The Key of Darkness

The Key Of Darkness

One day Kai was going to meet Chanyeol in CKC his favourite place to eat . As Kai was on his way he saw a very strange man begging for help Kai had 1 glance right in the eyes of the man and let out a sly giggle . The Crazy man said 4 words that kai didnt understand which were "Camoya Seda Retya Moi". Kai walked off with a strange feeling in his stomach.


When Kai got to CKC Chanyeol instantly saw that there was something wrong with Kai . They got to the ordering bar and Kai ordered a chicken burger with fries . When it got to the table he was puked all over it , Kai knew it was to do with the strange man begging so he told Chanyeol what happened and they went to have a word. They got to the bin were the man was begging and Kai asked "what have you done to me ?". The man replied in a murmed voice "Drop by elm road house and me explain da tings".

A few hours later Kai and Chanyeol drove to the house. They got there and a old lady opened the door . Kai asked "A man told us to drop by is he here?"

The lady explained he sends people here becuase the same thing happened to her and the only way to stop the curse is to go to his Nans grave after the name Maria Oldu Canarius . She explained to go there and pray for forgivness and a key will appear. She also explained to dig up the mud 1 metere away from her grave and a room will appear and use the key to open the door and fight a ghost to claim freedom from the curse. The lady Said get out and said his names crazy Craig and never talk to him. the ladys son screamed and ran out the door in a flash.


They drove to the graveyard 3 hours away from Koreas captial city . As it was raining Kai and Chanyeol were searching for Marias grave . They sat down and prayed ......1 hour later a brown rusted key appeared and they dug 1 metere away from her grave until they heard a bang.


They opened the door with the key to darkness and nothing was avalible to the eye . They heard daunting noices , Torture to the human ear . They steped in the room and suddenly fell down a whole. Chanyeol got a powerful smack to the face . Kai was instantly Killed with no indication Chanyeol was the only one left to fight the ghost of Possesion for his life and and a familys emotinal state.


3 Years before this Chanyeol had a course on ow to make a fire and this ghost hated the dark so it would come in handy .

Half hor later Chanyeol made the fire and the ghot screamed and yelled for help but died in an instant . What the lady didnt explain is that the ghost wasnt the enemy but she lied and Chanyeol was the new ghost of Darkness and his life was over and no one knew or heard of Chanyeol or Kai again



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