The Novelist

The Novelist

"I heard from my friend that you're planning to publish a book" said the girl brunette as she scans the papers in front of the girl who’s sitting opposite hers, face blank yet if men see that kind of expression they'll probably find it hot. The brunette eyes wondered at the paper before looking up at the girl "Your story is all about affair, why'd you wrote this kind of story?  I mean is it based on--"

"So, can you do it? " the seemingly quiet girl cuts, her posture somewhat stiff, the brunette stare at her with wide eyes, the quiet girl noticed the sudden uneasiness of the latter, she fakes a cough before continuing "I mean, I'm in hurry that's why I want to know if you guys can help me publish my book. The brunette take note on how flat yet demanding the tone was.  "So, it’s about affair between a lady and a Married Congressman.  Isn't this a bit controversial?"

The quiet girl suddenly finds her hands on her lap more interesting than the girl that turns into a professional manager in a publishing company that she is "But anyway, I’m going to study this novel of yours, is it okay if you accompany me while I'm at it, because I need to go now, I still have one more client to meet, so? " the brunette eyes the girl before turning to her phone to check the time.

The latter contemplates but nodded her head "Nice. tomorrow, 8 am at the coffee shop near the office" the girl informed. "Tomorrow alright? " she asked already on her feet

"Yeah." The latter whispers, the brunette flashed her eye smile before turning around ready to run away just to get to her next appointment.

"What a strange girl. " the quiet girl murmured once the girl was out of her sight. "she asks too many questions, it makes me dizzy" massaging her temple trying to ease the dizziness, she was about to stand up when she heard hurried footsteps.  turning her head up, a frown slowly forms on her brows.  it was the girl from the publishing company. her hair slightly messy but still look beautiful, her business attire isn't too decent anymore.

"You forgot something? " she weakly asked.

The girl awkwardly scratches the back of her head "Yea. Sorry it’s so rude of me.  My name is Bomi by the way"

The quiet girl was puzzled there for a second, so she run back here just because of that?  She's really something. 

"You’re Chorong right? " The girl named Bomi asked a bit louder than usual.

"Y-yeah, that's me. "

"Sorry if I introduced myself late but yeah. Have a good day and see you tomorrow Miss.  Chorong" the girl said as she waves her hand while making her way towards the lobby's door with a smile on her face.

Her smile. it's too bright. It irritates me.


It’s our second time to meet but just like the first time, my heart feels like it’s going to jump out off my chest. I watch him move from left to right, bows and nods at the people around. I'm feeling lost just by looking at him.  He tilts his head at the left and just like that. I was caught staring at him. My cheeks turning into crimson colored.  Our eyes locked.  And I was mesmerized. He then, smiles at me, I wanted to look away because of the blush on my face but no, I want to stare at him because the moment our gaze met.  I know he already captured my heart. '

Bomi can't help but to cringe after reading some parts of the story. it’s too fluffy. she was on the middle of stretching when "Oh my god!" she suddenly exclaimed. She realized that its already 7:30 in the morning and she's supposed to meet Chorong at 8. she only has 30 minutes and what's worst is that, she's not even taking a shower yet.


"Where the heck is she?" Chorong grumbles in annoyance, she’s been waiting for almost half an hour now yet a brunette is still nowhere to be found.  she bit her lower lip trying not to be angry. She checks her phone and frown when she realizes that she didn’t get the girl's phone number, "Oh great. " as if on cue a girl with a disheveled hair appears in front of her.  hands on her knees as she breathes heavily. 

"Oh God. I'm sorry, I didn’t mean to be this late I'm really sorry."

Chorong planned to give Bomi a mouthful of scolding because how dare this girl make her client wait but after seeing and hearing the girl apologize and bows multiple times made her think twice. 

