

Jin sighed for what felt the hundredth time that morning. When his aunt had offered a part-time job at the bookstore he had been delighted. He loved to read and the store was close by to his university, a perfect opportunity to make some money.


He however was not ready for the quiet that surrounded him. Jin wasn't what one would call a social butterfly, but he had plenty of friends and he was so used the uproar that his younger friends created on a daily basis, the quiet of the store seemed to magnify tenfold.


It's only been 3 days since Jin's worked the morning shift at the store and he's only encountered a total of 9 customers, 2 being the regular grandmas from across the street who came to gossip and knit for an hour. Jin knew it was getting bad when he waited for the grandmas to get here so he would have some sort of company.


It was on the 4th day at the store that a pink haired boy rushed into the store, interrupting Jin from the magazine he was flipping through. There was a pink blush dusting the boy's cheeks, matching the bright hair, but what Jin noticed was the adorable dimples when the boy smiled sheepishly.


Jin stared at the boy for a good minute before catching himself and coughing to cover himself. The boy however didn't seem fazed and walked to the nearest bookshelf.


Jin watched from his place behind the counter for 5 minutes as the boy rummaged through the shelves. Jin almost ran over to the boy when he dropped a whole handful. He was glad he didn't when the boy glanced up at him and flashed him an apologetic smile. Those damn dimples again, Jin thought feeling his heart beat faster.


After the boy managed to drop several more books, Jin became concerned for the safety of the books and quietly walked over.


"Do you need help?"


The boy jumped back, startled by Jin's presence and dropping the books he just picked up.


With a slight smile Jin picked up the books and neatly placed them on the shelf.


"What are you looking for?" He questioned again, flashing what he hoped was a reassuring smile.


"Uh....this." The boy grabbed a random book from a nearby shelf and flashed it at Jin.


Jin raised his eyebrows quizzically, the book was a teen romantic novel about a girl who turned into a fish. I guess even cute guys have strange habits, Jin thought.


"Uh. Sure. Follow me." Jin said walking back to the counter.


The boy paid for the book and rushed out the store without a second glance back.


Jin pouted at the lack of goodbye and secretly hoped the boy would be back sometime soon. He was cute in the dorky and clumsy way and Jin wouldn't mind some company other than the books.


Much to Jin's surprise the boy did come back, the very next day.


This time however he walked up to the counter, the same pink blush dusting his face and bringing out the pink of his hair. How cute, Jin couldn't help but think.


"Uh...I kind of took the wrong book yesterday." The boy said placing the book down on the counter.


Jin tried to cover his laugh with a cough but the boy caught on and started laughing and soon enough both boys were laughing out loud.


"Ahh. My brother almost killed me yesterday." The pink haired boy said between laughs.


"What book were you looking for?" Jin asks after he's finally calmed down.


"The Kite Runner." The boy says giving a sheepish smile.


"Well, you were very off there. But no problem, let's get you the right book." Jin smiles up at the boy and almost has a heart attack when the boy smiles back widely, the adorable dimples taking over his face.


With a blush spreading across his face Jin rushes off to find the book and calm himself down. He returns 3 minutes later, 1 minute to find the book and 2 minutes to calm his burning face. He quickly does the book exchange and returns the pink haired boy's grateful smile.


"Thank you so much!" The boy says already walking towards the exit.


"No problem." Jin replies. "Come back anytime." Jin calls out in a burst of confidence and smiles when the boy turns and waves goodbye.

Jin was once again left alone with the books, but there was a smile on his face and he once again hoped the boy would come back, soon.


The boy didn't return, not the next day or the day after. Jin pretended like he didn't care but every time the door chimed he would anxiously stop whatever he was doing to see who walked in. It would be an understatement to say that Jin was sad, he was utterly disappointed.


A week had passed since his last encounter with the boy and Jin was busy rearranging the books when the door chimed. He rushed to the front to see who it was and couldn't help the frown that took over his face when he realized it was just Yoongi.


Jin mumbled a quick hello before returning to shelving the books.


"Well nice to see you too." Yoongi greeted sarcastically, placing down his bag on the table and making himself as comfy as possible in the stiff wooden chair.


Jin rolled his eyes and turned to glare at Yoongi.


"What are you doing here anyways? Aren't you supposed to be in class?"


"Class was canceled." Yoongi replied laying his head down on the table, eyes already drooping with sleep.


Jin rolled his eyes again, "If you're gonna sleep why don't you just go home?"


"Jimin's home." Yoongi mumbled like it was the most obvious answer.


"And? I thought people like to spend their free time with their boyfriend??" Jin questions walking over to the half asleep boy.


"He's too energetic in the morning. If I go home he'd probably make me do something instead of sleeping." Yoongi replies, fidgeting to get comfortable.


"And sleep is obviously more important." Jin retorts with a chuckle.


Yoongi just glares at Jin before laying his head down again, eyes closing in a matter of seconds.


Jin shakes his head at his friend, the boy sure loved to sleep but he would never admit to loving anything more than Jimin.


Jin's busy rearranging the books again when the door chimes again. This time Jin wills himself to not turn around immediately.


A deep hello however has him whipping around and he can't help the smile that spreads across his face when he sees the pink haired boy smiling back at him, the dimples Jin simply adores on full view.


After a couple of minutes of simply staring at each other Jin remembers his manners and cheerfully greets out a hello.


The boy smiles even wider, dimples getting deeper and Jin almost swooned.


Jin could not believe the effect the boy had on him and he didn't even know his name.


"Ahh...-shi..." Jin stuttered hoping the boy would get the clue and give him his name.


"Ah. My name's Namjoon, Jin-sshi." The boy, Namjoon, replied smiling wide.


