion times that day," Baekhyun smiled jokingly. "She even sat with me in the nurse's office while she examined me, just to make sure I was okay."

"That's so considerate," D.O smiled at Mya, and she laughed shyly.

"Yeah. And that was a pretty vicious spike, too. Had I actually meant to hit him, it'd probably knock him out."

"And I believe it." Baekhyun turned to his friends with warning looks. "Guys, never play volleyball with this one. She's a killer."

Mya shoved him one more time and the room erupted with laughter. Then, in what seemed like seconds, stage managers filed in and told the guys that it was time to get back on stage.

They each stood with rejuvenated looks, each man walking swiftly and without much anxiety to hold them back. Mya applauded them as they left. "Good luck!"

Chanyeol looked back at her only to spot her give in a small wink. The very sight of it made him blush, and with growing shyness, he proceeded to leave the rest area with the rest of his bandmates.



A/N: The next chapter will most definitely be filled with a bunch of romantic development. I love writing shy Chanyeol! (BTW, what about that new group NCT?)

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743 streak #1
Chapter 5: A day at the park sounds fun, are some sparks going to fly? ;)
RussianDoll #2
Chapter 4: This is interesting, i look forward to the progression
743 streak #3
Chapter 4: Haha, shy Chanyeol is cute, and I love his reaction to her wink. Can't wait for things to progress, they are on their way! Great chapter.
743 streak #4
Chapter 3: You're off to a great start, the story pulled me right in. Their first meeting was cute, it will be interesting to see what happens next. Good characterization.
Chapter 2: This is really good so far. I am really happy to see an ambw fic that's well written and doesn't play the race card every five seconds. I admire your skill and I hope that you continue to share it with the community!