drop of blood and tear.....


 Mind control and reader Yurin

 All plants controler Yuka

 all animals controler Nana (she can change in all animal she want she understand them to)



Hana and RiRin are sisters they powers are dangerous even for them. From childhood they know they have to hide it, becouse when someone will by know about them all world can by destroyed. One of them is a light second is a darkness, One can die second can killed. They are like a peace and war but they both need each other becouse when one is a dangerous the second power start to wake up to much





















Long time ago Devil and Angel fall in love. Both know this love shouldn't egsiste, but they couldn't stop this felling. One day devil decide become a Angel he try so hard and past all 12 test after every single test one of his super powers gone of his body, he become weaker but the same closer to his lover. When finally he could by with the one he love humans born with full of his happiness, but one day another devil was deceived his love saying that only she can save humans and kill her. two last things devil took from his lover before he kill the other devil and return as a devil again. The two things was one tear and one blood drop. when he change in a devil again he was to weak he need a power to revenge and kill all people becouse of them his angel die. but then angels start to protect people and devil lost his two preciuos things, 

Angels hide everything what was need devil to become strond again becouse they know how much he want revenge and kill all people on earth. Angels decide to hide everything in people's body

12 familys was prepared to become protectors of devil's powers

one family hide treasures that devil need 

they even created three special powers that will help treasures hide

mind control wo can read others mind to know who try to hurt light and darkness or who try to find them

plants control and animals control becouse all this thinks was full in earth when people live, angels know plants and animals can by helped in taking care of the powers that devil will by search

but half of familys created to hide lose devil's powers join to him again and help him find what he search and back to kill all people

treasures hide it together but this time they become separeted for their safe but will it was good choice, especially when devil is closer then they think?

will they can by protected or maybe others have to by protected from them


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