His First Hello


 일출의 지혜 Studio [ wisdom of sunrise Studio]

15 years ago?.... I'm in a hurry for school, I even forgot to bring my homemade lunch, never been excited, never been delighted. To me the sun shines brightly though people around  me only see a sky full of clouds, a cool freezy wind, leaves slowly falling covering the chilly ground of Incheon. to me it's Spring but for them it's probably Autumn. Who's eager enough for Saturday classes? never mind the sweat as I catch my breath, finally I'm at school..Room 135..the way up there was not easy, seems a lot of people went for saturday class..they have cameras, they were all grown ups, they were all busy..I know I'm small for a 15 year old boy but I feel smaller, like a floating particle of dust ignored by the world..what's this? this is not what I expected, this place became strange and unfamiliar ..and that room..that room that used to be my source of strength and happiness.. a corpse had been found...

"Ryeowook ssi?~~ahm..? your answer??"

"AH! mian~~hmmm..15 years ago, there was this precious friend of mine, that push me through to fulfill my dream of becoming a singer"

"Sadly he left me..15 years ago"

Tooth Perry Cafe


I was in my room..am I? I was in our house..or not? It was Autumn, morning..the sky was a bit sad and was about to cry..I guess it's not just sad..it's more than sad and scared, confused of what to feel, but it didn't cry..it remained timid and calm letting the wind blow all those jailed feelings and emotions. Then I saw a boy, a small chubby boy with a shocked face, lost..he didn't move or he can't move? we were just the same...He slowly turn his gaze on me, can't understand what's he's trying to say.. Do i know him? What are those eyes? who are those eyes?..

"waaaah ..waaaaah" Kye Kyo just repeated those words with her big gawking eyes..slowly leaning her face on me..then


"Aiiissh! What are you trying to do Kye Kyo-ah?? a simple ~~yah Min Ah Daebak you're so great!"

"waaah Min Ah you're a Genius!.."

"Min Ah I'm sooo blessed to have a friend like you"

"woah..the Gods must like you..for that excellent brain of yours"

"oooh if Shakespeare was alive, he would be ashamed, he would retire soon and will work for you"

"Is that hard to say huh??"

"Neh! It's hard! so hard that I couldn't chew the words you're sprouting right now"

" So hard that my poor brain cells can't comprehend those almighty words"

" aaah ..have you totally lost your mind somewhere in Incheon?..or it's because your head became so big and heavy that you decided to throw it across Han River?"



Anyeeong! yeah I'm Song Gong Ki >.< what I'm doing here? and who am I? well even me,,myself can't really tell..maybe I have a mission to fulfill..hehehe now back to these lovely girls sipping their cups of coffee..hmmm..that is Choi Min Ah ..that one with white blouse and jeans..yeah that wavy short hair..with a very red forehead..that's what you get from too much self praising..hahahaha..and that one is hmmm? ah right! Song Kye Kyo..and they're working at Song Song Productions..this sounds awfully familiar..but...aaaish who cares? Now Min Ah was trying to show a proposal scenario for a TV drama..but hey! I can't understand it..I'm sure Kye Kyo ssi doesn't understand it either..like a water but not clear and pure..a water...a water..

Inha University


"With Mud.."

"eh? Ryeowook ssi How could this composition be like a water with mud?"


That's it..he walks away ..like that he turn his back on me..without letting me to finished my words..how could he turn me down like this? Yeah let's say he's great but he always treat me like this..like his time would be wasted if he talk to me..if he pays attention to me..Waeyo?...aaaaish whatever.. Idols must be like that..since they have names already..pssh..he think highly of himself huh?..ok fine! Do what you want..treat me like whatever..psssh..


yeah..this was a flashback guys.. so Min ah was so pissed right now..with that long black eye brows already greeting each other, stomping her feet along the hallway..suddenly stop outside a certain room..reason?..


It's Kim Ryeowook..smiling..talking freely..hmmmm..oooh what's that..did he just compliment someone?waaah.. so am I just the unlikable one?what's this? they're close to him? but I'm his classmate too..not jus in one subject!...sigh~~ who cares..i'm heading to my next subject..ok gonna check my sched..hmmm..aha! Room CL-013 ....but wait!...


They're on the same room..same subject to attend to..Min Ah ssi breath deeply and was about to enter the room when Ryeowook ssi excused himself  for comfort room..and yeah they'll be using the same door .."Ah..eh..we meet again Ryeowook ssi? ^.^"  Min Ah ssi greet him smiling but poor Min ah was ignored, well she expected it anyway..