"So Namjoon-sshi how can I help you today?" Jin asked, internally cheering that he was able to finally get the boy's name.


"Ah...well...I'm not really here for anything specific..." Namjoon mumbled, suddenly very shy and rubbing the back of his neck.


Jin cocked his head to the side, could he possibly be here to see him? No way.


"The thing is...I know wondering if I could like spend some time here...studying and stuff. I promise I won't bother you." Namjoon speaks out, a faint blush spreading across his cheeks.


Jin holds back his smile, not wanting to embarrass the boy. But he couldn't help and think how adorable Namjoon was, wanting to spend time with him. Jin wanted to run over and hug the boy, but that would be unprofessional.


"Of course you can stay. It's pretty boring here, and Yoongi's hardly good company." Jin replies, trying to sound calm and collected. He couldn't seem too eager.


"Yoongi...? As is in Min Yoongi?" Namjoon questioned looking at Jin with raised eyebrows.


"Yeah. You know him?"


"Yeah we're in the same productions class." Namjoon replied.


"Oh, you go to Seoul University too? Same year as Yoongi?" Jin questioned eagerly, the boy didn't look like a fourth year student, but looks could be deceiving.


"Ah no, third year student."


"Oh. Then you can call me hyung." Jin says with a smile. "I'm a fourth year student there too."


"Ah nice. I can't believe I haven't seen you around before." Namjoon says with a smirk.


"Same here." Jin retorts with a smirk of his own.


"Ughh. If you guys are done flirting can you shut the up and let me sleep." Yoongi groaned, his head still glued to the table.


"Oh hey hyung!" Namjoon called out cheerily.


"Shut the up and let me sleep." Yoongi glared at the two boys menacingly when suddenly his phone rang.


Yoongi whipped out his phone from his pocket, not bothering to look at the id, and growled out, "What the do you want?"


Jin and Namjoon watched as the already pale boy turned paper white, small eyes growing large in fear.


"Oh . . Sorry Jimin-ah. I didn't know it was you. I didn't mean it." Yoongi tried to pacify the younger boy.


But Jin knew he was failing horribly from the faint screams he could hear coming from Yoongi's phone. A angry Jimin was not someone to be messed with.


". I'm sorry. Damn. I'm coming home. Calm down babe. I'll see you in 5." Yoongi hung up his phone and turned to glare at Jin and Namjoon.


"I hate you s." He growled, grabbing his bag and racing out the door.


Jin and Namjoon stood there in silence before Namjoon muttered out, "well...that was interesting..."


"Aren't they adorable?" Jin questioned smiling widely.


Namjoon looked at him in confusion and mumbled, "sure..."


"Well, you can study over there." Jin said pointing to the tables in the seating area.


"Yeah. You should get back to work." Namjoon replied walking over and placing down his stuff.


The two boys spent the next two hours getting to know each other, laughing at obnoxious jokes and falling more and more for each other.


Jin learned how intelligent Namjoon was, placing first in all his classes. How passionate he was about music and wanting to accomplish his dream of becoming a well known rapper and producer. Jin also learned how much of a klutz Namjoon could be and couldn't help but find it endearing how he apologized profusely for any messups, dimples appearing immediately.


Namjoon learned about Jin too. How the older boy hoped to one day become a famous actor and how he liked to sing too, Namjoon was sure to bring him to the studio one day. He also found it adorable that the older boy loved to cook, the way to a man's heart is through the stomach after all, and how he loved the color pink.


Jin was soft and gentle, the perfect match to Namjoon’s loud and clumsy.


There time spent together was much too short for either of their liking and Namjoon was reluctant to leave when Jin's shift was over. He paced outside the store, waiting for the older boy to appear, a question racing through his mind and making his hands clammy.


Jin froze outside the door when he noticed Namjoon pacing back and forth, mumbling to himself.


"Hey, you didn't leave yet?" Jin called out, startling Namjoon out of his trance.


"Oh hey hyung...No. I had something to ask you?" Namjoon replied, rubbing his neck.


Jin cocked his head to the side and waited for the younger boy to continue, his heart racing with expectation.


"So...I know we just met and all and this seems sudden...but would you like to go on a date?" Namjoon questioned, cheeks blazing, staring up at Jin expectantly.


Jin didn't even try to hold back the wide smile that spread across his face. "I would absolutely love to." He replied, loving the smile that spread across Namjoon's face, dimples and all.


Feeling brave, Jin leaned closer and pecked Namjoon's cheek, making the younger blush deeper.


Jin laughed at how cute he was before intertwining their hands and swinging them back and forth. "So where you going to take me?"




Hello~~Just some namjin fluff because they're too cute!
Let me know what you guys think!
Thanks for reading! ~~~^.^~~~



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noodlehead #1
Chapter 1: Awww too cute!!!!
Chapter 1: Gotta love some Namjin fluff! <3
AioriV #3
Chapter 1: Gosh, this is so damn good... too cute... too adorable... too namjin material <3
rollingpie #4
Chapter 1: sequel pleaseu :'D gotta see how yoongi convince a sulking jimin :'D gotta see how the date with namjin went :'D gotta see how.... nevermind i just wanted to read more of your fanfic :'D
Chapter 1: ...and.... r u just genna stop here like for real???? I need to read more ofnajin as well as yoonmin! Dont leave me like this!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 1: Aww! This was so cute! I love NamJin fluff so much.
exomaniacc #7
Chapter 1: Namjin is cute of course and Yoonmin is also a good touch. Yoongi was like "shut the up." And ", you" but when jimin called "im sorry i ll be there in five" so cute (sorry im such a trash)
kkktmr #8
Chapter 1: I'm squealiiing~
Chapter 1: NamJin are so cute istg
Love it ♡♡♡