No. 35

Chained Down

A/N: Hi guys sorry for my random disappearance. To be honest it was a combination of a lot going on and also some major writer's block! I stopped writing for a while and then tried working on some other fic ideas I had which actually really helped! I'll be back to regular updates from now on so thanks to everyone that's still reading despite the long wait! :)


“27 women with the name Hyemi currently alive in this country, all who range the age of 21-25, and are from Seoul since you said your Hyemi had no accents known? I added in approximate height and weight, along with missing and or deceased parents” He asked.

Kyungsoo nodded as he took the stack of papers in his hands.

“Didn’t she go abroad though? You told me to exclude that criteria”

“I think that’s a lie, we’ll start here. Thanks for the information” Kyungsoo said quietly. It would be hard and time consuming to track down each of these women, but it would be worth it.

“Oh, one those girls is missing information from the past couple of years”

“I thought you could track down that information? Which one was it?”

“Number 8 in that pile and I usually can, but it’s almost as if she disappeared after her father died” He commented lightly.

Kyungsoo nodded, ready to step out the door, “What happened to him?”

“He was some sort of police commander? Officer? I don’t remember. His file was sealed, but looks like he was murdered 7 years ago”

Blood drained from his face as his mind worked in hyperdrive, piecing together information that he would have never thought about otherwise. He his heel and spread out the papers on the nearby desk ignoring his friend’s question. He found the 8th file. Park Hyemi, currently 23 years old, daughter of…. Commissioner Park Taehwan. There was no photograph attached and if her information had been hidden from public databases it only made sense as to why Kyungsoo hadn’t been able to find out from his research.

He said nothing as he ran straight to his car. Tires screeched on asphalt as he took off. His pulse raced with the satisfaction of being right, knowing that there was something wrong about Hyemi. The fact that he was now sure that she was from Seoul was the only thing that urged him to search again, more carefully and at this point Kyungsoo was more than ready to confront her. When he was done with her she was gong to regret ever meddling in their lives.

The glare of blue and red lights surrounding the place that they called home put his car to a screeching halt and he realized that the situation was far worse than he had imagined.




Hyemi woke to a kiss on the nape of her neck. She curled into the warm body surrounding hers, pulling the arm resting on her around her tighter. Lips moved along her shoulder softly until her eyes finally fluttered open. His laugh vibrated through her chest as she turned to the man lying besides her. She gazed up at him quietly, allowing herself to smile.

Her eyes flickered down to the healing wound on his abdomen.

“I’m glad that’s doing better” She whispered.

He grinned, “I told you it would heal just fine, it helped that I’ve been on very strict and very voluntary bed rest with you” He joked.

Hyemi rolled her eyes even as her face turned into a darker shade of red.

“You’re not funny” She whispered, eyes closing as his lips trailed her collarbone.

The ring from his cellphone interrupted the temporary bliss. He sighed, pressing his forehead against hers, “Is it too much to ask for people to give me one moment of peace?” He wondered.

She found his lips with hers, “Apparently so”

He smiled, running a hand through her hair as he reached back for his phone. The voice on the other side of the call was loud and spoke quickly. Hyemi watched him carefully as the color drained from his face as he sat up quickly. He nodded as he ran to his closet and pulled clothes on, tossing Hyemi one of his sweatshirts in the process.

“Got it” He said somberly, hanging up.

“What’s wrong?” She asked, drawing the sweatshirt over her head nervously, feeling the spike in tension in the room.

“The police are on their way, we just got a tip from someone that works for us. They’ve got warrants, no matter what they ask you have a right to stay quiet. Say you just spent the night randomly, don’t let them draw a permanent link between you and me”


“I should’ve never gotten you involved, I’ll try to get you out of here but if they beat us to it, when the cops come tell them you don’t know anything, that you barely know me, I won’t drag you down with me”

“Wait, this isn’t right. I never— they never said anything” She whispered.

Jongin didn’t understand her, but he didn’t care. He needed to get her out of this safely. He grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her into the office, locking both doors quickly before reaching into his safe and grabbing everything he had. He grabbed the papers in it and handed them to Hyemi. She was silent as she grabbed them and without a word threw them into the low fire of the fireplace. Fire blazed brighter, heat nearly touching her as it neared her fiercely. She stood still, watching the fire consume the paper as he stepped past her and threw the rest of the files she had looked through before. She listened as he went to the computer as smashed it to the ground, his phone rang, no doubt security trying to warn him.

