Chapter 2

Our Normal Lives

Jackson and I finished our breakfast and left the cafe. I started walking down the sidewalk to the bus stop till Jackson stopped me.

"Yah! Where are you going?"
I replied back with a puzzled look, "To the bus stop so we can go to school."
Jackson just laughed at me. What was so wrong with the bus? "Yah Bella. You can't enter Windor like that. I wish you could, but this school is not like the others. You show up taking the bus you become a laughing stock for everyone on your first day."
"Then how else am I gonna get there?!"
Jackson laughed again, "Do you not see me standing next to my car? We go to the same school now so I can give you a ride!"
I looked at his "car" in astonishment. When he opened the door to his limo there was a TV, mini fridge, and comfy chairs.
"This is not a car. This is a fricken house on wheels!" I said as Jackson just laughed and shoved me inside.
"We're gonna be late missy now hurry before I change my mind."

As we drove by we passed by my old school. They started last week and I saw all the students happily chatting and playing around with friends. I will miss my friends here...
Jackson broke my thoughts again "Do you wanna go back to your old school?"
"A part of me wants to, but another part of me just can't turn down an opportunity like Windor. I think I'm making the right choice for my future."
Jackson gave a small smile then quickly looked worried again.
"I hope you know what you're in for. The students here do not treat scholarship kids very nicely. But, don't worry just stick by me and I promise to protect you. Steer clear from any group that starts questioning your background. Or, you can lie about your family and say you are rich."
"Woah woah woah Jackson is it that bad?! I need to lie about my financial status? Or else what happens?"
"I mean you're a strong girl. If you can handle the constant verbal and physical abuse then you should be fine. But, I don't think you want to remember high school that way."
"Jackson you're scaring me. Should I not have come?!"
"No, I'm just warning you to be careful about what you do and say around the students here." 

It's official! I am officially terrified. Am I gonna be shoved into a locker?! My head pushed down a toilet? Food thrown at me? Maybe it's like "Boys over Flowers" and they'll all group up and throw eggs and flour at me!!! I continued to have a worried and scared look on my face. Jackson could tell because of the sudden silence. He sat closer to me and offered me a sweet bread from one of our favorite stores as a kid. This was always our way of making peace or comforting one another. I smiled and accepted the bread. A few minutes later we entered sort of like a forest place and I saw the school, and holy mama....this is not a school. This is a secret, major corporation headquarters or a royal family's home! 

I looked through my window and saw other kids being dropped of by, not their parents, but by drivers! Kids came out of limos, sportscars, lamborghinis. In the parking lot I saw kids parking their cars too. And, they all looked they would appear on a Buzzfeed article about "World's most expensive cars." My jaw dropped at everything. Jackson's limo came to a stop at the entrance of the school and his driver opened our door. I stepped out and was greeted by a dozen stares. Oh no...they're not going to egg me now are they?! I looked at the students too, and they had designer bags, designers shoes, watches with diamonds on them, expensive jewelry, and some had gadgets that never even came out yet! Here I am standing in my suspender skirt with a bag and shoes I've had for the past 2 years. This is going to be fun. 

I walked through the crowd of students with Jackson guiding me through. There were whispers going around, and not the good kind...
"Ew what is wrong with her bag."
"Do you see her shoes."
"Is she a scholar kid?"
"Why the hell is a girl like her in our school?"

Jackson just threw his arm around me and held me closer. It's times like these where I'm truly thankful to have a best friend like him. 

We finally made it inside the building. Only for me to drop my jaw once again. Where am I? Heaven?

Jackson saw my face and closed my jaw for me.
"Bella, you're going to eat flies if you keep doing that."
"Sorry but this is just insane! I'll never find be able to find my classes on time in a place like this! Are you sure this is a school; not some hotel or royal family's home?"
"Hmmmm...I'm actually not sure anymore. Come on why don't I take you to see the queen of Windor okay?"
"Shut up"

He guided me through the marble floors beautiful paintings, and eventually to the school office. He introduced me to one of the staff members and the lady came up to me.
"Hello, you must be Mirabella. It is such a pleasure to finally meet you. My name is Mrs. Austen"
She greeted me with a warm smile as she shook my hands. Jackson bid me farwell as soon as I was left in the hands of Mrs. Austen. He winked and waved good bye. Great now how am I going to find him later on? Enough of that Mrs. Austen was still talking to me.
"You are one of only three other students we have accepted for full scholarship. We only accept students of exceptional talent and intelligence to be apart of Windor, and we are happy we found you. Now, this room is the headmaster's. He will tell you more about our school, so if you have any questions feel free to ask him any."