"I'm really sorry, really.  I'll just treat you with something" Chorong watches the girl place her sling bag at the seat and make her way towards the food displays.  "Stay there, okay! " the girl said, more like demand. Chorong let a long sigh, brushing her hair with the left hand of hers because of the panicky girl. She can't help but to chuckle when her eyes finds Bomi's figure. she's talking with someone probably one of the waitress.  She finds the girl's expression entertaining, how Bomi's eyes widen and how shapes from time to time.  Little she didn't know.  she's already smiling. 


"Wooh" Bomi dramatically wipes the invincible sweat on her forehead once her finally meets the seat.  "Sorry for the wait, I hope you enjoy the foods that I ordered for you. " she said. 

Chorong just nodded and watch how Bomi fix her hair using her fingers and how her eyes playfully rolls.  "Why are you not wearing a business attire? "

"Oh. that. Sorry if I looked so unprofessional right now, butit’s because I was in hurry so I wear the first thing that my eyes can see and hands to reach. " she said, guiltily.  wearing a plain white tee and a ripped jeans and a black sketcher is not a professional suit but it’s better than to wear nothing at all when she meets this good looking girl in white dress. 

A smooth sound broke their little conversation, Bomi shoots a smile at the waiter while Chorong just watch them with a furrowed brows "Thank you, we’ll just call you if ever we need something. " said Bomi.  "Hope you enjoy these.”

 " Aren't these too much? " Chorong awkwardly asked. 

Bomi shakes her right hand motioning Chorong that it was okay because she made her wait. "Don't mind these, sorry again for making you wait. There's still something that haven't serve yet so I really hope that you will like it"

Chorong as if it’s a habit, bit her lower lip, really. it was too much because the girl ordered some mango shake, a slice of ice cream cake and carrot cake, she was about to protest when the waiter a while ago appear out of nowhere, 

"Oh. here it is. " Bomi happily announced. Chorong wants to face palm because the girl even claps her hands in delight as the waiter place their order down the table.  Bomi's happiness halts when she heard a cute fits of chuckles.  "E-eh?  is there's something funny?" she asked out of wonder.

Chorong waves her hands "I don’t eat spicy foods. " Chorong's face shows amusement when she saw the latter’s expression. Bomi's eyes went wide in horror, she hastily slaps her temple and mumbles some coherent words to herself. "Bomi how could you be this embarrassing? "

Chorong suppress her laughter as the girl continues to scold herself as if she's only hears nothing but her mumbles.  "No, it’s okay.  I can take it out if you want, Joy—you know the one that is friend of your friend, Namjoo.  she's also a friend of mine and she really likes spicy foods. " Chorong suggest, trying to lessen the girl's guilt.

Letting out loud exhale, Bomi finally made a decision 

The girl in white dress's blank face turns into a confused one when the business woman stood up and bows at her in 180 degrees. "I'm really sorry. please forgive me, next time I'll make sure to ask you first before ordering and I promise to not be late again. "

Chorong is already feeling embarrass when the other costumers’s eyes is already looking at them.  "What are you doing Bomi-ssi, don’t worry I'm not offended or anything, I know you didn’t mean any of It. " she understandingly stated.

Bomi brush her hair as she stands properly, her face looking so down at the moment "I'm so embarrassing." she whispers as she makes her way back at her seat. 

Chorong shakes her head, looking anywhere but Bomi. "Cute" she whispered. 


"This is so fluffy; I swear to God. " Bomi exaggeratedly commented when after she read the part about the antagonist's date with the congressman. 

Chorong creepily smile "But you haven't even finish reading it till the end. "

Bomi's brows meet "Eh, don’t tell me this is angst. "

"I don’t wanna be a spoiler. "

Bomi's pointing stare made Chorong uncomfortable "Because of what you said, it’s obvious that it’s going to be angst." Bomi grumbles, “Its either they will not be together in the end or one of the two will die, I've been helping some authors to publish their stories that has tear-jerking endings and I'm starting to wonder if you guys are crying when you killed the antagonist or smiling because you know your readers will suffer. "

Chorong looked away, "Readers should know first if writers write to please readers or it’s just for them to express themselves and for readers to understand what they feel."

