

Taeyeon was baffled. Not at anyone but at herself.

I should’ve asked.

I should’ve asked what her favourite colour was - her ideal canvas of the perfect picturesque sky.

I should’ve asked what flavor of ice cream that she was addicted to, and the sweetness of chocolate that makes her day.

Oh, and her favourite book and movie, and also her favourite time of the year.


And she was just sitting right opposite to me.


But I couldn’t.

Someone like her belongs to someone else.

Someone like her would never even look at me.

Someone like her wouldn’t care.


The way her eyes dart away from mine whenever our gazes meet.

The way she fiddles with her pen in her hand to try to ease her uneasiness when she catches me staring.

The way her eyes lit up and the way she tries to suppress a wide grin whenever she receives a text from him.


If something never truly belonged to you, how could you try to take it away from others?

Happiness, love. Those never belonged to me.

Lady Luck never stood by my side. To her, I'm just someone who doesn't deserve love.

At least, that was what the past has taught me to believe.


But she wasn't there the next day.

Or the next.

Or the following day.

Until when? Taeyeon had lost count.




Oh God. It's now or never.


"H..Hello. I'm Taeyeon. Uh, Kim Taeyeon. I…uh, was your seatmate some days ago, remember? You look tired, would you like a cup of coffee? Y'know…uh, it kinda helps if you can't concentrate on studying."


Nice work babbling like a fool, Kim Taeyeon. You were caught staring before, and now what would she even think of you? You should consider yourself lucky if she doesn't move seats.


A pause.

An eyesmile.


"I thought you'd never ask."

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84 streak #1
Daebak ....but its a little short