What It Takes To Protect

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"Jimin-a what is it?" I asked him with a bit of desperation sob stuck in my throat. I nearly cried. "Jimin-a look at me!", I turned his body to face me. My trembling hand gripped his shoulders tightly. It felt like he'd dissapear if I let go. "Is it something I said? Something I did? If it is, I'm sorry. Whatever it is, I didn't mean it. Please don't do this!" I panicked and started to blurted out my words randomly. I could feel my eyes were stinging with tears. I looked desperately into his avoiding eyes, searching for some answers. And when he finaly looked at me, I really wish he avoided my eyes forever. It was written there in his eyes. It was over.

"Noona, I'm sorry.." He said it with a pair of teary eyes. Looking at his eyes, my hand fell down lifelessly. My tears started to fall down hard. I didn't even sob. It really was over.

"Arasseo, Jimin-a.. Noona is sorry.." I tried to put a smile on my trembling lips. Then I turned around and left the room. When the door closed behind me, I could hear his fist hit the wall furiously. He let out a painful groan with each punch he made. I really wanted to go back there again, to stop him, hug him and tell him everything's gonna be alright. But I couldn't. I shouldn't. Feeling frustrated, I blocked my ears with my hands and ran away. 



There is one thing that Jimin and I have in common. It is to protect. We tend to do anything to protect someone that we love. Even if it means that we have to hurt ourselves.

And today, we protect.

And it hurts like hell.


Hi guys!! This is Nui.

This is my very first fic. I usually just read. But one day an idea struck me like a bolt and I really want to share it with you guys.

So I took my courage and tried to write it here.

Please be patient..

And forgive me if there are some grammar error ^-^

PS: its going to be boring at first.. but please bear with it and feel the love and hurt the main characters feel..

And big thanks to bloopgloop -ssi for the awesome cover..


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Chapter 5: So good T^T
언니, I want mooooore!!!! What happens next? Oh my gosh, I need to knooooooooow!!! T^T
Minochan #2
Chapter 5: Nui... It's been forever...TT
Believe it or not... I look on it every single day...
Minochan #3
Chapter 4: Wow... U did a great job for describing all the characters... It was like U were really knew all of em'... Thumbs up...
The "Beginning" was great... I'm waiting for the main story... Just make it quick would U'... I'm starting to get curious... Lol...
Kuroneko_sinclair #4
I love your description looking forward to this story :)
Hi author-nim! I have the requested poster!

Hehe, I hope you like it! I really like your story, too^^
Oh, and also in the foreword can you add this banner too? Thank you!
Woah, the suspense... What's going on?? Anyways, I really like the story, author-nim! Oh, and i also noticed that you didn't have a poster for this... If you want, I can get a poster for this story! ^^ Thanks!