Chapter 3



Kwangmin’s POV


I looked at Allea and realized how it is not her fault why she’s bratty. In my shoulders, she slowly went to sleep. I smiled at how angelic she is. I hope my loud beating heart wouldn’t bother her. I wish this is just pity; pity is what I feel for her. I caressed her soft hair when she unexpectedly smiled. It’s the first time I saw the beauty of her smile. Maybe because it’s not a fake one but something more precious than of that she always give to everyone. I was flattered she made me see it.



I didn’t know I slept. I just woke up with my head atop of Allea’s. I rubbed my eyes to clear my sight and probably my movements caused Allea to wake up.

“Well you look good together.” Weird, did I just hear Faye’s voice?
“Then I guess another couple is made.” Jeongmin-hyung said.

“Oh, guys, hey. Thank goodness!” Allea said half awake.

“Why, was Kwangmin being mean to you?” Youngmin asked Allea with a laugh.

Finally, I recognize all the people there: Jeongmin-hyung, Faye-noona, Youngmin and ~~~.

“Here, I changed your phone’s battery for you.” ~~~ handed Allea’s hand phone and she quickly snatched it abruptly from ~~~’s hand.

“Eh??? What?!” Allea shouted and it totally woke me. “How? What the???”

I was confused with her. She was yelling at ~~~ and at her phone at the same time while the others just laughed. I curiously looked at her phone to see what it was that caused Allea’s frantic expression.

“Mwo???” My eyes widen when I that picture of me and Allea while we were sleeping as her phone’s wallpaper.

Allea tried unlocking her phone and would definitely try to get that picture deleted instantly but there was a password lock which she couldn’t get right.
“What is this? You didn’t just take pictures secretly, used my phone without my consent but also put a password lock in my own phone???” She said irritated.

“Hey, you two. You don’t have to keep a secret from us. If you’re dating, you should’ve told us.” Jeongmin-hyung told us as if he knows everything.

“Hyung, we’re not dating.” I calmly said.

“We are not dating!!!” Allea furiously said.

“Relax, don’t be defensive. Even if you’re not, you would still be.” ~~~ stated with a smile.

“Right, this is nonsense. I’m going already!” Allea stood up from her seat but she outbalanced herself and almost injured her self—again. Good thing I caught her.

“Are you alright?” I asked. I saw her face redden and could hear her heart beat racing.

“Put… me down... I told you I’m allergic to you.” She said stumbling on her words.

I put her back to her seat and remembered her twisted ankle.



Allea’s POV



“Are you alright?” My cousin asked me.

She’s seriously asking me that question? “Well obviously I’m not! I was stuck here for hours with him,” I pointed to Kwangmin, “and suffered with this twisted ankle.”

“Calm down, ok? I’ll get the first aid.” Then my cousin hurries out.

“Wait for me!” Youngmin ran after her.

“How did you get that?” Faye bent down examining my injury.

“Don’t touch!” I yelled out to her loudly and it made her jump back in shock. “Nobody touch it!”

“Relax girl, it wouldn’t be treated if nobody touches it.”

“If someone would touch it, it probably would be doctors or nurse.”

She chuckled, “What are you, dying already? This is just a simple injury and there’s no need for expensive professionals to handle it.”

“You call this ‘Simple Injury’? Don’t you know how painful it s right now?”

“Well that’s because you’re making it painful.” I didn’t get what she meant by that until she noticed it herself and started to elaborate her words. “Just chill and you wouldn’t notice the pain at all.”

“Just how in the world am I going to chill in this condition?!” I almost exploded into pieces with all the pain, impatience and annoyance.

“Yah, Jeongmin-hyung, Donghyun-hyung is looking for you. You better get over there, so as I.” Youngmin made us all look at them as they approach us with the aiding kit. “Here, Kwangmin-ah, you take care of her.”

“Seriously??? Isn’t three hours with him here with me enough?” I yelled to all of them with a heavy sigh.