There was a tightness behind her eyes as she tried to hold herself together. Sounds echoed from downstairs, she could see it now, Myungsoo running point as dozen of government officials poured in and began to search.

“I love you” Hyemi whispered.

His arms encircled her, crushing her to his chest. The embrace was just tight enough that she almost believed that he would never have to let go.

“I know you do, I love you too”

His lips kissed the top of her head gently.

“It’ll be fine. They won’t be able to keep me away from you” He explained, “Now come on”

He grabbed her by the hand and pulled her behind him. Moving one of the bookshelves apart slightly, the entrance to a small hallway was revealed.

“Never be unprepared right?” He asked.

She could have questioned him, stalled him, but in a moment of what she could only call was temporary insanity, she stayed quiet and desperately hoped that whatever plan he had would work. She stepped through first. The small corridor was cold under her bare feet as Jongin led her through. She followed it carefully, grabbing onto him as it began to slope down. He stopped her as they neared an exit and they both quietly listened. No sounds. For a moment Hyemi believed that maybe this was possible. To run. Maybe this was enough to satisfy her father’s memory. She had turned Jongin in, given them ammunition to imprison him, maybe that was enough and maybe…. Staying besides him for as long as she could was enough.

No sounds came, everyone too busy upstairs after initially sweeping the car garage and seeing no one there. She stepped through first, Jongin running past her to grab one of the keys to the black SUV sitting inside.

He stopped before, “If we make it out, they’ll be looking for you too” He warned.

“I don't care” She said honestly, “I love you”

He nodded quietly unlocking the car and allowing them both to climb.

“Put your seatbelt on” He warned. She nodded as the engine came to life with a deafening roar, the garage door opening with it.

Yells echoed around him as he put the car into gear and sent the car racing out. They neared the open gates, her heart pounding as she spotted the two police cars nearly blocking the exit, just enough of an gap between them that the car might be able to sneak through. He slammed down on the accelerator. They were only a few feet away when the second car crashed into them. Hyemi must’ve screamed as the car they were was sent spinning and toppled onto its side. Her head was spinning, her ears ringing so loudly she couldn't hear anything. There was something wet and sticky running down her arms, she knew instantly the feel of blood.

She tried to say his name, unable to hear if he actually heard her. She tried to blink away the double vision, reaching out for him and crying out at the sudden stab of pain in her arm. She leaned her head back, trying to collect herself. With difficulty, she unbuckled herself and reached over for him. His eyes had opened, much to her relief as focus returned to his eyes. He turned to her, shaking his head slightly, she could just barely make out the apology coming from his lips. Two men climbed onto the side of the vehicle.

Hyemi recognized them from work. They were yelling something between themselves, the ringing in Hyemi’s ears worsened, she could barely hear anything. One reached in and grabbed Jongin, she could see the pain cross his face though, she tried to tell them to be careful as the other reached in and unbuckled him. She felt the hand that had been holding hers let go as they pulled him out. A third man climbed up when they got him out reaching down for her. She took the help, climbing out of the vehicle with difficulty. She scanned the field unable to find Jongin, but eyes landing on Myungsoo, holding a cloth to his bleeding forehead. Her eyes met his as she pieced it together, he was the one, the one that had run his car into them… just to stop them. He met her gaze firmly and she saw that he regretted nothing.  She finally found Jongin, being led to a car. The ringing in her ears began to fade slightly as she tried to shake the man holding her back.

She watched as they loaded him to the back of the car, struggling to just see him one last time.

“He’s hurt. He needs an ambulance” She said, going silent as someone grabbed her and turned her away. She craned her neck back, just in time to see the car disappear.

“Get someone to take a look at her arm” Myungsoo’s voice echoed from the arms holding her back, cold and heartless.

“Let me go” She pleaded, trying to break free.

“You’re one hell of an actress Hyemi’ Myungsoo hissed, fingers digging into her bloody arm. She cried out, unsettled by the way in which his eyes didn’t change.

“There’s a paramedic here to see her sir” Someone spoke from besides them.

Myungsoo said nothing for a telling minute before he released her.

“Have him take a look at her and get her some clothes” He hissed, walking away from them.

Hyemi wrestled with the feelings of betrayal and regret as she watched him walk away. He knew, he knew everything. Undercover work was a risk-all business. People would whisper, but no one would blame her for sleeping with him because she had handed them Kim Jongin. The look in Kim Myungsoo’s eyes was different, a combination of disgust and seething anger combined to serve her a deadly look. She knew she had disappointed him though and that thought alone made her sick.

