Chapter 1



Allea’s POV


I went inside the empty house hearing that Youngmin is sick and only my beloved cousin is there. I took that opportunity to make her jealous and make Youngmin mine but I was wrong!


“Hey, get up there.” She said hiding her laugh after seeing me down the floor wet. “Go change to my dry clothes before you catch a cold.”

Is she serious? I don’t take the help of my enemy. She gave her hand to help me up but I refused with too much pride. But that was another great mistake! I fell back down again after my first attempt. And now she let her laugh out. It insulted me.

“Hey, it’s not funny!” And now for the second try of getting up on my feet, I succeeded. “Arrrgghhh!” I squealed in irritation.

I hurriedly went out of the room and out of the house all wet. I headed directly to my car and good thing, nothing unfortunate happened after.

In my room, getting ready to leave again, I noticed the bracelet I found in Youngmin room. It was indeed very familiar and so I took it from him. I picked it from my bedside table and hurriedly wear it. I almost stumble on the porch steps but thank goodness I regained my balance. I’m so stupid!

Just as I was going inside my car, I saw someone drive into my place. I curiously get out of my car and found my father freshly came from somewhere.

“Why are you here?” I asked quite surprised.

“Couldn’t you greet me with a ‘Welcome home, dad!’?” He asked.

“No, I couldn’t. So what’s up?” I talked to him as if he’s not my father.

“How about greeting me a ‘Happy Birthday’?”

“Late Happy Birthday, Mister!” It was two days before today. “So…”

“This is my house: I can come whenever I want.” He explained.

Well dad, I’m your daughter. So you can just leave me then appear before me whenever you want? If that’s the case, you are my father, and I can treat you like one whenever I feel like.

“Well goodbye.” I never wanna come home again until he leaves which probably be tomorrow.

I drove back to the vacation house only to find out I’m a bit late. Just a few minutes more and everyone will be showing up again. I hurried upstairs to Youngmin’s room and found my cousin feeding Youngmin. No wonder why he would get sick.

“I’m back, you can get out!” I cried at the door of his room. She slowly got up from her seat and went out of the room but as I was on my way in to his room…

“Hyung, we’re back!” Minwoo ran up to him.

I backed off and walked away. I was on the hallway going out of the mansion when Kwangmin pass by me.
“Hey,” He put me to a halt. “What’s that?” He held my wrist with the bracelet.

“It’s a bracelet. Isn’t it obvious?” I waggled my hand but he wouldn’t let go.

“It’s ~~~. How come you have it?” I was going to ask him how he knew about the bracelet but I’m sure he wouldn’t answer me.

“I’m gonna return it, don’t worry. I buy any jewel I want so why would I steal anything like this?”

“Then give it to me, I’ll return it to her.” He tried to get it from my wrist but successfully waggled my hand off and hid it behind me.

“No, I’ll do it!” I shouted.

“Hey, don’t shout you brat! You’re not in your territory.” He shushed me.

“Don’t try to silence me because this isn’t also your territory!” I shouted back again.

“Hey, is there something going on here?” Donghyun suddenly came. “Allea, what’s the matter here? Is Kwangmin bullying you?” He said with a laugh standing next to Kwangmin.

“Ah…so he’s a natural bully, eh. That’s not good Kwangmin, it’ll ruin your reputation as an idol.” I tried to irritate him. “By the way, I’d like to ask you a favor.”

“What favor?” Donghyun asked ready to help.

“I’m sorry but work on your own!” Kwangmin said pissed.

“Yah, stop being mean to me.” I put on my innocent smile that I know would piss him off more.

“So, what is it?” Donghyun asked again.

“I want all of you to sing for the prom.” I said with puppy eyes. “It’s going to be more fun for the students if idols like your group will sing for us.”

“Ok, I’ll tell the others about that.” He approved.

“Thanks! That’s great! Make sure everyone will come.”

“Of course! I’ll make sure Kwangmin here would come.” Donghyun said probably misinterpreting what I said. I meant make sure Youngmin, my date, would come.

“Why would I?” Kwangmin disapproved then walked away.

“Well thanks again for doing my favor.” I thanked him again. “That’s all, I should go.”



Kwangmin’s POV


I didn’t really know what I was thinking. It was too late for me for me to realize that I’m already with my Hyungs and Minwoo singing for everybody in the prom.

“Wow, they’re cool.” I heard a girl said to her friend while we’re on break. We usually don’t get complimented by the audience during our first performance for them.

“Hey, I heard that guy’s twin, the blonde one, is Allea’s date.” The other one said and it made me worry about ~~~. I know her. I know she still loves my brother.

I hurriedly searched for ~~~ in the crowd only to see Allea in the middle of everyone in agony.

“Hey, don’t show your bratty side in public.” I said behind her.

“What do you care?” Allea said dropping down to the floor without looking back.

“Hey, don’t sit there.” I told her again. I shouldn’t have talked to her because now, it seems like WE are creating a scene. “You’ll get stepped on with all these pairs dancing.”

I couldn’t handle this girl. I pulled her up to her feet. I couldn’t deny it: she’s amazingly beautiful. If only she isn’t that bratty surely, more guys would go crazy over her.

“Are you crazy? Don’t stand there if you’re not gonna dance.” I told yelled at her, only then I saw how lonely her eyes were. Then suddenly she just threw me that look. As if I’m a murderer. “What?” I asked.

“Then what are you doing here?” Allea adjusted her poise back. “You said don’t stand in here if you’re not going to dance. So where’s your partner?”

She got a point. Why am I standing here when I ought to find ~~~?“Partner? Uhhh…”

“Huh? You’re blaming another with your own mistake.” She said then started to walk.

Just then, I saw ~~~ with my brother going out of the school gym.

“Yah…” I called out to her.

“What???!” Allea asked a bit annoyed. Kwangmin her then took her hand and pulled close. I could see her blush. Now, she turned out to be a normal girl with a normal human’s heart.

“What are you doing?” She asked surprised by my sudden deed.

“Let’s dance ok?” I took her hand then we started dancing.

She kept looking away while I keep staring at her. I smiled looking at her blushing cute face.

“What?” She asked annoyed.

“I wonder why did your date left you?” I ironically asked, just to annoy her. “You can dance well, you look pretty.”

“Hey, what are you, pissing me? Stop it you’re ruining my night.” She said. I was expecting for her to stop dancing but I guess she’s enjoying the dance.

“Isn’t it already ruined?” I asked annoying her more.

“Yah, what are you even doing here? I thought you’re not coming?!” She asked with a scolding tone.

“Relax; I also thought I’m not coming.” I said then I suddenly noticed something on her wrist. “I thought you’re going to return it?” Then she suddenly pulled away.

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Chapter 4: OMIGEEEEE. UPDATE :O - Is so excited - O_O
o-o I really like Allea for once.Continue updating. It's getting soooo interesting ( kekeke :3 )