Author's Note

Kitchen Table

Hi guys,

I want to thank you guys for continuing to support me through comments and PMs and subscriptions. It's really encouraging to know that there are people willing to read my work even though I haven't been able to write here in a long time. I feel awful that I haven't updated my works, but I simply can't muster the inspiration. I hope you can understand.

However, I have been writing, at least privately. Because I wanted a fresh start, I started using an AO3 account fairly recently and I've been uploading some of my writing there. I've linked my account and a short snippet I wrote below as an example of what my writing looks like now. I'd be really grateful if you could take a look and give me feedback, since that's the biggest reason that I publish my work online in the first place - to improve.

I will most likely be active solely on my AO3 account, simply because I find the platform more convenient to use, but I wanted to come back in case there were any readers that wanted to continue seeing my writing (for which I am extremely appreciative of). Thank you for your continued interest and thank you so, so much for your support throughout the past six years.

I am incredibly blessed to have your support and hope to see you as frequently as Syriacus as I did when I wrote as Chasing.

Thank you.


With Love,



Link to account:

Link to most recent snippet:

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KcuLL22 #1
Chapter 1: Lmao namjoon
martinezjailene #2
Chapter 1: Lmao, Cant wait for the update!
karolalpha #3
Chapter 1: this was pretty fun to read! LOL
kkktmr #4
Chapter 1: No no no Namjoon you aren't ed up. You just met a literal angel, you are blessed
XsjelfX #5
Chapter 1: Hahaha a housekeeper 4 Namjoon , i really like it \(^o^)/ , and i agree with Namjoon that Seokjin is so ing handsome >_< , can't wait 4 the next chapter fighting
XsjelfX #6
Can't wait for it *\(^o^)/* , Fighting \(^o^)/ .