She knocked on the big wooden door and poked her head inside the room. She mumbled a few words I couldn't hear and motioned for me to enter. I stepped through the wooden door and saw a middle aged kind looking man standing behind his desk. He smiled and welcomed me then motioned for me to take the seat on the front left of him. I took the seat and noticed there was another student there. He looked at me and gave a little smirk. Wow that was weird. Does he think he's some hot shot or something? 

The headmaster sat back down in his big chair and smiled at me again. 
"It is a pleasure to finally meet you Miss Mirabella Mei. I was very impressed and touched with your application. My name is Mr. Stratford and I am the headmaster of Windor Academy. I am sorry to interrupt our first meeting but do you mind if I just dismiss this student here first?"
"I don't mind." I said nervously
Mr. Stratford quickly turned his attention back to the boy. 
"Jongin I don't want to hear any more complaints from the teachers or students about your behavior okay? At least start the first day with no complaints for once please?"
The boy referred to as Jongin looked up at Mr. Stratford and gave the same smirk he gave me. Wow this boy must be a douche huh? He stood up and gathered his belongings. "I'll see you later Mr. Stratford. And, nice to meet you Miss Mirabella. I like that name. See ya around k?" 

He left the room and the headmaster sat back down rubbing his temple. 
I looked at the Headmaster worriedly and asked "Are you okay sir? Do you need water or something?"
"Thank you for your concern Miss Mei but I am fine. I just do not know what to do with that boy anymore. Anyways, it is rude of me to throw my problems on you when we just met; my apologies."
"Oh no sir you're all good. "
"Well, here is your schedule and locker information. Your first class is AP Literature and your friend Jackson Wang is in that class as well. So, I believe he'll help you to find your other classes too. But, for now I will have Mrs. Austen you to your first class."
He stood up and I did too. We both walked to the big brown door and before he opened it for me the headmaster said, "Miss Mirabella I hope you enjoy your time here at Windor. You are a very charming young lady and I hope you stay that way. I know things will be tough here, but I want you to stay you and stay strong. We need more people like you in this school, and I believe you have the power to make a difference here. If there is any trouble please do not hesitate to come to my office. Alright\, have a good first day."

I left the room and met with Mrs. Austen who walked me down the long hallways and up the staircase to my first class. But, I couldn't get Mr. Stratford's words out of my head. "We need more people like you in this school." What does that mean? I shook off the thought and made it to room A213. Mrs. Austen opened the door for me and all students turned their heads towards the door. Mrs. Austen motioned for me to go inside and she took me to the  teacher, Mrs. Smith. Mrs. Smith smiled and welcomed me as Mrs. Austen gave me a pat on the back and left the classroom. 

Mrs. Smith walked away from her desk and in front of me now.  
"Class, this is your new classmate Miss Mirabella Mei. Please welcome her"
The class was dead silent until I heard "Welcome Mirabella!" 
I turned to the direction of the voice and saw it was Jackson. He smiled at me and I felt safe again. Mrs. Smith instructed me to take the seat two desks in front of Jackson. That because now I'm sitting next to a girl who keeps giving me death glares. Sheesh what's her problem? Then, Mrs. Smith continued talking about what to expect in this class. Once the bell rang I bent down to grab my bag till some girl kicked it aside. I looked up and saw that black haired death glaring girl. 
"Whoops my bad. I must have mistook your bag for trash sorry." She flipped her hair and walked away smiling. 
Jackson came and asked if I was ready for next period. I nodded and we both went off together.
"So, how's first day at Windor so far?"
"Well, it's been interesting...I have mixed feelings about it so far."
"Hahaha anyways, what's next for you?"
I took out my schedule and gave it to Jackson. He stared at me in amazement. "Well, not a surprise that you'd take 4 AP classes. Anyways, you have AP US History. Sorry, I'm not in that class but I'll take you there."

As we walked I told Jackson about meeting the headmaster and how nice everyone was so far. 
"Well, that's a relief. So, you haven't met any rude or strange people yet?"
I thought back to the Jongin smirk boy and black haired brat girl. Yea there have been some rude and strange people, but instead I said: "Nope not really. Everyone seems nice."
"Good. You're an amazing girl so I'm sure you'll make more friends soon. Here's your class. See ya later kay? I'll meet you in front of this classroom and take you to meet some of my friends during snack."
He ran off to his next class and I entered the class all by myself. I met the History teacher Mr. Williams who welcomed me and showed me to my seat. I saw that brat girl from last class sitting in the front row. At least she's not next to me shooting death glares. I turned to my left and came face to face to another black haired girl. But, this time she was all up in my face. 
"Hi, you must be new! I love fresh faces! Where you from? What's your name? I'm Yoona :)"
"Hi, I'm Mirabella but call me Bella."
"That is such a princess name ohmygoodness I love it!"
She was going to say more till the bell rang and class started. 



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