She sat in the back of the ambulance as the paramedic quietly bandaged her arms.

“Just some superficial cuts from the windshield, everything should be fine” He offered kindly.

“Jongin… will there be someone to check him out?” She asked quietly, her voice cracking slightly.

The man finished bandaging her arm and looked up at her, confusion in his features.

“I’ll make sure that someone does” He said and she nodded, fighting back the tears in her eyes.

It was finally over she realized. She had done her duty and she couldn’t have felt worse about it. Doing her duty was destroying her on the inside and when Jongin found out about the truth it would destroy him too.




Kim Myungsoo has never wanted to hurt Hyemi. In fact, it had always been the opposite, he had always wanted to protect her, to keep her safe from anything and anyone out there. It was part of the reason why he had tried to convince her to give up the law enforcement gig to begin with.

She wasn’t cut out for it.

It was the same reason as to why he was so opposed to her going undercover. Looking back on it, the possibility of entrapping Jongin and putting him in jail had a little to do with why he had eventually allowed her to stay. He had made a mistake, he should have never allowed her to get anywhere near Kim Jongin. Somehow, that man had manipulated her into believing that there was some sort of redeeming quality about him.

He should have never placed her at risk, never believed that she would be able to do it because clearly she hadn't been.

She sat in his office now, a blanket wrapped around her bandaged arms. She said nothing, the only indication of what she felt were her reddened eyes and the broken look in her eyes. It broke Myungsoo’s heart to see her like that, and the hate at the fact that they were tears for Jongin hardened his heart. Made him stronger, made him realize he needed to get the man put away as fast as possible.

“I brought you some water” Myungsoo said, holding out the water bottle in his hand.

“Did you get someone to look at him? He was on the side that got hit, he could have a concussion” She asked.

“He’s fine”

“Oh” She said simply, finally taking the bottle of water from his hands.

“You did a good job. It’s finally over, you won’t have to deal with him ever again” Myungsoo said, watching as her shoulders stiffened in response.

“Myungsoo, I—“

“It’s normal” He began, taking the seat besides her, “To confuse yourself for the character you played for so long. It goes away”

“I’m not confused” She whispered.

“Yes. You are” He said, sounding far more stern than he had meant to.

Hyemi wanted to say so much, wanted to explain herself, but she kept quiet. Myungsoo clearly did not want to listen and Hyemi was too tired to force him to listen right now. She thought about Jongin and wondered if he was really alright


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Twinkle-shine123 #1
Chapter 43: It's been almost 1year u have given us any of this story.... aren't u gonna update any tym sooner......have u stopped writing..... waiting for the update
Chapter 43: oHmygod i love this story so much! Hyemi is such an amazing character <3
Mingxjong #3

i'm only reading the foreword and first chapter but sooooo hoooked into it lol
Chapter 42: Omg Myungsoo, that’s not exactly the best timing to be confessing to someone, but then again, there’s never a good time to be confessing when you’re caught in the middle of a war between a gang and law enforcement. But goodness, what a mess everything has become. My reaction would be exactly that of Kyungsoo’s! And where’s Baek? I hope he’s okay!! :( Kyungsoo is so badass tho lol I love his character right now. And Hyemi’s right. I don’t think it’ll be possible for her and Jongin to have a happy ending especially with the way things are currently even if they have still hold romantics feelings towards each other. Gah everything is so messy and I hope Kyungsoo can knock some sense into the both of them!! And do something about Myungsoo. He’s such a troublemaker omg orz

Thank you so much for updating!! I always look forward to all your updates and posts!! Thank you!! <3333333
Chapter 42: Wow. Myungsoo’s character is so twisted, he believes his own lies.
PrincessSisi #6
Chapter 40: Wow. I was kind of worried that we were starting to see the beginning of the ending with the opening of this chapter. Hyemi gets saved by Myungsoo, Jongin gets brought to justice, etc. So I am super happy to the twist ending and the fact that there is still more drama to come. While the twist is big (huge even) it kind of makes sense for the pair's characters which you have engineered to fit amazingly. They are both so broken and tied to their pasts, though in different ways, that Hyemi doing the opposite of what is expected and Jongin agreeing is unexpected but totally makes sense at the same time. Sorry if all that is vague and rambling. I am trying to avoid putting spoilers in your comment section.
Thanks for the update!