
Drabble- Fingernails

It was never a good idea to begin with. 

Sungyeol always knew that he never had a clean and good image. Not that it is his fault that the society is composed of judgemental bunch of s that define people as they want. 


And as an adult, it is common knowledge that this kind of relationship is not good. 

Myungsoo stopped moving and that seemed to break Sungyeol's train of thoughts. He looked up at him.


"Penny for Yeollie's thoughts?" he spared a look at myungsoo.


this guy is seriously too good to be true.

Sungyeol just closed his eyes. His brain swimming of more more more thoughts of myungsoo. His beautiful faced etched on his mind already. He shook his head and Myungsoo continued to massage his scalp with a towel, drying his hair. 


This is a daily scenario already, Sungyeol sitting on the floor and between Myungsoo's thighs as Myungsoo sits on the bed to dry his hair easier. 


He is half . With a gorgeous guy sitting on his bed. He can do anything he wants. He badly wants to move and do things to Myungsoo, maybe pin him on the bed and do bad stuffs at him. He is sure Myungsoo wont mind. But everytime he seems so close a little pull in his heart would stop him. 


Myungsoo is still on highschool. They are not living together or are not even together.


Funny how Sungyeol can tease Myungsoo to a point where his proximity is offensive for a stranger. But they are not strangers. There is a certain bond in them that they cant put a name into. They are not lovers. Nor friends. But they are more. Something unlabeled but beautiful. 


Sungyeol felt myungsoo patting his head. He knows myungsoo is already done and it means that he needs to move out of myungsoo's legs so that he could hang the wet towel. 


But the light buzz in sungyeol's head is toying with him, making him act out of his character and myungsoo is the clingy ones but- he laid his head on myungsoo's thigh. 


Myungsoo's brow furrowed in confusion. He knew something is bothering the older. It is painted all over his face. So he Sungyeol's long beautiful hair. The beautiful hair that can beat silk or any beautiful threads. 


"Bad day?" 


Sungyeol hummed.


"You can always tell me" 


Sungyeol inhaled deeply. Drowning himself on how myungsoo smells. And how nice his fingers feel on his scalp. 

"Cant you grow up faster?" Sungyeol muttered before even being able to filter his thoughts. 


And Myungsoo laughed. That laugh that always make it seemed like what he said was the funniest thing in the world. And Sungyeol can only drink this sight. Would be willing to give up everything to see this for all his life. Myungsoo is so cute, so beautiful like that. The way he claps his hand and his face scrunch up because of laughing. It is so unfair. Myungsoo is so good that it hurts 


"That is not even funny"  Sungyeol muttered as Myungsoo's laughter starts to die down. 

Myungsoo shook his head and shoved Sungyeol's head away. Drawing a pout from the elder as Myungsoo moves on his bedroom to hang the wet towel. And Sungyeol cant help but stare at Myungsoo. Admiring everything laid out for him but not able to touch or explore. 


Myungsoo plopped on the space next to him.


"Then, cant you grow old slower?" came Myungsoo's late response.


And Sungyeol's cheeks flamed up. 

"Im not even that old!" He bursts


And myungsoo laughed again. "And Im not even that young!"


There is silence. And Myungsoo moved himself to lay his head on Sungyeol's lap. Staring at Sungyeol's face like the creeper he is. And guiding Sungyeol's hand on his own hair.


And there was silence. The usual silence when both are in deep thoughts. 


Sungyeol spared myungsoo a look and he regrets it cause he cant tear his eyes off him. 


"Why do you always bite your fingernails?" he said out of nowhere.


And Myungsoo stopped. Realizing that he is doing this weird habit of his again.


"I- I dont know." Myungsoo furrowed his eyebrows contemplating.


"It just became a habit." He lifted his hand and stared at it  "It even makes my nails ugly. . . Do you hate it?"


Sungyeol reaches out for his hand and guided it to his lips kissing them softly and on them so lightly.


And Myungsoo is beat red. 


And Sungyeol kisses him.


That type of kiss that always makes his toes curl and lose all his breath.

That type of kiss that Sungyeol rarely gives.


Sungyeol draws back with a faint smirk on his face.


"Are you still nervous about kissing?" 

And Myungsoo doesnt think he could get even more red than he is.

"Looks like you'll never change no matter how many times we do it" Sungyeol is seriously mocking him.


"Well that is because!-"




"Well today you are rather drunk. And- And when you are drunk your kiss is-"


"My kiss is? You dont like it?" Sungyeol is amused. Really amused.


"It is not that I dont like it" And Sungyeol is drawing near again.




"Sungyeol .... When he is tipsy, his kisses are- He kisses me in a rather mature way"



And Sungyeol pushes Myungsoo to lay on his back. Staring at how flushed and how tempting he looks with his hair messy, how his face wants more more more. 



 "I dont think of you as a child Myungsoo, I actually want to make you only mine. Mark you up and parade you for everyone to see, everything, even up to the tips of your fingers.


And when that time comes, I want you to use those pretty nails of yours to dig into my back. As your pretty lips continuously screams my name." 





A/N: Hi! Im baaaack. I dont know what this is too. XD Im so sorry. Anyways, Ive written this March 13th cause im really out of myself and would anyone read this? Hahaha. And it is seriously so random, just like a word vomit. Comments are highly appreciated! Thanks!


Oh! I also made a twitter acct username is @eggyeolk1991

feel free to talk to me~~ 

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Chapter 1: This is not fair. How can you end it in a crucial moment like that? I mean you can, its your story after all :p But you know a sequel would be great :)
And I really liked this btw!
MyungyeolLover100 #2
Chapter 1: I agree sequel it would be amazingggg
NammyDenny #3
Chapter 1: myungyeol. with topyeol.
my life is complete. i can die in piece now.

but wait. i think i need the sequel.
it's not like im a or something. but it's not illegal for hoping a tie sequel right (?)
Chapter 1:
deliciousyou #5
Chapter 1: I like thiiiiisssss!
Chapter 1: Sequel pleaseee..
Its a good thing they were together..
Myungyeol love forever.☆☆** v(o^▽^o)v**☆☆