part 2

White Love

Yoongi was walking down a street holding onto his camera. Wandering around Busan, where there are less people, taking photos here and there. His father has some family matters to attend to and since school was over, Yoongi wanted to stay, but his father insisted that he’d go with them, so he won’t have to make Hoseok and Taehyung just stay inside their house, going on about how they were getting paler like him.

Sitting down on one of the empty benches Yoongi put on his earplugs to listen to some music, closing his eyes for a while. It was serene, ang he just wanted to stay like that for the rest of the day, but he couldn’t because it was his last day and his mom literally pulled him out of the house. Pregnant or not, she tackled his child to get out of bed. Yoongi just had to give up, for his mother and little sister’s safety.

He was about to drift off to sleep when he felt something bop on his nose and tiny mist touched his face. Opening his eyes he saw bubbles floating in front of him. He turned to his side, a tiny bottle was neatly placed beside him. He checked things around him to see if anyone's there and saw no one so he picked it up and started to play with it. And as Taehyung would say ‘You’re never too old to make bubbles’. That made Yoongi smile, his friends may be idiots and childish, but he misses them, how he wished they were here playing with him.

As he continued making bubbles turning to his side, what he saw made him stop, the unfinished bubble popping in place. ‘’ Yoongi cursed to himself. A boy with dark orange hair and a bit chubby particularly his cheeks. He was smiling shyly, but not really looking at Yoongi. So the latter took this chance and gingerly put the bottle down and left the stranger alone.

Yoongi’s heart was beating too fast, it kind of felt weird, that strangers smile could rival off Hoseoks’ but somehow the stranger made him feel weird, Hoseok didn't make him feel weird when he smiles. And so Yoongi continued on his way trying to forget that awkward episode of his life so far. Busied himself and took some more photos, he saw a fountain and focused on it, getting the right angle for the right shot, and when it did, he pressed the shutter but then a face covered the view and it was the vaguely familiar face of the stranger that he just saw earlier. He looked again without the camera this time but no one was there. ‘Is it a ghost? I hope not.’ he thought and went on his way again. Passing by a bunch of kids he waved to some of them and some of them had smiled back and had his mind occupied fleeting away from the weird stranger.

                 Wandering off again he sees a bicycle rental shop. Yoongi noticed a pair of bikes that was facing each other. A mint green one and a neon orange. He took a photo and chuckled ‘this is ridiculous’; he thinks that he has to dye his hair as soon as he goes back to Seoul. He ended up renting the mint green one.

Pedalling off slowly he heard a bicycle bell ring, but he sure it wasn’t his because both his hands were gripping at the handles. He takes a glance at the side and there he saw the stranger again, riding the neon orange bike. His scarf looks too big that it’s covering half of his face.

Yoongi should be thinking that this guy is a creep, but the boys’ face was making him think otherwise. So he decides to play along and started pedalling faster. Just driving around the block like he intended to because he doesn’t like exerting too much of his strength. Seeing that he was almost at the shop he gripped on the break and his bike came to a halt. Catching his breath as he turned to his side, he saw his competitor was too calm, 'psh' Yoongi snorted internally 'this guy is so not cute at all' he mused.

                Holding each other’s gaze, Yoongi catching his breath, the other smiling shyly at him Yoongi couldn’t hold it and returned a smile of his own. He really felt weird so he hurried forward and returned the bike. As he was about to get out of the shop, he overheard the shop owner call onto someone as he turned to look it was the stranger that he was racing with a little while ago. ‘JIMIN’ the shop owners’ voice boomed into Yoongi’s ears. And since he didn’t want to be a creep for standing too long outside the shop so he continued on his way out.

                Now aimlessly walking down the road ‘JIMIN’ constantly on loop inside his head. He stopped abruptly and turned seeing that ‘jimin’ is following him. Yoongi tried to hide the smirk on his face and turned it into a smile. It can’t hurt to try and be kind for once, right?

                “Min Yoongi” he internally congratulated himself for not stuttering and tried to lift his hand gesturing for a handshake. Hopefully ‘jimin’ would reciprocate.

                Yoongi stared at his hand and slowly raised his head to look at 'jimin' who was smiling brightly at him now, eyes turning into slits, he made a step forward and took his hand and shook it twice as he introduced himself as Park Jimin.

                And after that it was back into silence again, but this time it was not as awkward. Now Jimin was walking beside him instead of behind, just following Yoongi around. Yoongi would take photos here and there, and Jimin would just be there and observe, sometimes Yoongi would show him what he took and he would comment on it and they would smile at each other. Next they would peer at stores and Jimin would point at things that were pretty cute and Yoongi would take a photo of it.

                This time Jimin was leading him to an abandoned railroad, where old trains could be found or trains that aren’t working anymore. Yoongi would still take photos and then they sat down for a while. Yoongi would move and Jimin would mime him, and that was how they played to pass the time, until a security guard who was roaming the area noticed them and shooed them out of the premises. They ran and laughed on the way out as they were being chased. Now running out of breath, they walked back to the fountain where they first saw each other.

                They were almost there when suddenly Jimin excused himself saying he will be right back and Yoongi just moved on along, as he made his way to the fountain he sat down a few minutes later and Jimin was running towards him carrying two little bottles in one hand and two water bottles on the other. He handed Yoongi a water bottle and settled the little ones in front of him and took a sip from his own water bottle. Yoongi recognized the little bottles as the one that you make bubbles with.

                Yoongi stood up and faced Jimin “Can I take a photo of you? Just one, I swear.” he asked as he raised his right hand in promise. Fortunately Jimin consented and sat down properly smiling shyly as Yoongi got ready to take a photo. After that they continued blowing up bubbles again.

                Then a little later the bottles were almost empty and as Yoongi tries to make another one it wouldn’t blow up anymore and it was really indeed empty. He glanced at his side completely forgetting about Jimin for a minute. But no one was there. Jimin was gone just like those bubbles, and it tinged Yoongi’s heart a bit. And he wouldn’t have time to look for him anyway, it was almost time for him to go back too.

                A 'Goodbye' would've been nice.


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Chapter 3: wow, each chapter was so well developed, Touche!!!
Awesome job writer-nim (ツ)/¯
I love this story so far! Can't wait for the next update :)