"Now for your project I like it to be by partner, you can freely chose your partner now". Only three students are not settled yet.. that includes Min Ah, Ryeowook and Gong Gi..I patiently wait for what will happen next..calmly sat on my chair as I watched  the others busied themselves, then Min Ah slowly approaches the student at the back but that one has a partner already, then she went at the front to ask that nerd looking girl but happily she got a partner already..aish..Min ah..worried and disappointed she look at the farthest corner of the room..gosh..you only have two choices girl..pssh..tsk.. that's it!! go for Gong Gi! aaaaah well because Gong Gi ssi was so hot and cool he walks out of the class boringly before Min Ah could approach him...tsk.tsk.tsk now she only have that Kim Ryeowook..Min Ah knows..what will happen if he asks Ryeowook to be his partner..but still she carefully make her way to Ryeowook's seat "Ah..uhmm..Ryeowook ssi--- You know ..uhmm..do you have a partner yet?" as soon as she finished her words Ryeowook stood up and ready to exit the room, same time when a late student came.."Oh? Min Hee yah~ you're late?it's alright.. come on.we have to discuss something,you're my partner for our project".. Ryeowook smiles and drag Min Hee ssi next to his seat, they were already talking and planning details for the project..Min Ah pissed about the situation, was still standing in front of them..

Min Hee notice the unpleasant expression on Min Ah's face, worried she asked "Min Ah ssi?are you ok?Are you sick?" before Min Ah could answer her Ryeowook pack up their things and said..

"Oh right Min Hee ssi, we should really be discussing this further, I have schedules so, better if we finished this early?"

"Ah ye Ryeowook ssi"

"ok..let's go to the library"

"But ..I think there's somethig wrong with Min Ah ssi."

"Min Ah ssi?? nugu?"

"Ah..ani..nan gwanchaena~~ Min Hee ssi..you should go now..hehe"


What was that??? whaaaat was that?? arghhhh!! I swear I'm gonna kill you someday!..nugu??nugu?? yeah right..the project's deadline would be next week so I'm just goona ask that other student..hmmm first..I would start the research now..good that the library was not full today..ok..let's do this Min Ah..Fighting!!!.......ok what was my topic again??...ah here it is!

"Oh! we got the same topic Min Ah ssi"

Park Bo Gum, whose smile can melt every girl's heart aaaaaah...wait he's my classmate in that subject? I didn't see him earlier..aaaayh this adorable guy..

"ah ye, Bo Gum ssi..such a coincidence :)"

I watched him as he scan the pages, nodding his head, smiling like an angel who'll save my ill fated day. Can I watch him all day?

"ah! Min Ah ssi!! I heard you asked Ryeowook ssi to be your partner..sadly he already had one ..so you got one?"

wae? are you gonna ask me to be your partner? *.*

"Don't worry Min Ah ssi, Lee seonsaengnim said that it's ok to do it individually, if we can't find a partner"

"Ah by the way Ryeowook ssi is helping us, you know he really excels in this field, such a good guy right?"


Ryeowook??hahahaha what's good?

"Ah ye..so is he offering help now? waah Ryeowook ssi was really awesome!>thumbs up.<

Woah.. so you are good to everyone except me? what did I exactly done..to deserve your bitterness?

2016, after Tooth Perry Cafe


hoooo.. Song Kye Kyo..maybe she's right..ugh..I have to revise this?ok..I'll just have to write a good one, I just need to come up with a JACKPOT! one..right? a JACKPOT..first I need to eat, that's the first step to JACKPOT! but I need to cross the street.then turn left..then walk and walk ..on my way to my favorite ramen store!...ooooh ramyun..I can already smell the JACKPOT.....hmmmm.. oh yeah it's time for me to cross the street..Ramyun here I Gooooo~~

[Mr. Gong Ki]

Min Ah on her way to the other side, together with numerous busy lives under the green light..taking playfull steps, sniffing the cool wind, enjoying the fine weather as the streets were filled with golden leaves, at the middle of crossing the street she meet a familiar face, her reason of having a hard time in Uni days, that face slowly smiles, showing his cheek bones..he didn't change much, well it's not that she didn't see him nowadays, of course he would be on TV, magazines and billboards but after graduating, she's not able to see him again in person..this close..and smiling?oh maybe there's someone at he back?? amudo~~?to her right?amudo?~~ he can't be smiling at her right now. it can't be him..

"Olaenman ine~~ Min Ah ssi.."

Ommo! O.O

"Annyeong Min Ah ssi" :)

The sky who witnessed this reunion decided to drop a few tears..slowly..drip..drop..drip...drop..







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yassss I got my po'll update this weekend guys! :)ster!! I


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