Chapter 4

Our Normal Lives

(I really want to get the story moving so there will be a lot of jumps)

It's finally November and Thanksgiving is right around the corner. I can't believe how fast this school year is going. I've been spending a lot of time with Jackson and Yoona that we've become sort of like a little trio. I've also started talking more with Kai and I think he's a half douche (it's better than last time k?) But, Julia still hates me so nothing new there. I've also gotten used to hanging out with these rich kids and also I think I know how to navigate my way through this palace school. I'm currently in the hang out room studying for my AP Physics test next period. But, it's hard to focus when these kids are constantly talking out loud. 
Yoona: What about Bora Bora?
Julia: I'm not in the mood to travel far.
Jackson: Then what about the Hamptons?
Kai: Hey, I'm the mood for that. We should go there.
Yoona: I haven't been there since last summer vacation
Julia: Okay fine let's go there.

Curious as to what they were talking about I decided to in. 
"Are you spending summer there?"
They all just laughed and smiled at me. Julia continue laughing, "Oh poor Bella Bella. Of course not. We're going there for Thanksgiving break silly!" I just looked at them confused and surprised. 
"But Thanksgiving break starts tomorrow. And what about your family?"
This time Yoona answered me: "Our families always spend Thanksgiving together. This year they're letting us kids decide where to go. Then, we'll just fly over in our private jets."
Ughhh damn rich kids......
"Okay wow well have fun I guess?"
Jackson looked as if he got an idea and stood up pointing at me. "Bella what if you come with us?! Do you want that?" 
Julia: WHAT?!
Yoona clapped and cheerfully agree while Kai just gave a half smile and nodded his head in agreement. 
"You guys obviously forgot that I'm not rich. I don't have a private jet and I can't leave tomorrow to another state. What about my family? I can't leave them on Thanksgiving!"
Jackson stood up again as if he had discovered the cure to a disease. "What if your family comes with us!? I mean your parents are close with my family so it's all good! I'm sure they'll get along well with Yoona's parents too!"
Julia: DOES NOBODY HEAR ME WHEN I SAY WHAAT?! Jackson she's not one of us. I let her hang out with us but she is not spending a vacation with us too?! She is not my friend! 
Kai just shook his head. "Hey Juls calm down. The more the merrier right? Besides Bella's a good person. I don't think there'll be any more drama than there already is in our families."
Julia continued glaring at me before stomping out of the room and slamming the door. Yea, that's a pretty big sign that I shouldn't go.
"Hey you guys I'm okay I really don't have to go. Besides, I'm sure my family would want to spend it together in the comfort of our home. Thanks for the invite though. Just send me pictures and get me souvenirs :)"
Jackson looked at me with his concerned face, "you sure Bella?"
"I'm fine you guys!"

The bell rang signaling the last class of the day will begin. I completed my test with ease and decided to relax for a while. I rested my head on the desk. I'm fine staying home, I mean it'll be way better than dealing with rude and annoying rich people in a place where I'll probably feel like an outsider. Still....the Hamptons huh? I've only visited that place in my dreams. One day I'll save enough money and vacation there on my own with my family. For now I'll just do well in school. When the bell rang I left the classroom and headed straight to the front yard. Right at the gates I was stopped by a hand right in front of my face. I turned to my left and saw Julia staring down at me. 
"Hop in"
"Into your limo?"
"Where else you idiot?"
I just shot her a weird look. She must be planning my death right? Why else would she be offering a ride? She's gonna take me to a secret forest and have somebody kill me! OH NO! I decided to make a break for it but she immediately grabbed my bag causing me to fall back and land on my . Ouch....
"That's what you get for being stupid! Now come on!"
She literally dragged me into her car and came in after me. 

The car started moving and I got scared. What does she want? Will she blackmail me?!
"Hey listen Julia. Whatever it is you want me to do I won't do it! I won't fall for your nasty tricks! I'm better than that!"
Julia just sat there with her arms crossed. "Oh really? So I guess you don't want to come with us to the Hamptons this break?"
"Bella. I hate you, and you know that. But, I'm not that much of a bad person. I mean aside from the fact that you're an obnoxious, annoying, poor, and ugly kid, you're still a good person. So, I guess I overreacted during lunch. And.....*whispers softly* I'm sorry."
"Sorry, I didn't catch that last part. What'd you say?"
Julia uncrossed her arms and stared at me straight in the eye. "Dammit I said sorry you idiot! You can come with us. Now just shut up and tell me where you live so I can give you a ride home already. I've had enough of you for today." 
I looked at Julia who continue staring out the window with her arms crossed. She's like a warm Ice princess. She may be cold but she obviously is not a bad person. I smiled and thanked her for her kindness. 
Julia: "Whatever just don't tell anybody I gave you a ride home."

A few minutes later the limo reached my house and Julia got of the car with me. 
"Wait, why are you getting out?"
"I have to tell your parents about the plan duh? I also gotta ask for their permission and if they want to come."
"Wow Julia that's really sweet of you, thanks!"
"Yea shut up about it."
I opened my house and I saw my mom at the kitchen and my dad sitting at the table. I greeted them both with a kiss with Julia standing behind me. 
"Mom, dad this is Julia. She's one of my friends from school."
Julia nodded her head and smiled brightly at them. Wow I've never seen her smile so happily before. 
"It's nice to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Mei. I come her today asking for your permission to have you and your daughter join us this Thanksgiving break at the Hamptons. I know it's so sudden since we'll be leaving tommorrow so I ask for your forgiveness *bows*." 
I was just as surprised as Mom and dad at how poised and welll mannered Julia can be. So different from the yelling earlier. My parents just laughed and complimented Julia on her kindness and beauty.
My mom smiled and replied, "Well, it's actually perfect timing. Bella we just found out that one of our college friends is getting married this break so she's invinting your father and I to their wedding. I felt bad if we left and you couldn't come with us, but now you can be with your friends."
Dad continued, "We can have our own Thanksgiving dinner when we get back okay? And, Julia please make sure my daughter is safe. If anything happns I won't let it slide. *Writes on a piece of paper* Here are our numbers and emails. So when will you be leaving tomorrow? Where are you going? And who's going?"
Julia happily replied back, "I can pick her up tomorrow morning at 9:00 AM. We'll be going to the Hamptons. All of our friends and family will be there so there is a lot of adult supervision. Also Jackson and his parents are going too, if that helps put you a little more at ease."
My parents clapped in delight, "Oh perfect! We trust Jackson so that's fine with us!"
After a short conversation Julia announced her departure and hugged both my parents. She came to me and patted my shoulder reminding me about 9:00 AM tomorrow. Wow. I guess I am going to the Hamptons then. Shoot! I gotta start packing! 
Mom: Don't worry sweetie I'll help you pack! 
"Thanks mom and dad :)"

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