Bomi stares at Chorong, her eyes focused on the face of the author "So you're saying that you write this story because you want us to understand your feelings, so there must be so much things going on behind this story."

Chorong was taken a back as if a bullet passed through her chest her heart exactly.  panic slowly rise from her face not wanting to be open to everyone after all she went hard just to build her walls.  "I-it’s not like tha--"

"Please make me understand. "

Bomi didn't let the latter finish her words. Chorong meanwhile, shocked hearing those words.

"Make me understand."



"You look so good when you let your hair down" Henry said, his hands securely wrapped around the girl's waist. 

"Really? " Sophia slowly turn around to face the person whom she loves the most. "But I look good with you also. " she sweetly flashed her infamous smile making Henry admire her again before closing the gap between them.

"Yes you do." He said, Sophia closed her eyes thinking that they could be together, forever. 


Chorong didn't know why she agreed on meeting Bomi again, maybe because the girl struck some strings on her. She stares at her neatly done nail polished and wonder when will the girl appear, why is she always late? she thought but this time the annoyance was no longer visible on her face. 

"Boo! " a sudden loud voice and a hand on her shoulder made her jump from her seat, hands on her chest. Bomi is amused on how surprised the girl was, she can’t help but to laugh. "Hey " she giggles.

"Please don’t do that again. " Bomi focused on the girl's soft voice and not on how Chorong slapped her biceps. She stepped close but not that close to Chorong. "Sorry" she said between her stifled laughter "Sorry I won’t do it again, are you okay? "

Chorong nodded before shrugging off, "Yeah, so anyway why are you late, again? “her right hand combs her hair, Bomi didn’t know why she finds it y, she’s getting weird feelings. 

"Oh yeah, I ran some errands" Bomi apologized sheepishly, a hand scratching her head.

"It’sokay, where are we going now? " Chorong asked, patting her behind clean.

"I don’t really know, let’s just go to some park near here, what do you think?" Bomi innocently asked.

"Sure let's go. " Chorong agree.

Bomi and Chorong walk besides each other, one of them trying to shrug it off the feeling whenever their hands brush and the other one trying to maintain het poker of a face.


"He kissed the pain away from Sophia. " Bomi teased the already blushing Chorong, reading the words from the draft as loud as she could.  She tried to swat away from Bomi but decided to welcome her defeat when she realized how being playful the girl was.

"Stop that! " Chorong whines and earns a surprised expression from the other girl, “Yah, what’s with the look?" She asked in curiosity for the girl was like a statue with that expression of hers. 

"Did you just whine at me?"

Hearing and seeing Bomi's amusement made her let a heartily laughter "You looked silly. " She wanted to tease the girl on how cute she was when she laughs and how her eyes disappear forming a crescent shape.

“How dare you insult me” She playfully scoffed.

Suddenly the atmosphere is not that awkward anymore or maybe it was just Chorong feeling the atmosphere awkward. “So what are we going to do next after teasing me?” She said the smile still on her lips and Bomi don’t have plan to erase that not just yet.

Her right fingers tap her chin as if she’s thinking for a formula that will solve some problems in whatever field of math you were thinking, “How about we ride a bike?” Bomi proudly said the idea as if it was the best idea ever.

Chorong looked away, “I- don’t know how to ride a bike.” She shyly confessed.

Bomi looked at her incredibly.  Bomi wondered if the floor is looking more interesting than her for the latter is busy staring at the ground.

“You probably think that I’m weak.”

