Key has a surprise

Little Surprise?

"Umma? Palli! Let me in!" Taemin's insistent knocking on the toilet door increased.

"Aishhh...." Key ignored him, staring at the little object held in his hand.

"UMMA!" The knocking got so loud, it would probably wake the whole apartment up.

Key quickly stood up from his squating position. He ignored the ache in his legs, made quick strides to the door, opened it, pulled the little maknae in swiftly, and locked the door.

"Shhhh Taeminnie! You didn't have to yell to bring the whole house down. All of them are still asleep," Key hissed at the blond boy.

"Hyung, not ALL of them are asleep. Minhwa is watching cartoons now," Taemin said, a huge grin on his face. Key resisted the urge to roll his eyes at his 'son'. Already with two kids and he is still acting like the small kid that they knew before their debut.

"So umma. What's the result?" Taemin asked eagerly. Key felt beads of sweat appearing on his forehead. His hand was trembling as he revealed the pregnancy stick to Taemin, two lines visible in the window, a positive sign to show that he was expecting.

"OH UMMA. YOU ARE-" Taemin's words got muffled bu Key's hand slamming over his mouth. "Taemin!" Key hissed, his eyes wild, "keep your voice down! I do not want to wake the whole dorm up!" Key removed his hand from Taemin's mouth.

"But umma... Jjong hyng's gonna be so happy, wouldn't he? You guys are engaged anyway so it really wouldn't matter...." Taemin's voice trailled off as Key fixed him with a stare.

"No kids," Key said, his voice gone flat, "we promised. No kids until we are 30. And now what???" He whispered-shrieked the last three words.

"But umma, you love kids. I can always see how happy you are nagging after MInhwa and playing dress-up with Yeonnie."

"Taemin, what if Jjong doesn't want it? What if.. he doesn't want me?" The diva's voice trembled at the last word and his eyes filled up with tears. Taemin put his arms around Key and gave him a tight hug. "It's ok, umma! I'm sure he would love the baby. It's just a few years too soon. Lets just make an appointment to see Dr. Park. He will help you. So arrasso, umma? Cheer up!"

On that positive note which Key thought sounded rather omnious (a trip to the doctor!), Taemin skipped out of the toilet, leaving Key some breathing space. Key calmed himself down, cleaned up the toilet a little (umma instinct), and hid the pregnancy test in the cleaning supplies closet, where his clean-up-phobia roomates avoided at all times, and made his way into the television den. There, Taemin was cuddling a happy-looking Minhwa against his chest while talking on the phone.

Jealousy hit Key like a kick in the stomach. It was rare that he felt this way. But would he ever be an amazing umma as Taemin was to his kids? And would Jjong accept his baby like how Minho accepted Taemin's pregnancy?

* * *

Dr. Park applied gel on Key's stomach and waved the wand over it. Key closed his eyes and tried to imagine something else. Like... him and Jonghyun on a holiday at the beach. The gel on his stomach was the sunscreen lotion which his yeobo had lovingly applied. And Jonghyun holding his hand as they felt the sand against their back..

"There it is." Key felt a slight irritation as he opened his eyes as a response to Dr. Park's words. His gaze fell upon the screen in front of him. "That's the baby," Dr. Park said, pointing at a little bean shaped blob on th screen. Key felt his eyes tearing up. Despite all the he felt in this life... here was this new miracle. And it was happening to him.

Key vaguely listened to Dr. Park's advice as he stared at the ultrasound that the doctor had printed out for him. Taemin, however, nodded at every single word the doctor said and even made notes in a little notebook which he had produced out of nowhere.

"Umma," Taemin said as they entered their car half an hour later, "it's as if we exchanged our roles. You were not even listening to the doctor, and I was practically memorising whatever he said!"

Key laughed. "I guess it's a healthy change for each other." He gave the ultrasound a long stare and stuffed it into his bag. "I hope it's a girl. I can dress her up."

Taemin giggled as he started the car engine and drove out of the parking space.

"And it's 4 weeks now. Oh thank God I'm still thin! I hope I wouldn't go out of shape!" the diva ranted. Taemin just listened to him with a smile on his face.

When they arrived back home, Taemin pulled into a parking space and stopped the engine. He turned to Key, his face all serious. "Umma, you have to tell this Jonghyun hyung."

Key felt all the stress coming back to his shoulders. "I know, Taeminnie. I know. But.. will you be with me?" AISHHHH Kim Ki Bum! he thought to himself, why are you acting as if you are still a kid?

"Umma," Taemin looked rather upset, "I have to bring Minhwa and Taeyeonnie to nursery school. And Minho and I are going to college after that. I'm so sorry, umma. You gotta be strong. And I know you will be. Cuz you're my umma." Taemin unbuckled his seatbelt to give Key a big hug. After a short hesitation, Key hugged him back.

Off they went to their apartment. As they reached their front door, Onew exited, giving them a huge smile as a greeting. He was probably on his way to a meeting with Lee Soo Man and the other leaders of the SM Ent. groups. Key gulped. He would be all alone with Jonghyun in the apartment. As if he could read his mind, Taemin gave Key a tight squeeze on his hand.

They entered the house. Taemin immediatly left his side as Taeyeon ran to him, gripped his hand tightly, and dragged him off to her bedroom, while babbling a string of nonsense. Key could hear Minho's voice from his bedroom, probably talking to Minhwa.

"Yeobo?" Key turned to surprise to find his fiancee peeking out of the kitchen, giving him a huge grin. Key couldn't help but smile. Whoever could resist his darling? He walked over to Jonghyun and kissed him on his cheek. "Come on, yeobo. Lets make breakfast."

A/N: Hey guys! I'm back again. I will try to update the other fanfic since it's left hanging there. But I'm too lazy -.- if any of you don't understand the concept of this... it's in the aftermath of Taemin's mpreg in my previous fanfic LOL. I decided to do Jongkey cuz they deserve a story to their name (Y) anyway enjoy! :)

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Chapter 2: I hope you cab update soon author nim
awww yay i would be more surprise if he didnt want it to be honest come one having a baby wiv kibum or jonghyun would be everybodies dream lol certainly mine but i tell myself jongkey is strictly jongkey lol update soon cant wait
yay~ of course jjongie wants the baby xD why wouldn't he? awwww i was blushing thru this whole chapter xD jongkey really is my fav shinee otp. hands down.
omfg jongkey is my favvv paring ever!!! >O<
awww yes ive been looking for a rly gd jongkey m-preg and then u popped along and i was like yay freaking jongkey and aww i hope jonghyun reacts like minho did update soon :)
subbed again~ readingggg