Chapter 1

Songs of the Summer

”Mom, I’m not going!”

“You go if I say so!”

“I definitely won’t go to in the middle of a forest to play hide and seek, grill marshmallows and sleep in a tent with mosquitos and people I don’t know. You know I don’t like these kind of things, you know I like to be alone and I am able to take care of myself”, I cried.

I saw my mother frown but at the same time her eyes gave some pity. “I talked with your aunt and she can’t come this time and I’m too scared to let you stay alone.”

“I can go to my friend”, I said trying to use my acting card.

My mom put that ‘seriously Sera’ face.  “Sera, you don’t have any friends.”

“You’re right… wait no! I HAVE A FRIEND!”

She folded her arms. “Oh, who is it?”

“She… she is umm… she’s a girl…”

“And what is this girl’s name then?”

“She’s… umm… she is SHE IS EUNJI!”

“Woow, I almost thought you forgot your friend’s name. Okay, if you have a friend you can give me your cell phone so I can call her and ask if you stay there.”

“Umm… okay wait…. um… h-her number… s-s-s-she doesn’t have a cellphone”, I tried to sound like I was serious, but of course, I failed.

“Yeah and I take you to school with horses in this generation. You, my girl, are going to that camp.”

“MOM YOU CAN’T BE SERIOUS! Do you even understand what you’re going to make me go through? This is my only holiday which is over a week and you are going to make me spend my only free days in camp with people I don’t know. I’ve been doing so much in school to be the best and finally I have a holiday and now I have to spend it like you want me to spend it. It’s my holiday!”

I felt so frustrated. My only motivation in school were holidays. After working hard there was the price, holiday. Not trying to praise myself, but I’m genius. I don’t remember when was the last time when I didn’t get full points from a test. I studied a lot, but it doesn’t mean it was all I did. I did have a lot of spare time and studying isn’t the only thing I can do. I’m good at music. I can sing quite well and play few instruments too. My voice isn’t something people would like to listen all day. It’s too raspy and very low but I have a good technic that suits to my voice. My father used to teach me. He was a really good singer.

My mom looked at me with sad face but said: “I’m sorry Sera but I can’t take you with me. It’s a work trip and my boss wouldn’t like me to take my daughter with me.”

My shoulders shrugged down and I sighed. “So you’re saying I don’t have any other choice?”

A light smile got on and she hugged me. “So you are going?”

“You said I have to go.”

“It only lasts month.”

“It’s too much.”

“Stop joking, you’ll like it.”

“Do I look like I’m joking?”



We were hugging a little longer.

“Couldn’t you stop working abroad and work here?” She let me go and I looked straight to her eyes.

“If your dad had still been here, I wouldn’t be in need to do this. But I got a good job abroad and the pay is that big that I can pay your school on my own. I want to make your life as good as possible. I would do anything for you”, she sighed.

Dad died two years ago. He was the best firefighter in Seoul. One day being the best wasn’t enough and he died trying to save people from fire. He was inside the house making sure everyone got out. In his way out, the house collapsed.

A medium-sized fire accident, 104 survivors, 19 injured, 1 death. 

Mom hates to talk about the accident. Well, it’s normal to hate to talk about loving husband and the father of their child in past tense. Dad didn’t want mom to go work so she could take care of me. Mom being home I wouldn’t feel lonely and I could have a lovely childhood. That didn’t happen as it was planned.

Thanks to my world-famous singer grandfather my mom got job fast.

Grandpa was known everywhere in Korea and of course a lot of people abroad would have recognized my grandpa too. When he was among the top of the best singer, he stopped.


He met my grandmother.

Grandmother wasn’t from a rich family. Her family owned a little restaurant that no-one knew. It was so little that it was hard to see next to big shopping malls where everyone goes just to hangout, but fortunately it was big enough to my grandpa to see when he was running away from his fans. As he was leaning to the door taking some air in and out he noticed a young beautiful lady. As soon as their eyes met, they got some connection like they were meant to meet. Like destiny. After that, grandfather never looked as lovingly to someone’s eyes like my grandma’s.

They started to date and it was only two years they gave birth to my hero, my father. Grandpa had to make a choice, fame or love. He chose love. What a love story.

Now, they were on their third trip going around the world. My aunt was busy working so she couldn’t take care of me this time like she usually would when mom was abroad. But still, I’m 18. Is it normal to have babysitter in my age?


I agree.

It isn’t.

People in my age could live on their own and me, I’m going to some freaking camp to socialize with people I don’t know only because mom isn’t around to take care of me. Seriously? I feel like I’m not taken seriously.



“Are you sure you are going to be fine?”

“Fine? No. I’m not going to be fine.”

She trampled her feet on the ground like a child. “You know I didn’t mean it like that.”

“I know I know, I like to tease you, mom.”

“Pfft…” She turned to look to forest. “But seriously are you -”

“Yes mom I am going to be as fine as I could have been at home.”

“Stop it, try to have fun! And don’t think you are coming home before you have at least one friend”, she petted my head.

“Mooom”, I whined.

“I’m serious! I don’t want to be a mother of wallflower who is known as a nerd who can’t talk.”

“I’m lucky to have such a supportive mother”, I narrowed my eyes at her.

She laughed: “it was a joke, you are my best reward”, she said and hugged me, tightly.

I felt my ribs pressing my lungs. Damn, how can she have this much power on her arms, she barely works out.




“Yes my daughter.”

“Let me go.”

She chuckled before letting me go.

“I just love you so much Sera”, she reached out and my cheek.

I smiled: “I love you too mom. But shouldn’t you be on your way to airport?”

“OOH SH*T! HOW CAN TIME PASS SO FAST? I’M SO LATE!” she literally screamed and hopped to driver’s seat, forgetting to watch out the door frame as she hit her head.  Sometimes I wonder how she can be my mother. We are so different. Maybe because I’m like dad and mom is just mom. Still, I can see why dad loved mom so much.

She started the car and stepped on the gas way too hard making two holes to the ground with flying rocks and dust. The car started to move and I saw the window open and my mother’s head coming out: “Have fun honey, call me! See you in month!”

I watched the car driving out of my sight. I sighed as I turned around and watched a sign.




Who names a music camp ‘camp wilderness’? Is it even a music camp? I tried to see the camp through the forest but all I see is trees. Between the trees is a path, which I assume is the way I should go. 

My stomach started to feel weird. What is this feel? Oh now I know. Regret.

I sighed for the millionth time and started to walk to the forest.




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