
Emailed Fate


One week ago - in a certain studio apartment


“Hey can i borrow your laptop?” a melodious tone of voice shouted from another room of his studio apartment.


He rolled his eyes, right hand gripping his brush, sweeping it over his canvas, filling it with colours before replying back, “You’re already using it, aren’t you?”


A few moments of silence filled the apartment, lest other than the soft music playing on the speakers on the polished wood table.


“You know me too well, my dear friend.” the voice got closer considerably, causing the other to glance at the figure who was currently leaning against the door frame of his work room.


“Jongin, how long do you think I’ve known you to not know how you’re like?”


The aforementioned male shrugged, a suspicious smile threatening to slip on to his lips, having gone unnoticed by the other male.


“Baekhyun, baekhyun, baekhyun, this is why we’re mates. Anyway, i’m expecting some… sort of mail to arrive in a week, so do tell me when it arrives, alright?”




One day ago - in a mansion


“I’ve already told you countless times, i’m not looking for a match.” he exasperatedly tried to tell his parents but to no avail.


“Do you know how old you are now? You should be married, with one kid at least at the age you’re at.”


“Umma, i’m gay, i don’t think i’ll ever get a girl pregnant, plus my work is keeping me busy all along.”


The male was sitting at the dining table, attending his weekly family meeting where his family have kept trying to tell him to find someone, settle down, get married, blah, blah, blah. He’s been hearing about it since 2 years ago. It’s not as though he didn’t want to get married, okay maybe he had no such interest at the moment. But was he to blame? There was just nobody he felt attracted to. Not taking into account the various blind dates his mom had set up despite him vehemently denying.



One year ago, 15 May 2015


It was his first blind date. To say he was nervous was just the tip of an iceberg. He was feeling more uninterested, itching to turn his car back multiple times to his company to just bury himself with his work. But here he was at K Hotel, waiting for his “potential” partner at the restaurant.


He caught the movement of something black at the side of his eyes, causing him to raise his head to look at the person full on, his words having been caught at his throat, a lump preventing him from saying anything.


The other was wearing a black and white checkered suit, from head to toe, with an ugly bright red tie and gelled hair that looked like he slathered the whole tub.


Jesus Christ


Okay, maybe it’s not going to be so bad. I mean his fashion could definitely use some improving. He tried telling himself that, or more like brainwashing himself.


He plastered a fake friendly smile on his face, extending his hand out to the other as a greeting.


“Hello, i’m Chanyeol. I’m assuming you’re here for the blind date?”


With voice that was a bit too high and nasally to match his face, the other greeted back as he ed his hand out to grasp Chanyeol’s hand with his own sweaty ones.


By then, Chanyeol was internally screaming profanities, cursing the world for this.


“I’m Jinwoo, but you can call me yours tonight.”


And with that, Chanyeol was out of there within 30 minutes, hand grasping his phone tightly with his mom on the other line, complaining about almost everything that was wrong with the “date” of his.


“Umma! He actually gave a greasy line as greasy as he looked tonight. And he even tried to get me to his hotel room. Which he conveniently had in K Hotel! He wanted me to call him mine tonight!”


His voice rose with every statement, almost nearing into a shout by the end, snatching his keys from the valet driver as he got in his car, the person having given a look of self amusement.


Chanyeol then had to stop himself from driving his car straight into that guy. 




One year ago, 20 August 2015


“I promise, it’s better than the Jinwoo guy. So go for at least an hour, hmm?”


Chanyeol knocked his head on his steering wheel as he replayed his mother’s words from the phone call he had an hour ago.


He got out of his car and looked up at the name of the building, Ares Restaurant, all the while managing to slip in his prayers of patience, patience he may very well need for the meeting.


Walking in, he gave his name to the receptionist, before he was led to the table where his blind date partner was already waiting, having not resisted giving a once over to the guy.


Not bad. Much better than the last guy. He shuddered as he remembered Jinwoo. 


Everything was going good, much much better than he expected. Until that call came in that is.


“Umma~!” Chanyeol’s eyes widened as he tried to prevent himself from spurting out the water he was drinking at the latter’s whining voice.


“Mmm. He’s not bad, but umma, if this goes through, Hansol have to live away from you and Hansol doesn’t want to. Umma have to live with Hansol always, eung?”


Chanyeol was out of there by the time it got to the 40 minutes mark.





Chanyeol was brought back to the present by his older sister’s voice.


“That’s alright, umma. I’ve already taken care of that problem. Well you can just say you can expect a son-in-law soon?”


Chanyeol whipped his head to look right at his noon’s face, his eyes widening at the smug smirk on her face.


“Noona, what have you done?”


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meongmungee #1
Well this sounds promising. Good luck!
Chapter 2: The chapter is short, but good (^-^)b I'm so excited for them to meet!!!
Chapter 1: Gah ヽ( ⌒ ᴗ ⌒ )ノ this is really good so far!!! Can't wait for more!!!!