Taken aback, Bomi’s hands flew forward and shakes it almost immediate “It’s not that. I also have some friends that don’t know how to ride a bike.” She explained. “And just because you don’t know how to ride a bike means you’re weak, whoever thinks of that way is seriously stupid.” She sneered, “It’s just I thought you’re the type of person to ride a bike and stroll around, enjoying the fresh breeze of wind, I can imagine you riding a bike smiling and being beautiful as always.” Halting from her words, she mentally slapped her face or most probably if she could she would kick herself because of the words that slipped on her own mouth, she need to stop getting herself embarrassed and even getting herself carried away. Curiously trying to know what Chorong reaction, she slowly turns her head and saw how Chorong stares at her with her wide eyes.

“You’re very talkative” Chorong said.

Bomi furrowed because that was far from what she expected from Chorong but realized that it was better that way than being in an awkward situation again with the girl, little did she don’t know the other girl tried to hide her blush not wanting to be caught.


“Juice, really?” Bomi stares to the Chorong’s drink, “That’s so, something.” She chuckles, she’s been teasing girl after the bike-talk scene and Chorong was planning to unleash her childish side if ever the girl won’t stop anytime soon.

“What about you Miss. Yoon, Chocolate drink? Really?” Chorong talked back mischievously.

Bomi let Chorong , “You can call me Bom-ah when we’re not evaluating your story, you know” She said turning the cup open.

“Bom-ah, that’s so manly.”

“You want me to show you what’s manly?” Bomi shoots her brows wiggling.

“” Chorong said, rolling her eyes.

Scooting away, “What ? I just want to show you some pictures of Dean, you know that hot singer guy. What’s with that? Or you’re thinking something beyond my imagination?”

Chorong is so eager to slap the girl “You just won’t stop teasing me, won’t you?”

Raising her hands up in defeat, “Okay, I give up.”

Knowing that the victory was hers, she takes a sip from her drink and enjoys how they sit beside each other savoring their drinks in silence as the dark sky and shimmering stars accompanying them.


Confused. “Eh?”

“You can call me Chorong-ah and I can call you Bom-ah.” Bomi was thinking of a good joke when,

“Don’t you dare comment on my name or I will kick you hard.” Bomi shudders on how cold the tone was.

“Wow, feisty.”

“What’s with your choice of words?”

Chortling.  “Okay, I’ll stop.” Bomi laugh seeing how Chorong was weird-ed out by her.

“It’s hard for me to trust people.”

Bomi was confused on what Chorong was talking about, so she tilts her head and gave her a puzzled looking motioning Chorong to continue,

“You want me to let you understand right?” Chorong asked.

It hits something in Bomi, “Oh that, yeah.” She weakly answered.

“It’s hard for me to open up so can you give me time.” Chorong asked but sounding more of a statement as she stares at the night sky.

“Sure.” Bomi whispered yet Chorong heard it crystal clear, if ever Bomi notice the clouds on Chorong’s eyes she dared not to think about it more and give Chorong the time that she needs than to push her talk things out.

“Have you ever been in love?” Surprised because of the sudden randomness, Bomi fidgets yet still answer the hanging question.

“3rd year.” Bomi let a laugh and she thank God she didn’t sound bitter, “I was 3rd year when I first experience that love, not the kind of love that teens thought it was but, the kind of love that makes you want to wake up with the person every morning and caress the ring around your finger and it will remind you how good life is after all the bad things happening around you.”

Chorong was touched because of what the girl said, Bomi was just as hopeless romantic as she is, it was obvious that things with Bomi’s former lover didn’t turned out well and she didn’t want to ask something that is sensitive to Bomi.

“If you are wondering we dated since were Grade 11, After 4 years of dating we realized one day that were not really in love with each other—more like she’s not really that in love with me. How bitter it was.” Bomi swallowed that lump in “But I’m okay, just like what they said, I miss the feeling but not the person anymore,” Chorong realize how Bomi forced her laughter “But really, I am fine. Just a week ago, I saw her with someone, I guess his name was Kiyong, they look good together and engage.” She smiled. “I’m happy for her.” She looked at Chorong, “how about you?” 

Shaking her head as if Bomi reminded her of someone—something. “It’s a long boring story.”

