Roses + Chocolate + Rain (Hoseok x Reader)

Roses + Chocolate + Rain (Hoseok x Reader)

I can’t believe you, Hoseok.”


He stands in the middle of the sidewalk, alone with the rain that pours from the sky. Everyone with any sense is taking shelter from the storm inside the warm, glowing buildings that line both sides of the street. Hoseok, however, is blind to the rain; he doesn’t register the way his soaked clothing clings to his frame or the way his hair drips water down his face and into his eyes. He is unaware of the world around him; the only thing he can see is the drenched and abandoned bouquet at his feet.


“Why don’t you give these to that other girl?”


Her words echo in his mind. Other girl? Where did she come up with the idea that there is another girl?

He was so excited to see her after being away for so long. He had reserved a private table at their favorite restaurant and had picked up her favorite roses. He had been expecting to be met with smiles and hugs, not cold eyes and harsh words accusing him of betrayal.


“You know who I’m talking about. I saw the pictures.”


The rain is unrelenting, only picking up in intensity the longer Hoseok stands there. Gentle droplets turn to razorblades against his skin, but he does not move. His eyes are still on the rejected roses.

Pictures. He tries to think. What pictures? He can’t think of even one moment that would have caused the look of hurt on her face. He is nothing but faithful, wouldn’t even dare to think of someone else. He has only ever needed, only ever wanted, her.

His heart burns in his chest, yelling at him to go after her, but he knows that it would only make things worse. She prefers to be alone.

Hoseok attempts to swallow around the lump in his throat, but it is impossible and he chokes on a sob instead.


“We’re done, Hoseok.”


He raises his head to the sky, letting his head fall back to embrace the sting of the icy water on his skin. Her final words are on a loop in his head. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath.

Done. The word feels very final in his mind. Done. Hoseok drops his gaze to the flowers one final time before turning stiffly on his heel.

There is nothing more to do tonight. He doesn’t know if there will ever be anything else to do.

The wind picks up. Hoseok walks away. Watery roses are left behind.





He is startled by how accurately he can hear her voice in his mind. She might as well be standing beside him. Hoseok stares at the flashing images on his tv screen blankly. He has no idea what he has been watching for the past two hours, but he needs the noise to drown out his thoughts.


There it is again. Why is it so loud? Hoseok wonders if he has moved on to delusions now, but then he hears the sound of knocking from his front door.

“Hoseok, I can hear the tv. Open the door!” Her voice sounds different from this afternoon. More like her old self and less like the bitter girl from earlier.

Hoseok stands from the couch. He is still dressed in his soaking clothes, but he no longer feels the chill in his bones. He is numb, completely void of anything, as he pulls the door open to reveal her.

She has changed her clothes and her eyes are red like she has been crying. Her expression softens at the sight of him, but her emotions are difficult to read.

“Hoseok,” She begins, “I’m sorry.”

Hoseok feels his heart lurch with a sudden spark of hope, but he refuses to let it grow any bigger than a spark. He says nothing and looks at her expectantly.

She sees that he is going to remain silent so she continues, “I spoke with Yoongi. He...he told me the truth.” Her gaze drops to the ground as if she is ashamed, “I had no idea that the pictures had been photoshopped. I was so happy that you would finally be coming home and then I went online and saw those pictures and I just... I didn’t even stop to think that they could be fake, that you would never do that. I just felt angry.”

Silence hangs between them for a long moment. She takes a deep breath before looking up to Hoseok’s eyes. He continues to watch her with a blank expression that reveals nothing.

“I should have trusted you. I know you would never...wouldn’t even consider...that. I was blinded by my sudden jealousy. So... I’m sorry.” She bites her lip and looks back to the ground, unable to return Hoseok’s gaze any longer.

“I forgive you.” Hoseok says, finally letting the small spark of hope grow and warm him from the inside out. He can’t help the smile that leaps onto his face.

“You...You do?” Her voice is disbelieving, but her eyes shine with relief.

Hoseok nods before pulling her in for a bone crushing hug, laughing at her squeal when she comes into contact with his wet clothes. “Of course. But please, never doubt me like that again. You will always be the only one for me. Never forget that even for a second.”

She nods into his chest and hugs him tightly before pulling away. Hoseok is about to protest, but he pauses when she turns to pull something out of her bag.

“I wasn’t sure if you would forgive me, or if I would need to do some major up, so I brought this just in case.” She holds out a heart shaped box of chocolates with a sheepish expression. Hoseok begins to laugh uncontrollably.

She smiles at the sight him, pleased that the rain clouds have passed and light has returned to her sunshine.

“So, can I come in?”


“Hoseok, I love you.”

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zoe-lla #1
Chapter 1: So cuteeee i really love it. Well done author-nim