Black Suit

Black Suit



          Baekhyun's face was full of admiration and longing as he watched Chanyeol walk his way down the aisle. He couldn't fumble the exact words that could describe his emotion but all he knew was it was perfect. Chanyeol was perfect.

          His heart started to pound harder as he saw him smile at him, it was such a beautiful serene moment that he wanted to capture forever.

          Chanyeol's mother was standing right beside him as they made their way to the altar. He remembered how hard it was for the Park family to take but they soon took him in and adored him like their own child. There were so many ups and downs like their love was a roller coaster ride but the only thing that mattered to him right now was that after a few minutes, he and Chanyeol will say their vows and will become each other's half.

          His palms began to sweat when his eyes caught Chanyeol's crooked tie. He was the one who did it for him but now it looks crooked as if it’s gone at a certain point of harassment. And yes, he was guilty of that harassment. He blush a crimson red at how aggressive they were as they made love while wearing it.  

          He also remembered how he practiced his vows this morning and how well he screwed up right at this moment for forgetting it. And more than anything else, he could never forget the moment Chanyeol said yes as if his life depended on it.




          Chanyeol and Baekhyun were out for dinner. It was the 23rd of January and it meant more than just a date in the calendar. It was their 5th anniversary after being released from the chains of the media and society's criticisms.

          One thing Chanyeol noticed was during the whole time they were together, Baekhyun kept looking at his watch like he was in such a hurry.

          "Do you have an appointment? Should we go?" Chanyeol asked, rather annoyed at how his boyfriend took this romantic moment lightly.

          Baekhyun's eyes went from his watch to Chanyeol's furrowed eyebrows and realized things weren't going the way it was supposed to be.

          "Umm, waiter," he called out, avoiding Chanyeol's question that made the boy shot up from his seat.

          Chanyeol was teary-eyed as he went out from the restaurant. It was exhausting for him that Baekhyun could go a month without even calling him as if he's the only one who cared about their relationship. And avoiding him the whole day on their fifth anniversary just doesn't help at all.

          He was about to call a cab when Baekhyun grab his arm and turned him around. Then, he kneeled right in front of Chanyeol, with a ring stretched out from his hand at Gangnam district, one of the busiest places in Seoul. It wasn't Namsan Tower and it wasn't the magic he wanted but he no longer had choice.

         Chanyeol was in awe; his eyes can't believe what he was seeing. But then he realized how reserved he was and saw everyone was looking at them. Chanyeol was a very private person and this stunt of his boyfriend took too much publicity.

         "Jagi, I'm sorry if you think I've been preoccupied about other things," he looked sincerely into Chanyeol's eyes and paused, "but this was the main purpose of it."

        "Baekhyun, stand up" he said through gritted teeth, although the radiant smile and the blush on his cheeks was giving him away. 

         Chanyeol cleared his throat and looked around to see people staring at them, some were even taking pictures. But he didn't want to be bothered by anything else. He looked at the man who was crazy enough to propose in the street at a Monday night. He stared at Baekhyun and couldn't help but feel his eyes getting watery. He was supposed to be the one who would do that for him.

         "Yes," he whispered subconsciously.

         Baekhyun laughed and his gigantic ears turn red.

         "I haven't even popped the question, silly."

         Chanyeol sobbed and slapped Baekhyun in the back for his remark.

         Baekhyun chuckled, "Oh no my future husband will be very violent, I see."

         Chanyeol was ready to leave him there. He was always the silly type. He always makes the silly remarks to stop Chanyeol from crying. But today, either he'll be serious or funny, Chanyeol would still be emotional.


         Baekhyun took a deep breath and looked at Chanyeol's eyes, "Will you, Park Chanyeol marry someone like me? A homeless pup who loves you more than he loves himself and will cherish you forever, until death do us part?"

         Chanyeol kneeled down to level himself with Baekhyun, "No. I won't marry a homeless pup who proposes in front of Gangnam district during rush hour," he smiled at him as he bites his lips to control his tears.

         "But I do love the idea of cherishing you forever until death do us part."

         Chanyeol latched himself to Baekhyun, he didn't care about publicity anymore. Homeless pups never did give a damn about what others think.


-End of Flashback-


         That day will always be one of the greatest memories he and Chanyeol had because in that moment they swore forever.

         Now, everything was perfect. His smile widens as his soon to be husband was in front of him, sharing vows with each other as they took the rings out and placed it perfectly on their fingers.

         As the priest announces, "You may now kiss the groom," they began to draw closer to each other, leaving no space out. Baekhyun leans in with tears in his eyes and so does Chanyeol.

         But before their lips touch, the film dies out, burning right before Baekhyun's point of view.

         Baekhyun wakes up, chest heaving as his eyes went from the dark ceiling to the side of his bed. He sobbed uncontrollably while holding on to his bed sheets, leaving a cold empty spot beside him, which had been like that for many years since the day Chanyeol died.

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