“I don’t mind listening.” The bubbly girl said, smile spreading on her lips.

“But it’s too long, I’m already tired hearing your long love story.” Whines trying to distract Bomi.

“Did you just said that with you beside me?”

Chorong let a fits of giggle. “I think I just did.”


Sophia was so hopping with the amount of shopping bags on her hands, she bought some clothes for her and for henry, she doesn’t care how cliché or cheesy it was but yes, she bought some couple items even though Henry won’t wear it for the Man didn’t like those kinds of things.

She was about to hail a cab when she saw a familiar car parked not so far from where she was standing, it was Henry’s. and she was not wrong, Henry stepped out from his car, the excitement rush through her veins, now is the great time to surprise her lover. The smile on her face widens after fixing her hair. One step forward then she halts. A woman about her age stepped out from the car—she was beautiful but not as beautiful as Sophia. She felt her body stoned when Henry suddenly stepped closer to the girl and kiss her lips as if she was the world to him, she sees how Henry proudly kiss the girl, it was different from how he kissed her.

She can feel a sting in her chest, she slowly clenched her fist, she can’t believe that Henry has another woman, she can feel the tears in her eyes, they’re ready to fall down from her cheeks. But the restrain of her tears went useless when it falls down and betrays her once another girl stepped out from the car calling her daddy. She ignores the fact that the shopping bags were already lying to the ground and how they ring of the other girl shimmers through her eyes as if mocking her.

After all, she was the mistress.


Bomi let a titter as she watches Chorong stare at her phone, her lips curling up and brows furrowing as she concentrates on her phone. They were in the park again this time sitting at the green grass enjoying the good weather for it’s not that hot and not that cold either—just perfect for hanging around the estate.

“Hey, you’ve been busy with your phone you forgot I’m with you.” Bomi said as she nags the girl.

“Later Bomi.” Chorong said, her eyes busy on the phone.

Bomi bit her lower lip when Chorong didn’t show any attention to her. A thought enters her mind and she wants to know how the latter will react. She slowly stood up and snatched the phone away from Chorong’s grip.

“YAH!” Chorong loudly screamed, her composed self already thrown away the moment Bomi interrupted her game.

Bomi laugh seeing the open application, it was a game that has something to do with farm town and harvesting, she didn’t know what exactly it was because she herself is not so good in game.

“Give me that.” Chorong demand, Bomi can feel the venom in her tone.

“How about get it from me, Chorong-ah.” Bomi teased as she walked away from Chorong.

“Give me that Yoon Bomi.” She said, firmly.

“I said get it yourself—Woah!” Bomi screeched when Chorong suddenly on her feet and run to get her phone back, thank God Bomi was an athlete when she was high school, her quick reflex told her to run away or else she’ll be dead in the hands on Chorong-ah.

“YOU’RE DEAD!” Chorong-ah said, trying her best to speed up and catch the running hamster but she was too baffled on how fast Bomi was.

“What, you’re tired already? Catch me Chorong-ah-ah!” Bomi playfully screamed. “Don’t be such a grandma.” She said followed by a laugh.

“You are so dead Bom-ahn, you go here, I don’t wanna run again, I’m tired!” She said her hands crossed trying to catch her breathe.

Bomi groan at how easy the girl was to get tired though she’s already having heavy breath too. “C’mon!”

Chorong stomp her feet, “I don’t want to!”  she glares. Suddenly her eyes harden when Bomi stopped waving her phone instead the girl is already clutching her chest hard, as if Bomi is having a trouble in breathing.

Panic arise from Chorong when Bomi knelt down from the grass and holds her chest. “Bomi are you okay?” She asked. Heart beating in such a dangerous speed.

A soft sound can be heard and Chorong’s eyes widen as wide as possible when Bomi was already lying on the grass, not moving.

