
Emailed Fate

“So you got the email? Really?” the thick haired male questioned, eyes twinkling in excitement over him receiving the email.


“Yeah, no thanks to you.” Baekhyun gave a side glare to the culprit, Kim Jongin, who didn’t even flinch from it.


“Hey, I figured it was time for you to get hitched.” The guilty male just shrugged in response, making Baekhyun shake his head in meaningless effort of his glare.


“Anyway, I’m not going where so ever to meet that person.”


Jongin stopped in his tracks, gaping at him as though he was weird, opening and closing his mouth a few times.


“But why, I even put in that your preferred gender was males. This could be a good one. I just know it.”


“Oh yeah? And how many of those previous ‘i know it’s’ were actually just as good as the feeling?” Baekhyun, who was a few steps ahead of him, raised an eyebrow at his friend, a few past events of things having gone wrong playing in his mind.


And with that, the tan skinned man had the audacity to look sheepish, hands raised in a surrendering pose before he hurried his steps to catch up with male waiting for him, resuming their walk to the subway.


It was their usual station where they got off to head to college, Dongsan Station.


Stopping by the traffic light just before the station, Baekhyun looked around his surroundings, ignoring his friend’s rambling, his eyes lingering on a spot across the street, all the while waiting for the light for walking to turn green.




Chanyeol stepped out of the company building, his muscles protesting as he stretched, cracking his neck before he started his walk to the cafe he frequents at 7th street. His company building was on 5th street, whereas there was a college that was located on 8th street, why it was built there when it was practically an office district, he could not fathom.


He slid his hand in his pants pocket, fishing out his phone as he finally reached the traffic light, waiting for the light to turn green, scrolling through his emails, his thumb lingering above the Soulmates Matching email. He heaved a sigh of weariness just before he noticed the people on his side of the traffic light walking, quickening his pace to join the endless crowd. With a furrow of his eyebrows, he glanced at his wrist watch, slight confusion in his mind.


4:25 PM


A passing thought went through his head. Ahhh.. College just went out.


With an absent hum, he continued walking, bumping shoulders with a few people on his way through the crowd.




Baekhyun’s eyes fixated on a head that was sticking out of the crowd on the other side of the street, a slight amused expression donning his face. That guy sure is sticking out a whole lot even in that crowd. He kept his gaze on him, unconsciously following every movement of the other. 




He jumped in surprise, only coming out of his reverie at the sharp pain at his side, shifting his eyes to Jongin who was already a few steps ahead, confusion clearly written on his face.


“Come on, what are you waiting for?”


He “ahhh”ed in response before walking, sighing in frustration at the bunch of people trying to cross the street as he was pushed into somebody, mumbling his apology before struggling to grab at a corner of Jongin’s clothing, knowing he would get lost.




He looked over at the two youths from beneath his fringe, one animatedly talking to the other, as he lifted his cap and fixed it over his eyebrows. He casted a quick glance over to the other side, keeping in mind on the giant who was currently distracted by his device.


He was going to have to start with something small. Something to get them to notice one another.


Making his way close to his target, he started his walk slowly, keeping a close distance and as the two were about cross paths, giving a light shove at the younger.


A small smile threatened to break out, quickly escaping from the scene.


Mission one : Once they get into contact, even a little, they'll be longing for the other.






Chanyeol barely looked down as he bumped into a smaller figure than his, only catching sight of a mop of thick raven black hair and a soft “sorry”, his hand in midair as he moved to catch the smaller. He turned his head to continue staring at the other, stumbling over his own feet as he somehow managed to get to the other side safely, the way the shorter had oddly felt natural in his hold and the pale tint of vanilla shampoo wafting off his bountiful hair.



Baekhyun knew he walked into a wall, or rather, a human who was very much alike a wall. He strained his eyes up at the wall-like human, his mind being slow in comprehending that it was the man he was staring at in a stalker-like manner a few moments ago. And all he remembered that day was the quick whiff of musk scent coming from the taller and strangely enough, the built frame under his touch from the quick contact.




“So, out with it.” 


“What, noona?”


A startled yelp escaped his lips as the back of Chanyeol’s head was met with a hard smack from his older sister’s, Yura’s palm.


“Don’t pretend to be dumb. Do you know who’s your match already?” 


Chanyeol was currently in his apartment, his noon having invaded it after a last minute notice, very last minute that consisted of Chanyeol still in his office and his noon having called to inform him she was at his doorstep, the echoing of his house door opening along with a shout of “Noona how did you know my house code?!” and a long deafening silence that indicated that she had hung up on him.


He was breaking the rules, going on 60 on a 50 mile notice, but nothing was worse than his noona entering his home. The last time she did that, she opened his wine collection and had begun a long, very long mission to get herself drunk after a breakup, after she did an immense amount of snooping that would have gotten the FBI out of commission.


“No i don’t, noona. There was no notice about it other than the email stating they’ve found the match.”


Yura’s eyebrows furrowed in speculation, unbelieving of it as she mumbled. “But there should be a link about it somewhere..maybe they changed the system..?”


It apparently escaped the male’s hearing, him having stood and made his way to his kitchen, the polished marble island with two wine glasses. He was the one who was going to need a drink that night.


“Maybe you should do it for yourself, noona. Apply for a match.” He raised his voice for it to be heard before looking up to face his noona who was sprawled on his couch, staring back at him with an incredulous look.


“Are you crazy? Are you nuts? Don’t even try going there. Let me take a look at your email instead.”


And then it happened. She was grappling for his laptop bag, slipping on the carpet with the stocking clad sole and 




The laptop it seems, went to pieces.


“Yah! Do you know how much that is?”


All night Chanyeol had to nurse his head with nonstop gulps of his beer, having deemed wine to be too light and not enough to knock him out from having to face the disaster that was laying pathetically on his floor.

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meongmungee #1
Well this sounds promising. Good luck!
Chapter 2: The chapter is short, but good (^-^)b I'm so excited for them to meet!!!
Chapter 1: Gah ヽ( ⌒ ᴗ ⌒ )ノ this is really good so far!!! Can't wait for more!!!!