Not a chapter but please read and polls!

Happy Birthday LOVE





I have few story that I want to write right now and it’s all a short story, but not too short. 


If you guys have read my story.....:

Being with you is Everything to me.

Love is a Trouble

He’s my best friend & He’s my stepbrother


and really like it or like just like it normally then I’m very sorry. I have story that I have been thinking about it very much and want to publish it but I can’t decide what story I should write first. And yes, the three other, those are gonna wait a little bit. I want to finish it before I write a new one but I just can’t somehow so to finish it so here are the story that I want to write or have in my mind.

Read the Description of each story first then pick the one you like the most Thank you :D


Oh I forget to tell you, it‘s all 2MIN Story and it’s always gonna be same character:




From now on, I’m gonna be stuck with you!


The first time Taemin step into his new school he has set his eyes on one special boy that sit all alone under the cherry tree. He looked taller than him, eyes closed, breathing in the fresh air around him and it mesmerize him. Bubbly and sweet Taemin are, he went to the boy and want to be friends with him immediately. But seems like the other one doesn’t like him or does he?!. But that doesn’t stop Taemin, everyday Taemin would go and sit down next to the boy under the tree sharing his lunch with the other one with a little bit of force. Can Taemin be friends with that guy?! What will happen in the future with those two?!




My heart belongs to you from the start!


Lee Taemin, lost his parents when he was only 8 years old. His father best friend took him in, because no one in his father family want ever to take him because his parents shouldn’t get married but they still did. Taemin mother family was all gone and he was very poor before his mother meet his father and live happily after and maybe they are still, just not here on the earth!


Now he lived with his best friend father and he cared for Taemin like his own son. Smart Taemin is, he doesn’t want to just lived there without paying and doesn’t want to be a burden to them, but everyone loved him there but still he want to work for his food and what he use. So he was working as a maid when he meet the youngest son in the house and become friend with him. The youngest master would always want to play with the younger one but Taemin always refused because he need to clean things when the youngest son told his father that he want Taemin to be his person assistants and of course his father let him, when he said he will take over the company when he grow up. So Taemin never left the youngest master and slowly they grow a feeling for each other but can it go further?!. 



I love you, that’s why I can’t hate you!

Lee Taemin, a boy that have everything. Innocent and sweet, he’s a fast learner but his family and mostly his brother never let him do anything, because they are scared that he will get kidnaped or break. So with people doing things for him, Taemin doesn’t even need to do anything, it was like Taemin was still 5 years old, but reality he was 16 years old. Life was perfect for Taemin, having the best brother ever, perfect boyfriend and sweet life. 

But when Taemin went to surprise his boyfriend he saw the most shocked things in his life. His own so called boyfriend was cheating on him whit a girl that is his brother best friend. Taemin life changed when he ran away and got hit by a car. What will happen to Taemin in the future?! How did he even got hit by the car!? Will Taemin have a happy life in the end?! 


So soft, innocent, cute, y! I got to get him!

Taemin and Key went to their friend party Onew. When they meet a interesting people that try to get them. Playing hard to get, both boys try to ignore and avoid them as much as they can. They were in same school but never notice that until they meet each other in class. Both the older guys was slacking on their class and need a tutor. The tutor help them to get closer than they thought, but something unexpected things happen and slowly they drifted apart like they were once before. What happen?! Was it that bad?! 






I know that the describes sound boring but I promise you guys that it’s gonne be better when the story start. I’m just not good at describing things :S







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awww, this was really cute, they are so adorable together :3
oRaNgE-RiDiNg-HoOd #2
So sweet~>.< & there's also onew condition! haha!! Is this oneshot or there will be more chapter?