Her legs move on its own and run towards Bomi as fast as possible. She was shocked how fast she ran because never in her wildest dream that she could ran that fast. She drops her knees to the grass and hold Bomi’s shoulder. “Bom-ah wake up!”  She screamed, her lips already trembling together with her hands, “Please.” She said her head already pressed against Bomi’s forehead. “Please don’t leave me.” She said. She doesn’t know why she said that but what she was sure was that she can’t afford to lose Bomi, not now.

She starts to pray not only to God but also Jesus to help Bomi. Her silent prayer cuts when she heard a fits of laughter. She slowly opens her eyes and back away from the girl, Bomi was laughing her heart out as if Chorong was not worried at her.

Realizing that she just got fooled, she gritted her head in annoyance “ you!” She said as she punched Bomi in the chest before standing on her feet.

Bomi ignores how painful that punch was, she was more worried to the girl who seems very angry at her, she followed the girl as the guilt slowly slaps her. “I’m sorry. It was just a joke!” Bomi screamed—explained.

Chorong stopped from her track, she turns around and march back to Bomi. “If you think it’s funny well guess what, it’s not.” She said. Angry visible in her face. Her hands clenching her fist hard. Tears can be seen in her eyes.

Bomi can feel guilt eating her up. “I’m sorry.” She sincerely apologized, head already bowed down.

“My mom died because of heart attack.” Chorong confessed making Bomi snap her head forward. Lips trembling.

Bomi pulled the girl in embrace “I’m really sorry, I promise not to do that again.” Bomi whispered as she hugs the girl tight until Chorong can feel how sorry she was.

Chorong felt the warmth on her embrace, she wants to enjoy the moment, her in Bomi’s comforting hands but the whole scheme that she put up will come to waist if she did.

Bomi’s heart aches when she can feel Chorong’s body tremble so in instinct she pulls her closer and caress Chorong’s shoulder. “Please don’t cry, I hate to see you cry.” She said.

Just when she was about to cry because of guilt, she heard a mischievous laughter, she slowly pulled Chorong away but not that far for she wants to be close to Chorong, “Why are you laughing?” that’s when reality hits her, she thought that the tremble was because of crying but it was because of laughter. “Your Mom didn’t die from heart attack right?”

Chorong tried to stifle her laugh but failed to do so, “Yes, and she’s living a healthy life running a restaurant in our town.”

Bomi pulled her hands away from Chorong and brush her hair in disbelief “You’re evil.” She mumbles as she looked away, not believing what just happened. The unsettling feeling was replaced when a hand wraps around her body making her feel some fluttering feelings.

“But seriously, stop making me worried.”

Chorong’s voice was like music in Bomi’s ears.


“SHUP UP YOU LIAR!” Sophia said, tears streaming down from her cheeks, her hands repeatedly punching the chest of the Man that hurt her.

“I did not lie!” The man talked back trying his best to restraint the wild hands of the girl. “Stop it now, Sophia!” He growls, never in Sophia’s dream that Henry will talk to her like that. He was always gentle, not like this.

Her knees feel wear for she’s already tired of crying and hurting, she slowly back away from henry and sit herself on the bed. “You have a wife” the words taste like venom in , “and a daughter.”

“I never said that I haven’t” Henry irritably, brushing his hair while gritting his teeth.

Sophia was beyond shock at how Henry says those words as if he’s not committed to someone, the grip on her mattress tightens, her eyes focus on the ground. Tears not showing any sign of stopping to stroll down. “You said you like me.”

Henry let a long sigh, dropping his hands in defeat. “But I love my wife.” He softly murmured out.

She never knows that words can hurt her more than how she can physically hurt herself. “W-what about us?”

There she was gripping tight in some little hope that she’s have.

“Let’s just forget about us, about everything that we had.”

And with that, she was left alone. Broken and hurt.


They were in their usual spot in the park, at the left side corner where you can see the largest tree can be found. Bomi stares at Chorong, she was wondering why the girl seems quiet she’s not being herself, she thought but she shrugs it off and continue to gawks at the girl whose busy gripping a necklace in her hands. They’ve been hanging out and both of them they already surpass the client-employee relationship but they were too oblivious to talk it out.

