Nonsense No.1

MADTOWN's Nonsense Chat Room

MADTOWN's Nonsense Chat




NinjaMoos came online.
CorgiDae came online.
YadongBuff came online.


NinjaMoos: Go Go

NinjaMoos: Let's just go ahead ~

YadongBuff: Shut up and just start

YadongBuff: Quick.

YadongBuff: Park Daewon.

CorgiDae: Where's the hyung?

YadongBuff: Happy Birthday.

CorgiDae: Haha. Where's my present?


SweetGeon came online.


NinjaMoos: I brought your present online!

SweetGeon: I...

SweetGeon: Forgot that Daewon's birthday was on 17th~

YadongBuff: He doesn't need a present.

YadongBuff: Yeah, he doesn't.

CorgiDae: How could you forget my birthday~?

NinjaMoos: It's too early for the cake

NinjaMoos: But I will give you 25 hits >:)

YadongBuff: Oh  yeah, 25 hits!

SweetGeon: Can we hit him 100 times instead

CorgiDae: No, I don't want any hits

YadongBuff: No

YadongBuff: It's because

YadongBuff: We all feel sorry that

YadongBuff: We forgot about your birthday


HanpanJota came online.
NoJamsHeojun came online.
HoChicken came online.


HanpanJota: .........

CorgiDae: No.

CorgiDae: Shut up Lee Geon.

HanpanJota: I came online because

HanpanJota: I heard we are going to hit Daewon today?

HoChicken: Me too.

NoJamsHeojun: Me three.

HanpanJota: Can I just hit you

YadongBuff: How about we all

HanpanJota: Once?

YadongBuff: Hit him at once?

CorgiDae: Damn.......

SweetGeon: I agree with Buffy


HoChicken: If I kick him with my

HoChicken: Chicken legs

HoChicken: He will fly off in no time

CorgiDae: You are suppose to hit me

CorgiDae: When you give me the present first!!!!

HanpanJota: I can whip him with my armpit hair...

NoJamsHeojun: Hitting you 

NoJamsHeojun: Is going to be the best gift you ever had.

YadongBuff: That's why we are saying

YadongBuff: That we will give you the present which is 

YadongBuff: Hitting you.


[HanpanJota] has used the [Pitthair whip] skills towards [CorgiDae].


HanpanJota: Here is my present for you~

SweetGeon: Where did that Ninja go?

SweetGeon: He's been quiet for awhile

SweetGeon: ㅡ o ㅡ... 

NoJamsHeojun: Isn't he going to 

NoJamsHeojun: Jota's room?

CorgiDae: That' what I thought

HanpanJota: No

HanpanJota: I locked the door

HanpanJota: ?

YadongBuff: Ooooohhhh....

NinjaMoos: I was...

CorgiDae: I unlocked your door though.....

NinjaMoos: Practicing my DJ skills

HanpanJota: No way

YadongBuff: Wake up, hormones~

HanpanJota: LOOOOOL


[HoChicken] has used the [Back flip chicken kick] skills on [CorgiDae]


HoChicken: Practicing DJ-ing my chicken .

YadongBuff: Wow...

YadongBuff: I nearly got killed by that skill before


[NinjaMoos] has used the [Banana slap] skills on [CorgiDae]


NinjaMoos: Hehehehehehehe

YadongBuff: I also 

NoJamsHeoJun: Don't think Daewon hyung can even type today...

YadongBuff: Want to give him my lovely present!

SweetGeon: Oh no, Daewon's going to get attacked by Buffy?

HanpanJota: No

HoChicken: Don't say

HoChicken: Daewon hyung

HanpanJota: He went to

HanpanJota: Experience the train ride to hell.

NinjaMoos: Wow

NinjaMoos: Park Daewon?

HoChicken: Daewon hyung, wake up~


[CorgiDae] used the [Back to you] skills towards [HanpanJota] and [NinjaMoos]


NinjaMoos: Park Daewon

HanpanJota: What the

NinjaMoos: You bastard


[NinjaMoos] has used the [What are you] skills to [CorgiDae]


NinjaMoos: I can't believe this

HanpanJota: .............


[CorgiDae] has used the [Then who the hell are you? Piss off.] skills to all the users.


HanpanJota: I'm tarzan.

HanpanJota: What the

YadongBuff: If you used the skills to all the users...

YadongBuff: Then you included me as well?

HanpanJota: You want me to piss off?

YadongBuff: What?


[CorgiDae] has used the [I am me myself and I] skills towards [NinjaMoos]

[SweetGeon] has used the [Shut up before I give you Heojun's socks as your birthday gift] skills towards [NinjaMoos] and [CorgiDae]


HanpanJota: .............

HanpanJota: Wow.

NinjaMoos: What?

HanpanJota: Please not Heojun's socks...


[YadongBuff] has used the [The download is finished] skills on [CorgiDae]


SweetGeon: Don't open it.

CorgiDae: *gulps* Can I open it?

SweetGeon: No. 

HoChicken: o_o 


[HoChicken] has used the [flap it open] skills towards [CorgiDae]

[CorgiDae] has used the [Paw it close] skills towards [HoChicken]


CorgiDae: Damn, the maknae is here.

NinjaMoos: Dog VS Chicken

NinjaMoos: *gets popcorn*


[SweetGeon] has used the [High pitch voice] skill towards [CorgiDae]


[CorgiDae] got disconnected.


NoJamHeojun: Wait... I didn't even get to give him my gift!


HoChiken went offline.
NinjaMoos went offline.
HanpanJota went offline.
YadongBuff went offline.


NoJamsHeojun: Don't leave me Geon hyung!!!


[CorgiDae] summoned [SweetGeon] out of the room


SweetGeon went offline.


NoJamsHeojun: .........






{MOOTAisJOTA} says, "Hello! It feels so good to start the chatfic once again! I won't be able to update until 17th since it's Daewon's birthday! So I'll comeback on the 18th of March for the update! Till then, hope you enjoyed the first chapter of the nonsense chatfic! Lubyuu~


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