“She’s right! I’m also tired being with this headstrong girl.” Kwangmin calmly objected.

“I’m sorry but no. And besides, she’s your responsibility.” Jeongmin said with his back on us walking away side by side with Faye.

“How did she become my responsibility?” He ran catching up with everybody but he was too late, everyone’s out of the room already. He could leave me already but I’m a bit thankful he didn’t. Maybe it’s just out of pity. “Aish, you’re so troublesome!”

“You can leave if you want to. The door’s open.” I started to stand up again with the leaning my hands against the table for support. I could barely breathe with the pain. All I could do is to stare down and hide the building tears. I tried to take a step forward to quickly head to the door but I just bumped into something…err…someone.

“Go away I don’t need you!” I pushed him with one hand but he’s stronger than I thought he is. He caught grip of the hand that pushed him and I tried to wriggle but his grip was too tight for me that I couldn’t even move it.

“Sit down.” He commanded calmly as if I’ll listen to him. Didn’t he forget? I’m a headstrong girl, stubborn and go own my way.

“Let go! I said I don’t need you.” My heavy breathing made my words like whispers, almost unheard.

He didn’t listen; perhaps he’s just as obstinate as I am. I looked up at him and realized how close we are at the moment. Again, my body reacted so weird that I grew weaker. I could feel my face heating up lost in his angelic eyes. What is it that I should this time?

“Let’s get it treated. Sit down.” He pulled my shoulder down to sit back. I’m too weak while he’s strong as ever and so I found myself sitting down. He sat down the next chair and then bent down to lift my injured feet to his lap. He first examined my now bluish ankle and started taking out the painkiller ointment out of the kit.

“Ouch! Couldn’t you be any careful?!” I shouted to relieve the pain when he suddenly touched my ankle applying the ointment.

“You don’t have the right to shout to me. I’m just helping you and you should be thankful instead.”

“Well you insisted in helping me! I told you to go already!” I shouted again but he pinched my ankle for revenge which really gave me the thoughts of dying already.

“Oops, sorry.” He said as if he didn’t do it on purpose. “There, I’m done!”

“Thanks!” I sarcastically said kicking him in the chest before placing my feet down.

“That hurts,” He placed everything back inside the kit.

“Where are you going?” I suddenly asked in a tone unknown to me. I was surprised I asked that.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be back.” He smiled before leaving the room.

I feel much burden inside. I couldn’t focus on anything at the moment but on him! What’s wrong? I should’ve said ‘Don’t mind coming back!’ abruptly but none of those words came out of my mouth but instead I watched him leave the room with a relieved feeling from his words and smile. What’s wrong with my world today? Well whatever is wrong with MY world, I wish it’ll be fixed instantly. I don’t want to feel this way for a long time.

“Aaaarrrggghhh!!!” I screamed at the empty room scratching my head and shaking my body trying to get Kwangmin out of my senses. “Why do you always appear everywhere???”

“Who?” and speaking of the devil! “Who is it that drives you crazy like this?” He approached me chuckling.

“How fast.” I changed the topic.

“Faye-unnie got the kit back. She said you’ll be staying here tonight since it’ll be hard for you to drive. They prepared the room for you.”

“Well that’s so considerate of them.” I sighed then stood up my ankles much better now. “Where’s my room?”




Whaatta verrrryyy Laaaattee uuuppddaatte!!! I know guys it’s pretty late. Though I got little subbies for this mini fic, I’m still thanking everyone who subscribed. Please keep holding on. I’m really sorry for updating so late. It’s all because of all the parties I have to attend and that freaking Oblation Run that kept me distracted ‘till now. XD

Here's a  Kwangmin pic. please forgive me everone for the super duper late update! 



he's getting malier.. they all are. awww... I love to see my boys grow up. 

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Chapter 4: OMIGEEEEE. UPDATE :O - Is so excited - O_O
o-o I really like Allea for once.Continue updating. It's getting soooo interesting ( kekeke :3 )