Bomi’s eyes harden at how Chorong holds the necklace, she’s holding it as if it’s her everything. She wants to message the frown away from Chorong’s face but she decided to just stare at her judging the God how much he loved Chorong that he created her with his own hands.

The girl looks fragile that Bomi wants to protect her even though she herself needs protection too. Letting her feelings out, Bomi take a breath before opening .

“I love you—“

“I’m the girl from the story.”

Bomi’s confession was interrupted by Chorong’s soft voice, “W-what?” she asked, confused on how the situations turning into something more confusing.

Chorong bit her lower lip eyes gazing on the necklace, “Sophia, the affair. It’s my story.” She can feel dry “I intent to hide it but—but because of you I have this feeling that I need to be honest with you.” She said, finding it hard to stare at Bomi’s eyes.

Bomi slump her back on the tree and let a sigh of disbelief, she closed her eyes as some scene from the draft flashed through her mind,

how Sophia and Henry are so sweet with each other, you can feel their love from each other,

how Sophia and Henry make love,

how Henry took the innocence away from Sophia.

How Sophia plan the life for the both of them

And how

Henry broke the precious girl’s heart.

“Wow.” Was the only word that came out from Bomi’s mouth,

Chorong finally have the courage to look up and stare at the now looking away Bomi, “It’s been 2 years but the memories still lingers in me.” Tears starts to whelm from her eyes. “I’m confused because I know I have feelings for you but I.” Why is life being difficult? “I—think I still have feelings for him.”

Bomi closed her eyes. She clenched and unclenched her fist.

Chorong starting to feel uncomfortable after hearing nothing from the girl that used to be so bubbly whenever she’s with her. “I bet you’re disgusted with me now—“

Before Chorong could start to her self-pity speech, Bomi moved her lips and explain, “Stupid. I won’t think of you that way, I will never think of you like that, you did not know he’s cheating, all you ever did was to love him, he’s so stupid to let you go.” Bomi said between gritted teeth. “and I will never think of you less.”

Too Bad, Bomi didn’t realize how thankful Chorong to her, “But if you think you still love him” she went closer to Chorong, their shoulder brushing with each other. “I will respect that and give you time, after all it’s hard to love when you’re still confused so,” she gently held Chorong’s hands and brought it to her lips and kiss it sweetly. “Hold on to this necklace, hold on until you still believe that you love him, hold on to this because holding on also means loving.” She said as if she’s not feeling hurt blurting out those words, “and in case you realize that you moved on, let go.” She smiles, the smile that is worth the star in her eyes. “because you’re going to fall and I will be the one catching you because I’m already holding on you.”


“I bet she love him that hard for her to write a book about their love story.” Bomi mumbles in her bed, hair still looking nothing but a mess. Her right hand resting over her temple. “What the hell am I thinking?” she crazily mumbles as she messes her hair.

She searches for her phone and slide it open to check her inbox.  “You’re driving me crazy.” She said once she saw an icon that shows the number of message that she received that only screams one send. ‘Chorong-ah-ah’

Chorong has been texting her, sending her messages from her Facebook but the stupid in her didn’t let her to read or even open the messages. She’s afraid because she might ruin Chorong’s thoughts about her and her past lover or maybe it’s because she’s afraid that it says that she doesn’t love her and she still choose the guy over her.

“OUCH!” She painfully groans when her phone slips on her grip and landed square on her face. What a wonderful thing to start the day. She mockingly thought. It’s been weeks since she last saw Chorong and she’s proud of herself for she’s still sane—or maybe not.

While she’s not meeting Chorong, she starts to imagine that that she’s beside her, the days that she spent together with Chorong she starts to realize the habit of her hand. The habit of touching the girl’s hands and caressing it and she miss doing that to the older girl, also the habit of her calling her name. it feels empty without her.

Her train of thought came to a halt when her doorbell rings, grumpily. She jumped out from her bed not minding to fix her blanket and mattress. She wipes the sleepiness away from her eyes as she march to open the door. “Eunji, what are you doing here?” she groggily asked. The tall girl crossed her arms, she looked like she’s ready to murder someone at this early in the morning.

“I swear to Satan, I never knew this cute of a friend of mine will be your girlfriend—WHAT THE HELL?!” Eunji’s words cut when a strong push made her stop.

“Thank you Eunji, you’re such a thoughtful friend. Goodbye!”

Bomi became confused when Chorong suddenly appeared out of nowhere, her eyes watch on how Chorong guide her inside her house and close the door not letting the almighty Joy to finish her sentence.


Chorong ignore the loud knock on the door which most probably Eunji’s doing instead, she turns around, face Bomi with her hands akimbo. “You’re not replaying to my messages.” She firmly stated.

Bomi didn’t know if she’s dreaming or, “How did you know my house?” She asked forgetting about the latter’s question.

“Just like what I said well I guess you’re not paying attention, Thanks to Eunji. So back to my question” Chorong demand for an answer and if she wants one, she’ll definitely get one.

Bomi stares to everything but Chorong, “I—I just thought that I’m going to ruin your moment to think if—“

A kiss from her lips made her stop from her words. Chorong slowly open the gap between them, she can’t help but to giggle seeing a stone hard figure of Bomi.

“If you are going to ask if I kissed you, yes I did.” Chorong said, making her feel at home, she leaves her shoes from the rack and walk towards the living room, walking as if the house belongs to her.

“I already decided.” Chorong pause “I’m going to let go.”

Bomi follows Chorong in the living room and stood just an inch away from Chorong, “I’m letting go because I’m going to hold on to you, for a very long…long time.” Chorong finished.

Chorong is sure that the shimmer in Bomi’s eyes can defeat the brightness of the sun. “Then let me know more about you.”


“I’m still bitter about the book.” They were enjoying their stay on Bomi’s house one afternoon when the girl suddenly whines. Chorong rolled her eyes having the urge to throw some crackers to her lover.

“I told you that we you don’t have to publish it if it hurts you but still you did!” Chorong said, feeling guilty all of the sudden.

Bomi playfully embrace Chorong, “I’m just kidding, Chorong-ah-ah, I was just teasing you and of course I will publish the book that you made, you work hard for it and still, it’s a part of your memories. You should treasure it!” said Bom-ahn as she tries to cheer up her lover.

Chorong pushed Bomi before pinching her cheeks then her nose. “Why are you like that, you’re making me cry!” this time she’s the one whining while the other one groaning on how hard Chorong pinch her cheeks.

As if a light bulb lightens above her head, Chorong-ah dropped her hands down (you don’t know how thankful Bomi was) “How about I write another book, a sequel where Sophia finds a lover that will treasure her this time?”

“It’s your choice honey, it’s just I’m satisfied with this the world doesn’t have to know our story, our future kids hearing it is enough for me.” Bomi said cheekily.

Chorong grumbles, she’s still not used to Bomi’s cheesiness, some people finds it greasy. “WHY YOU GREASY.”  She chimes ready to attack the pinch-able cheeks of the hamster. She laughs her heart out when Bomi try to shove her away giggling, she put down all of her defenses and already wearing her heart out of her sleeves but she doesn’t mind because with Bomi she feels secure. And that all that matters.


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Chapter 1: we're the future kids hearing it the story from Bomi ㅠㅠ!! hahahaha a nice one~ I liked realising the parallels between what Bomi had been reading and what turns out to be something personal to Chorong. thank u for writing this!
Chapter 1: This was perfectly written. Nice :D
Chapter 1: Love this!^^
Chapter 1: This is so cute omg, bomi is so cheesy and weird lol, cant wait for another chomi story :)